
import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Storage
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
function Update-PfaVvolVmVolumeGroup {
      Updates the volume group on a FlashArray for a VVol-based VM.
      Takes in a VM and a FlashArray connection. A volume group will be created if it does not exist, if it does, the name will be updated if inaccurate. Any volumes for the given VM will be put into that group.
      FlashArray connection, a virtual machine.
      Returns the FlashArray volume names of the input VM.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ Update-PfaVvolVmVolumeGroup -vm (get-vm myVM)
      Updated the volume group for a virtual machine on the default FlashArray
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ Update-PfaVvolVmVolumeGroup -datastore (get-datastore myvVolDS)
      Updated all of the volume groups on a given vVol datastore
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ Update-PfaVvolVmVolumeGroup -vm (get-cluster myCluster | get-vm)
      Updated all of the volume groups for the Pure Storage vVol VMs in the specified cluster
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


              if ($_.Type -ne 'VVOL')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a vVol datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a vVol datastore"
              elseif ($_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") 
                throw "This is not a Pure Storage vVol datastore"
              else {


    $volumeFinalNames = @()
    if ($null -ne $datastore)
        if ($null -eq $flasharray)
            $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
            $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
        $vms = $datastore |get-vm
    elseif ($null -ne $vm) {
        $vms = $vm
    foreach ($vm in $vms)
        $vmDatastores = $vm |Get-Datastore
        foreach ($vmDatastore in $vmDatastores)
            if ($vmDatastore.Type -ne "VVOL")
                if ($null -eq $flasharray)
                    $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $vmDatastore -ErrorAction Stop
                    $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $vmDatastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
                $vmId = $vm.ExtensionData.Config.InstanceUuid   
                $customVgroupName = $false
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($volumeGroupName))
                  $volumeGroupName = $vm.Name
                else {
                  $customVgroupName = $true
                if ($volumeGroupName -notmatch "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$")
                    $volumeGroupName = $volumeGroupName -replace "[^\w\-]", ""
                    $volumeGroupName = $volumeGroupName -replace "[_]", ""
                    $volumeGroupName = $volumeGroupName -replace " ", ""
                if ($customVgroupName -eq $false)
                  $vGroupRand = '{0:X}' -f (get-random -Minimum 286331153 -max 4294967295)
                  $volumeGroupName = "vvol-$($volumeGroupName)-$($vGroupRand)-vg"
                $vVolInfos = $null
                $vVolInfos = Get-PfaVvolVol -vm $vm[0] -flasharray $fa
                if (($vVolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique).count -gt 1)
                    $vgroupsUnique = $vvolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique
                    Write-Warning -Message "Skipping the VM $($VM.name) as it is spread across more than one volume group: `r`n $($vgroupsUnique) "
                elseif (($vVolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique).count -eq 0) 
                  New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "vgroup/$($volumeGroupName)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction stop |Out-Null
                elseif (($vVolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique).count -eq 1) 
                  if ($volumeGroupName -ne ($vVolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique))
                    $vGroup = $vVolInfos.VolumeGroup |Select-Object -Unique
                    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "vgroup/$($vGroup)" -restOperationType PUT -jsonBody "{`"name`":`"$($volumeGroupName)`"}" -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck |Out-Null
                $vVolInfos = $null
                $vVolInfos = Get-PfaVvolVol -vm $vm[0]  -flasharray $fa
                foreach ($vVolInfo in $vVolInfos) 
                  if (($vVolInfo.VolumeGroup -ne $volumeGroupName) -and ($null -ne $vVolInfo.VolumeGroup))
                    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($vVolInfo.VolumeGroup)/$($vVolInfo.Volume)" -restOperationType PUT -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck -jsonBody "{`"container`":`"$($volumeGroupName)`"}" |Out-Null
                  elseif ($null -eq $vVolInfo.VolumeGroup) 
                    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($vVolInfo.Volume)" -restOperationType PUT -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck -jsonBody "{`"container`":`"$($volumeGroupName)`"}" |Out-Null
                $volumesAfterMove = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?tags=true&filter=value=`'$($vmId)`'" -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck).Name |Select-Object -Unique
                foreach ($volumeAfterMove in $volumesAfterMove) {
                  $volumeFinalNames += $volumeAfterMove
    return $volumeFinalNames
function Get-PfaVvolVol{
      Gets the vVol volumes of entered VM
      Takes in a virtual machine
      Virtual machine (get-vm)
      Returns the FA volume and volume group name(s)
      Version: 2.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 03/15/2022
      Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt
      PS C:\ $fa = New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolVol -vm (get-vm myVM) -flasharray $fa
      Returns the relevant vVol volumes on the array and their corresponding volume group
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    $arraySerial = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
    $datastore = $vm |Get-Datastore |Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'VVOL'} |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].uuid.Substring(16) -eq $arraySerial}
    if ($null -eq $datastore)
      throw "There are no volumes on this FlashArray $($flasharray.EndPoint) for entered VM $($vm.name)"
      $vmId = $vm.ExtensionData.Config.InstanceUuid   
      if ($flasharray.apiversion.split(".")[1] -gt 18)
        $vVolVolumes = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?tags=true&namespace=vasa-integration.purestorage.com&filter=value=`'$($vmId)`'" -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).Name |Select-Object -Unique
        $vVolVolumes = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?tags=true&filter=value=`'$($vmId)`'" -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).Name |Select-Object -Unique
      $vVolInfos = @() 
      foreach ($vVolVolume in $vVolVolumes) 
        $vVolInfo = New-Object -TypeName psobject 
        if (($vVolVolume.split("/")).count -gt 1)
          $vVolInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VolumeGroup -Value ($vVolVolume.split("/"))[0]
          $vVolInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Volume -Value ($vVolVolume.split("/"))[1]
        else {
          $vVolInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VolumeGroup -Value $null
          $vVolInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Volume -Value $vVolVolume
        $vVolInfos += $vVolInfo
    return $vVolInfos
function Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk {
      Gets the vVol UUID of a virtual disk
      Takes in a virtual disk object
      Virtual disk object (get-harddisk).
      Returns the vVol UUID.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ get-vm myVM | get-harddisk | Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk
      Pass in one or more vVol hard disks and return the corresponding vVol UUIDs
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

    Begin {
        $allUuids = @()
    Process {
        foreach ($vmdkDisk in $vmdk)
          if ($vmdkDisk.ExtensionData.Backing.backingObjectId -eq "")
              throw "This is not a vVol-based hard disk."
          if ((($vmdkDisk |Get-Datastore).ExtensionData.Info.vvolDS.storageArray.vendorId) -ne "PURE") {
              throw "This is not a Pure Storage FlashArray vVol disk"
          $allUuids += $vmdkDisk.ExtensionData.Backing.backingObjectId
    End {
        return $allUuids

function Get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid{
    Connects to vCenter and FlashArray to return the FA volume that is a vVol virtual disk.
    Takes in a vVol UUID to identify what volume it is on the FlashArray. If a vVol UUID is not specified it will ask you for a VM and then a VMDK and will find the UUID for you.
    FlashArray connection(s) and vVol UUID.
    Returns volume name.
    Version: 2.1
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/24/2019
    Purpose/Change: Updated for new connection mgmt
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -vvolUUID (get-vm myVM | get-harddisk | Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk)
    Pass in one vVol UUID and return the corresponding FlashArray volume name
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

  #Import PowerCLI. Requires PowerCLI version 6.3 or later. Will fail here if PowerCLI cannot be installed
  #Will try to install PowerCLI with PowerShellGet if PowerCLI is not present.


  Begin {
      $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
      if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $flasharray = getAllFlashArrays 
      foreach ($fa in $flasharray)
          $volumeTags = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?tags=true&filter=value=`'$($vvolUUID)`'" -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck
          $volumeName = $volumeTags |where-object {$_.key -eq "PURE_VVOL_ID"}
          if ($null -eq $volumeName)
            $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $null
          else {
            $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
      if ($null -ne $volumeName)
          return $volumeName.name
      else {
          throw "VVol not found on entered FlashArrays."
function Get-PfaSnapshotFromVvolVmdk {
      Returns all of the FlashArray snapshot names of a given hard disk
      Takes in a virtual disk object
      Virtual disk object (get-harddisk).
      Returns all specified snapshot names.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ get-vm myVM | get-harddisk | Get-PfaSnapshotFromVvolVmdk
      Pass in one vVol hard disk and return the corresponding FlashArray snapshot name(s)
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    $datastore = $vmdk |get-datastore
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    $vvolUuid = Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk -vmdk $vmdk
    $faVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $fa -vvolUUID $vvolUuid
    $volumeSnaps = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($faVolume)" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?snap=true" -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck
    return $volumeSnaps.Name
function Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToNewVvolVmdk {
      Takes an existing VVol-based virtual disk and creates a new VVol virtual disk from it.
      Takes in a hard disk and creates a copy of it to a certain VM.
      FlashArray connection information, a virtual machine, and a virtual disk.
      Returns the new hard disk.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ get-vm myVM | Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToNewVvolVmdk -vmdk (get-vm sourceVM |get-harddisk)
      Copy a vVol hard disk and present it as a new vVol hard disk a different VM
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    $datastore = $vmdk |get-datastore
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    $vvolUuid = Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk -vmdk $vmdk 
    $faVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $fa -vvolUUID $vvolUuid 
    $WarningPreference = "silentlyContinue"
    $newHardDisk = New-HardDisk -Datastore $datastore -CapacityGB $vmdk.CapacityGB -VM $targetVm -ErrorAction Stop
    $WarningPreference = "Continue"
    $newVvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromVmdk -vmdk $newHardDisk -ErrorAction Stop
    $newFaVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $fa -vvolUUID $newVvolUuid -ErrorAction Stop
    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($newFaVolume)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -jsonBody "{`"overwrite`":true,`"source`":`"$($faVolume)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    return $newHardDisk
function Copy-PfaSnapshotToExistingVvolVmdk {
      Takes an snapshot and creates a new VVol virtual disk from it.
      Takes in a hard disk and creates a copy of it to a certain VM.
      FlashArray connection information, a virtual machine, and a virtual disk.
      Returns the new hard disk.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $vm = get-vm testvm01
      PS C:\ Copy-PfaSnapshotToExistingVvolVmdk -vmdk ($vm |Get-HardDisk) -snapshotName "vvol-testvm01-F90FC8A6-vg/Data-1fe45e4a.1"
      Takes a snapshot and overwrites a vVol VMDK on the same array
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    $datastore = $vmdk |get-datastore
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    $vvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk -vmdk $vmdk 
    $faVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $fa -vvolUUID $vvolUuid
    $snapshotSize = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($snapshotName)" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?snap=true&space=true" -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck
    if ($vmdk.ExtensionData.capacityinBytes -ne $snapshotSize.size)
      if ($vmdk.ExtensionData.capacityinBytes -lt $snapshotSize.size) 
        $vmdk = Set-HardDisk -HardDisk $vmdk -CapacityKB ($snapshotSize.size / 1024) -Confirm:$false 
          throw "The target vVol hard disk is larger than the snapshot size and VMware does not allow hard disk shrinking."
    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($faVolume)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -jsonBody "{`"overwrite`":true,`"source`":`"$($snapshotName)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    return ($datastore |Get-HardDisk |Where-Object {$_.FileName -eq $vmdk.Filename})
function Copy-PfaSnapshotToNewVvolVmdk {
      Takes a snapshot and creates a new vVol virtual disk from it.
      Takes a snapshot and creates a new vVol virtual disk from it.
      FlashArray connection information, a datastore, target VM, and a source snapshot
      Returns the hard disk.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $vm = get-vm testvm01
      PS C:\ Copy-PfaSnapshotToNewVvolVmdk -targetVM $vm -snapshotName "vvol-testvm01-F90FC8A6-vg/Data-1fe45e4a.1"
      Takes a snapshot and overwrites a vVol VMDK on the same array
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




              if ($_.Type -ne 'VVOL')
                  throw "The entered datastore is not a vVol datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a vVol datastore"
              elseif ($_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") 
                throw "This is not a Pure Storage vVol datastore"
              else {
    if (($null -eq $flasharray) -and ($null -ne $datastore))
        $flasharray = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
    elseif (($null -eq $flasharray) -and ($null -eq $datastore))
        try {
          $flasharray = checkDefaultFlashArray
        catch {
          throw "You must either pass in a FlashArray, a vVol datastore, or configure a default FlashArray connection."
        $arrayID = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
        $datastore = $targetVm| Get-VMHost | Get-Datastore |where-object {$_.Type -eq "VVOL"} |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.info.vvolDS.storageArray[0].uuid.substring(16) -eq $arrayID} |Select-Object -First 1
    elseif (($null -ne $flasharray) -and ($null -eq $datastore))
      $arrayID = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
      $datastore = $targetVm| Get-VMHost | Get-Datastore |where-object {$_.Type -eq "VVOL"} |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.info.vvolDS.storageArray[0].uuid.substring(16) -eq $arrayID} |Select-Object -First 1
    $snapshotSize = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($snapshotName)" -restOperationType GET -queryFilter "?snap=true&space=true" -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck
    $WarningPreference = "silentlyContinue"
    $newHardDisk = New-HardDisk -Datastore $datastore -CapacityKB ($snapshotSize.size / 1024 ) -VM $targetVm 
    $WarningPreference = "Continue"
    $newVvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk -vmdk $newHardDisk 
    $newFaVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $flasharray -vvolUUID $newVvolUuid 
    New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($newFaVolume)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $flasharray -jsonBody "{`"overwrite`":true,`"source`":`"$($snapshotName)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    return $newHardDisk      
function Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk {
      Takes an virtual disk and refreshes an existing VVol virtual disk from it.
      Takes an virtual disk and refreshes an existing VVol virtual disk from it.
      FlashArray connection information, a source and target virtual disk.
      Returns the new hard disk.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $disks = get-vm myVM | get-harddisk
      PS C:\ Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk -sourceVmdk $disks[0] -targetVmdk $disks[1]
      Refreshes one disk of a VM to another disk of that VM.
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $disksProd = get-vm prodVM | get-harddisk
      PS C:\ $disksDev = get-vm devVM | get-harddisk
      PS C:\ Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk -sourceVmdk $disksProd[1] -targetVmdk $disksDev[1]
      Refreshes the 2nd hard disk of a VM with the 2nd harddisk of a source VM
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



    $sourceDatastore = $sourceVmdk | Get-Datastore 
    $targetDatastore = $targetVmdk | Get-Datastore
    if ($targetDatastore.type -ne "VVOL")
        throw "The target VMDK is not a VVol-based virtual disk."
    if ($sourceDatastore.type -ne "VVOL")
       throw "The source VMDK is not a VVol-based virtual disk."
    if ($targetDatastore.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") {
      throw "The target VMDK is not on a Pure Storage VVol datastore"
    if ($sourceDatastore.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") {
      throw "The source VMDK is not on a Pure Storage VVol datastore"
    if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        $targetFlasharray = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $targetDatastore -ErrorAction Stop
        $targetFlasharray = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $targetDatastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($sourceDatastore.ExtensionData.info.vvolDS.storageArray[0].uuid -eq $targetDatastore.ExtensionData.info.vvolDS.storageArray[0].uuid)
        $vvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk -vmdk $sourceVmdk 
        $sourceFaVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $targetFlasharray -vvolUUID $vvolUuid 
        $vvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk -vmdk $targetVmdk 
        $targetFaVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $targetFlasharray -vvolUUID $vvolUuid
        if ($targetVmdk.CapacityKB -ne $sourceVmdk.CapacityKB)
          if ($targetVmdk.CapacityKB -lt $sourceVmdk.CapacityKB) 
            $targetVmdk = Set-HardDisk -HardDisk $targetVmdk -CapacityKB $sourceVmdk.CapacityKB -Confirm:$false 
          else {
            throw "The target VVol hard disk is larger than the snapshot size and VMware does not allow hard disk shrinking."
        New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume/$($targetFaVolume)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $targetFlasharray -jsonBody "{`"overwrite`":true,`"source`":`"$($sourceFaVolume)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
    else {
        throw "The source VVol VMDK and target VVol VMDK are not on the same array."
    return $targetVmdk
function New-PfaSnapshotOfVvolVmdk {
      Takes a vVol virtual disk and creates a FlashArray snapshot.
      Takes a vVol virtual disk and creates a snapshot of it.
      FlashArray connection information and a virtual disk.
      Returns the snapshot name.
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $disks = get-vm prodVM | get-harddisk
      PS C:\ New-PfaSnapshotOfVvolVmdk -vmdk $disks[0]
      Create a new FlashArray snapshot of a vVol virtual disk.
      PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m20-2 -credentials (get-credential) -defaultArray
      PS C:\ $disks = get-vm prodVM | get-harddisk
      PS C:\ New-PfaSnapshotOfVvolVmdk -vmdk $disks[0] -suffix newSnap
      Create a new FlashArray snapshot of a vVol virtual disk with a specified suffix.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



              if (($_ -match "^[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]$") -and ($_.length -lt 64))
              else {
                throw "Snapshot name must be between 1 and 63 characters (alphanumeric, _ and -) in length and begin and end with a letter or number. The name must include at least one letter, _, or -"
    Begin {
        $allSnaps = @()
    Process {
      foreach ($vmdkDisk in $vmdk)
          $datastore = $vmdkDisk |get-datastore
          if ($null -eq $flasharray)
              $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
              $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharrays $flasharray -ErrorAction Stop
          $vvolUuid = get-vvolUuidFromHardDisk -vmdk $vmdkDisk -ErrorAction Stop
          $faVolume = get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -flasharray $fa -vvolUUID $vvolUuid -ErrorAction Stop
          if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($suffix))
            $snapshot = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -jsonBody "{`"snap`":true,`"source`":[`"$($faVolume)`"],`"suffix`":`"$($suffix)`"}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop
          else {
            $snapshot = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "volume" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -jsonBody "{`"snap`":true,`"source`":[`"$($faVolume)`"]}" -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop
          $allSnaps += $snapshot
          $Global:CurrentFlashArray = $fa
    End {
        return $allSnaps.name
function Get-VmdkFromWindowsDisk {
      Returns the VM disk object that corresponds to a given Windows file system
      Takes in a drive letter and a VM object and returns a matching VMDK object. Requires Windows 2012 R2 and later and VMware tools.
      VM, Drive Letter
      Returns VMDK object
      Version: 2.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 08/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Core support
      PS C:\ $vm = get-vm myVM
      PS C:\ Get-VmdkFromWindowsDisk -vm $vm -driveLetter E
      Returns the virtual disk object that hosts the specified Windows drive
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $vm)
      $vmName = Read-Host "Please enter in the name of your VM" 
      $vm = get-vm -name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop 
    $guest = $vm |Get-VMGuest
    if ($guest.State -ne "running")
        throw "This VM does not have VM tools running"
    if ($guest.GuestFamily -ne "windowsGuest")
        throw "This is not a Windows VM--it is $($guest.OSFullName)"
    $advSetting = Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $vm -Name Disk.EnableUUID -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($advSetting.value -eq "FALSE")
        throw "The VM $($vm.name) has the advanced setting Disk.EnableUUID set to FALSE. This must be set to TRUE for this cmdlet to work."    
    if (($null -eq $driveLetter) -or ($driveLetter -eq ""))
      $driveLetter = Read-Host "Please enter in a drive letter" 
      if (($null -eq $driveLetter) -or ($driveLetter -eq ""))
          throw "No drive letter entered"
    $VMdiskSerialNumber = $vm |Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText "get-partition -driveletter $($driveLetter) | get-disk | ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation"  -WarningAction silentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop |ConvertFrom-Csv
    if (![bool]($VMDiskSerialNumber.PSobject.Properties.name -match "serialnumber"))
        throw ($VMdiskSerialNumber |Out-String) 
    $vmDisk = $vm | Get-HardDisk |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.backing.uuid.replace("-","") -eq $VMdiskSerialNumber.SerialNumber}
  if ($null -ne $vmDisk)
      return $vmDisk
  else {
      throw "Could not match the VM disk to a VMware virtual disk"
function New-PfaVasaProvider {
    Registers FlashArray VASA Providers with a vCenter.
    Registers VASA Providers of one or more FlashArrays with a vCenter.
    FlashArray connection(s) and credentials.
    Returns the VASA Providers
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ new-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:AllFlashArrays[0] -credentials (get-credential)
    Connects to a FlashArray and then registers both of its VASA providers with a vCenter while passing in VASA credentials non-interactively.
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-x70-2.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ New-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:AllFlashArrays -credentials (get-credential)
    Connects to two FlashArrays and then registers both VASA providers for each FlashArray with a vCenter while passing in VASA credentials non-interactively.
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ New-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:AllFlashArrays[0]
    Connects to a FlashArray and then registers both of its VASA providers with a vCenter. VASA credentials will be asked for interactively.
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/23/2019
    Purpose/Change: Parameter sets
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



  if ($null -eq $flasharray)
      if ($allFlashArrays -ne $True)
          $fa = $Global:DefaultFlashArray
      elseif ($allFlashArrays -eq $True) 
          $fa = getAllFlashArrays
  else {
      $fa = $flasharray
  if ($null -eq $fa)
      throw "No FlashArray connections found. Please authenticate one or more FlashArrays."
  $vasaProviders = @()
  foreach ($faConnection in $fa) 
      $mgmtIPs = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType network -restOperationType GET -flasharray $faConnection -SkipCertificateCheck |Where-Object {$_.name -like "*eth0"} 
      $arrayname = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $faConnection -SkipCertificateCheck
      $ctnum = 0
      foreach ($mgmtIP in $mgmtIPs)
          $vasaRegistered = $false
                $vasaProviders += New-VasaProvider -Name ("$($arrayname.array_name)-CT$($ctnum)") -Credential $credentials -Url ("https://$($mgmtIP.address):8084") -force -ErrorAction Stop
                $vasaRegistered = $True
                if ($_.Exception -like "*credentials for the VASA*are incorrect*")
                  Write-Error -Message "The provided credentials for the VASA providers on $($arrayname.array_name) are incorrect. Please provide correct ones."
                  $credentials = $Host.ui.PromptForCredential("Error: Incorrect FlashArray VASA Credentials", "Please enter your $($arrayname.array_name) VASA username and password.", "","")
                  if ($null -eq $credentials)
                      throw "Array registration canceled."
                elseif ($_.Exception -like "*The VASA provider at URL*is already registered*") 
                  Write-Warning -Message "The VASA provider for $($arrayname.array_name) controller $($ctnum) is already registered on this vCenter."
                  $vasaRegistered = $True
                  throw $_.Exception
          while ($vasaRegistered -ne $true)
  return $vasaProviders
function Get-PfaVasaProvider {
    Returns the active VASA Provider for a given FlashArray from a vCenter or all Pure Storage active VASA Providers.
    Returns the active VASA Provider for a given FlashArray from a vCenter or all Pure Storage active VASA Providers.
    FlashArray connection
    Returns the Pure Storage VASA Provider(s)
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -DefaultArray
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:DefaultFlashArray
    Connect to a FlashArray and return the current active VASA Provider for that FlashArray.
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVasaProvider
    Returns all active VASA Providers.
    Version: 2.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 08/26/2020
    Purpose/Change: Core support
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

      if ($null -eq $flasharray)
        return (Get-VasaProvider |Where-Object {$_.Namespace -eq "com.purestorage"})
      $faID = "com.purestorage:" + (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
      try {
        $vp = (Get-VasaStorageArray -Id $faid -ErrorAction Stop).provider
        return $vp
      catch {
        throw "No registered VASA provider found for this array."
function Remove-PfaVasaProvider {
    Removes a FlashArrays VASA Providers from a vCenter.
    Removes both VASA Providers from a vCenter for a specified FlashArray.
    FlashArray connection(s) and credentials.
    Returns the VASA Providers
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ Remove-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:AllFlashArrays[0]
    Connect to FlashArray and then remove all VASA providers for that FlashArray from vCenter and interactively confirm their removal.
    PS C:\ New-PfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-420-1.purecloud.com -credentials (get-credential) -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ Remove-PfaVasaProvider -flasharray $Global:AllFlashArrays[0] -Confirm:$false
    Connect to FlashArray and then remove all VASA providers for a given FlashArray without additional confirmation prompts.
    Version: 2.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 08/26/2020
    Purpose/Change: Core support
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

      $moreProviders = $true
      $vasaProvider = $null
      while ($moreProviders -eq $true)
          if ($null -eq $vasaProvider)
            $vasaProvider = $flasharray | get-PfaVasaProvider -ErrorAction Stop
          if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($vasaProvider).name,"Unregister FlashArray VASA Provider")) 
            Remove-VasaProvider -Provider $vasaProvider -Confirm:$false
          $vasaProvider = $null
          $vasaProvider = $flasharray | get-PfaVasaProvider -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
          if ($null -eq $vasaProvider)
            $moreProviders = $false
function Mount-PfaVvolDatastore {
    Mounts a FlashArray VVol Datastore to a host or cluster
    Mounts a FlashArray VVol Datastore to a host or cluster, connects a PE to the cluster if not present.
    FlashArray connection, name, a VVol datastore, a VASA array, and/or a cluster.
    Returns the datastore
    PS C:\ $datastore = get-datastore m50-VVolDs
    PS C:\ $flasharray = new-pfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m50-1 -credentials $creds -ignoreCertificateError -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ Mount-PfaVvolDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharray $flasharray -cluster (get-cluster MyCluster)
    Connects a protocol endpoint to a cluster and then mounts the specified existing VVol datastore to that cluster.
    PS C:\ $flasharray = new-pfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m50-1 -credentials $creds -ignoreCertificateError -nonDefaultArray
    PS C:\ Mount-PfaVvolDatastore -datastore $datastore -flasharray $flasharray -cluster (get-cluster MyCluster) -datastoreName m50-VVolDs
    Mounts the default VVol datastore of the specifed FlashArray to the cluster.
    PS C:\ $vasaArray = get-vasaStorageArray m50-1-pure
    PS C:\ Mount-PfaVvolDatastore -vasaArray $vasaArray -cluster (get-cluster MyCluster)
    Mounts the default VVol datastore of the specifed FlashArray to the cluster.
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/23/2019
    Purpose/Change: Parameter sets
  This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
  scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
  this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
  use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
  will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



            if ($_.Type -ne 'VVOL')
                throw "The entered datastore is not a vVol datastore. It is type $($_.Type). Please only enter a vVol datastore"
            elseif ($_.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].VendorId -ne "PURE") 
              throw "This is not a Pure Storage vVol datastore"
            else {



            if ($_.VendorId -ne "PURE")
                throw "The passed in VASA array is not a Pure Storage array."
            else {
      if ($null -ne $datastore) 
        $arrayID = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.StorageArray[0].Uuid
        $scId = $datastore.ExtensionData.Info.VvolDS.ScId
        $needToCalculateScID = $false
        $datastoreName = $datastore.Name
      elseif ($null -ne $flasharray) 
        $arrayID = "com.purestorage:" + (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
        $needToCalculateScID = $True
      elseif ($null -ne $vasaArray) 
        $needToCalculateScID = $True
        $arrayID = $vasaArray.id
        $fas = getAllFlashArrays
        foreach ($faTest in $fas) {
          $pfaID = "com.purestorage:" + (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $faTest -SkipCertificateCheck).id
          if ($arrayID -eq $pfaID)
            $flasharray = $faTest
      if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($arrayID))
        $flasharray = checkDefaultFlashArray
        $arrayID = "com.purestorage:" + (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).id
        $needToCalculateScID = $True
      $esxiHosts = $cluster |Get-VMHost
      #find array OUI
      $arrayOui = $arrayID.substring(16,36)
      $arrayOui = $arrayOui.replace("-","")
      $arrayOui = $arrayOui.Substring(0,16)
      if ($needToCalculateScID -eq $True)
          $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
          $utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding
          $hash = $md5.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($arrayID.substring(16,36)))
          $hash2 = $md5.ComputeHash(($hash))
          $hash2[6] = $hash2[6] -band 0x0f
          $hash2[6] = $hash2[6] -bor 0x30
          $hash2[8] = $hash2[8] -band 0x3f
          $hash2[8] = $hash2[8] -bor 0x80
          $newGUID = (new-object -TypeName System.Guid -ArgumentList (,$hash2)).Guid
          $fixedGUID = $newGUID.Substring(18)
          $scId = $newGUID.Substring(6,2) + $newGUID.Substring(4,2) + $newGUID.Substring(2,2) + $newGUID.Substring(0,2) + "-" + $newGUID.Substring(11,2) + $newGUID.Substring(9,2) + "-" + $newGUID.Substring(16,2) + $newGUID.Substring(14,2) + $fixedGUID
          $scId = $scId.Replace("-","")
          $scId = "vvol:" + $scId.Insert(16,"-")
        Write-Debug $scId
      if ("" -eq $datastoreName)
        $datastoreExists = get-datastore |Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "VVol"} |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Info.VVolds.Scid -eq $scId}
        if ($null -eq $datastoreExists)
          $datastoreName = (New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType array -restOperationType GET -flasharray $flasharray -SkipCertificateCheck).array_name + "-vvol-DS"
        else {
          $datastoreName = $datastoreExists.Name
          if ($null -eq $datastore)
              $datastore = $datastoreExists
      foreach ($esxi in $esxiHosts)
        $foundPE = $false
        $esxcli = $esxi |Get-EsxCli -v2
        $hostProtocolEndpoint = $esxcli.storage.core.device.list.invoke() |where-object {$_.IsVVOLPE -eq $true}
        Write-Debug $hostProtocolEndpoint
        foreach ($hostPE in $hostProtocolEndpoint)
          $peID = $hostPE.Device.Substring(12,24)
          $peID = $peID.Substring(0,16)
          if ($peID -eq $arrayOui)
            $foundPE = $True
        if ($foundPE -eq $false)
          if ($null -eq $fa)
            if ($null -ne $flasharray)
                $fa = $flasharray
                try {
                  if ($null -ne $datastore)
                    $fa = get-PfaConnectionOfDatastore -datastore $datastore -ErrorAction Stop
                  if ($_.Exception -like "*Please either pass in one or more FlashArray connections*")
                      throw "No protocol endpoints found on the host $($esxi.name) for this array. Attempt to provision a PE failed as no valid PowerShell connections found for the array. Please either provision the protocol endpoint or connect the array with new-pfaconnection."
                if ($null -ne $vasaArray)
                  throw "No PE found, so it needs to be created and connected. This required an authenticated FlashArray and none was found for passed in VASA array. Use new-pfaconnection to connect the appropriate FlashArray."
          $hGroup = get-pfaHostGroupfromVcCluster -cluster $cluster -flasharray $fa -ErrorAction Stop
          $allPEs = New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType volume?protocol_endpoint=true -restOperationType GET -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop
          if (($null -eq $protocolEndpoint) -or ($protocolEndpoint -eq ""))
            $protocolEndpoint = "vVol-Protocol-Endpoint"
          $pe = $allPEs |Where-Object {$_.name -eq $protocolEndpoint}
          if ($null -eq $pe)
            $pe =  New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType volume/$($protocolEndpoint)?protocol_endpoint=true -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck
            New-PfaRestOperation -resourceType "hgroup/$($hGroup.name)/volume/$($pe.name)" -restOperationType POST -flasharray $fa -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
            if ($_.Exception -notlike "*Connection already exists.*")
                throw $_.Exception
          foreach ($esxiRescan in $esxiHosts)
              $hbas = $esxiRescan |get-pfaHostFromVmHost -flasharray $fa
              if ($hbas.iqn.count -ge 1)
                $hbaType = "iSCSI"
              elseif ($hbas.wwn.count -ge 1) 
                $hbaType = "FibreChannel"
              $esxiHost = $esxiRescan.ExtensionData
              $storageSystem = Get-View -Id $esxiHost.ConfigManager.StorageSystem
              $hbas = ($esxiRescan |Get-VMHostHba |where-object {$_.Type -eq $hbaType}).device
              foreach ($hba in $hbas) 
          $hostProtocolEndpoint = $esxcli.storage.core.device.list.invoke() |where-object {$_.IsVVOLPE -eq $true}
          $foundPE = $false
          foreach ($hostPE in $hostProtocolEndpoint)
            $peID = $hostPE.Device.Substring(12,24)
            $peID = $peID.Substring(0,16)
            if ($peID -eq $arrayOui)
              $foundPE = $True
          if ($foundPE -eq $false)
              throw "The protocol endpoint is not visible to the host. Please ensure SAN access to the array."
        $datastoreSystem = Get-View -Id $esxi.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem
        $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreSystemVvolDatastoreSpec
        $spec.Name = $datastoreName
        $spec.ScId = $scId
        $foundDatastore = $esxi |get-datastore |Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "VVol"} |Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Info.VVolds.Scid -eq $scId}
        if ($null -eq $foundDatastore)
          $datastore = Get-Datastore -Id ($datastoreSystem.CreateVvolDatastore($spec))
        else {
          $datastore = $foundDatastore
        $foundDatastore = $null
      return $datastore
function Get-PfaVvolStorageArray {
    Returns all or specified FlashArray storage array VASA objects
    Returns all or replication-based FlashArray storage array VASA objects
    Nothing, FlashArray connection, FlashArray name, or FlashArray serial number.
    VASA Storage Array(s)
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
    Creation Date: 12/31/2020
    Purpose/Change: Function creation
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStorageArray
    Returns all Pure Storage FlashArray storage array VASA objects
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStorageArray -ArraySerial 7e914d96-c90a-31e0-a495-75e8b3c300cc
    Returns the FlashArray storage array VASA object for the specified array serial number.
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStorageArray -ArrayName flasharray-m50-1
    Returns the FlashArray storage array VASA object for the specified array name.
    PS C:\ $fa = new-pfaConnection -endpoint flasharray-m50-1 -ignoreCertificateError -DefaultArray
    PS C:\ Get-PfaVvolStorageArray -FlashArray $fa
    Returns the FlashArray storage array VASA object for the specified FlashArray connection.
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

      $pureArray = Get-VasaStorageArray |Where-Object {$_.VendorID -eq "PURE"}
      if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arrayName))
        $pureArray = $pureArray |Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $arrayName}
      elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($arraySerial))
        $pureArray = $pureArray  | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq "com.purestorage:$($arraySerial)"} 
        if ($null -eq $pureArray)
          throw "Could not find a storage array for specified serial number: $($arraySerial). Make sure its VASA providers are registered on the correct vCenter."
      elseif ($null -ne $flasharray) 
        $arraySerial = (Get-PfaArrayAttributes -array $flasharray).id
        $pureArray = $pureArray  | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq "com.purestorage:$($arraySerial)"} 
        if ($null -eq $pureArray)
          throw "Could not find a storage array for specified FlashArray with serial number: $($arraySerial). Make sure its VASA providers are registered on the correct vCenter."
      return $pureArray
function checkDefaultFlashArray{
    if ($null -eq $Global:DefaultFlashArray)
        throw "You must pass in a FlashArray connection or create a default FlashArray connection with new-Pfaconnection"
        return $Global:DefaultFlashArray
function getAllFlashArrays {
  if ($null -ne $Global:AllFlashArrays)
      return $Global:AllFlashArrays
      throw "Please either pass in one or more FlashArray connections or create connections via the new-PfaConnection cmdlet."
New-Alias -Name update-faVvolVmVolumeGroup -Value Update-PfaVvolVmVolumeGroup
New-Alias -Name get-faSnapshotsFromVvolHardDisk -Value Get-PfaSnapshotFromVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name Get-PfaSnapshotsFromVvolHardDisk -Value Get-PfaSnapshotFromVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name copy-faVvolVmdkToNewVvolVmdk -Value Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToNewVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name copy-faSnapshotToExistingVvolVmdk -Value Copy-PfaSnapshotToExistingVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name copy-faSnapshotToNewVvolVmdk -Value Copy-PfaSnapshotToNewVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name copy-faVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk -Value Copy-PfaVvolVmdkToExistingVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name new-faSnapshotOfVvolVmdk -Value New-PfaSnapshotOfVvolVmdk
New-Alias -Name get-faVolumeNameFromVvolUuid -Value Get-PfaVolumeNameFromVvolUuid
New-Alias -Name Get-VvolUuidFromHardDisk -Value Get-VvolUuidFromVmdk