
function New-PureOneCertificate {
      Creates a new certificate for use in authentication with Pure1.
      Creates a properly formatted RSA 256 certificate
      Certificate store (optional)
      Returns the certificate
      PS C:\ New-PureOneCertificate
      Creates a properly formatted self-signed certificate for Pure1 authentication. Defaults to certificate store of cert:\currentuser\my
      PS C:\ New-PureOneCertificate -certificateStore cert:\localmachine\my
      Creates a properly formatted self-signed certificate for Pure1 authentication. Uses the specifed certificate store. Non-default stores usually require running as administrator.
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/08/2019
      Purpose/Change: Added 2012 r2 support
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

            [String]$certificateStore = "cert:\currentuser\my"
    if (([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version).Major -eq 6)
        #For Windows 2012 support--less specific but the default certificate still works.
        $CertObj = New-SelfSignedCertificate -certstorelocation $certificateStore -DnsName PureOneCert
        $policies = [System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies]::AllowPlaintextExport,[System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies]::AllowExport
        $CertObj = New-SelfSignedCertificate -certstorelocation $certificateStore -HashAlgorithm "SHA256" -KeyLength 2048 -KeyAlgorithm RSA -KeyUsage DigitalSignature  -KeyExportPolicy $policies -Subject "PureOneCert" -ErrorAction Stop   
    return $CertObj
function Get-PureOnePublicKey {
      Retrives and formats a PEM based Public Key from a Windows-based certificate
      Pulls out the public key and formats it in INT 64 PEM encoding for use in Pure1
      Returns the PEM based public key
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ $cert | Get-PureOnePublicKey
      Returns the PEM formatted Public Key of the certificate passed in via piping so that it can be entered in Pure1.
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ Get-PureOnePublicKey -certificate $cert
      Returns the PEM formatted Public Key of the certificate passed in so that it can be entered in Pure1.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/02/2019
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.

    $certRaw = ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String($certificate.PublicKey.EncodedKeyValue.RawData)).tostring()
    return ("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----`n" + "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A" + $certRaw + "`n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
function New-PureOneJwt {
      Takes in a Pure1 Application ID and certificate to create a JSON Web Token.
      Takes in a Pure1 Application ID and certificate to create a JSON Web Token that is valid for by default 30 days, but is extended if a custom expiration is passed in. Can also take in a private key in lieu of the full cert. Will reject if the private key is not properly formatted.
      Pure1 Application ID, an expiration, and a certificate or a private key.
      Returns the JSON Web Token as a string.
        PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
        PS C:\ New-PureOneJwt -certificate $cert -pureAppID pure1:apikey:v4u3ZXXXXXXXXC6o
        Returns a JSON Web Token that can be used to create a Pure1 REST session. A JWT generated with no specificed expiration is valid for 30 days.
        PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
        PS C:\ New-PureOneJwt -certificate $cert -pureAppID pure1:apikey:v4u3ZXXXXXXXXC6o -expiration ((get-date).addDays(2))
        Returns a JSON Web Token that can be used to create a Pure1 REST session. An expiration was set for two days for now, so this JWT will be valid to create new REST sessions for 48 hours.
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 12/02/2019
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




    if (($null -eq $privateKey) -and ($null -eq $certificate))
        throw "You must pass in a x509 certificate or a RSA Private Key"
    #checking for certificate accuracy
    if ($null -ne $certificate)
        if ($certificate.HasPrivateKey -ne $true)
            throw "There is no private key associated with this certificate. Please regenerate certificate with a private key."
        if ($null -ne $certificate.PrivateKey)
            $privateKey = $certificate.PrivateKey
        else {
            try {
                $privateKey = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::GetRSAPrivateKey($certificate)
            catch {
                throw "Could not obtain the private key from the certificate. Please re-run this cmdlet from a PowerShell session started with administrative rights or ensure you have Read Only or higher rights to the certificate."
    #checking for correct private key type. Must be SHA-256, 2048 bit.
    if ($null -ne $privateKey)
        if ($privateKey.KeySize -ne 2048)
            throw "The key must be 2048 bit. It is currently $($privateKey.KeySize)"
        if ($privateKey.SignatureAlgorithm -ne "RSA")
            throw "This key is not an RSA-based key."
    $pureHeader = '{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"}'
    $curTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
    $curTime = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date($curTime) -UFormat "%s"))
    if ($null -eq $expiration)
        $expTime = $curTime  + 2592000
    else {
        $expTime = $expiration.ToUniversalTime()
        $expTime = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date($expTime) -UFormat "%s"))
    $payloadJson = '{"iss":"' + $pureAppID + '","iat":' + $curTime + ',"exp":' + $expTime + '}'
    $encodedHeader = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($pureHeader)) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
    $encodedPayload = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($payloadJson)) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
    $toSign = $encodedHeader + '.' + $encodedPayload
    $toSignEncoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($toSign)
    $signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($privateKey.SignData($toSignEncoded,[Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256,[Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1)) -replace '\+','-' -replace '/','_' -replace '='
    $jwt = $toSign + '.' + $signature 
    return $jwt
function New-PureOneRestConnection {
      Takes in a Pure1 Application ID and certificate to create a 10 hour access token.
      Takes in a Pure1 Application ID and certificate to create a 10 hour access token. Can also take in a private key in lieu of the full cert. Will reject if the private key is not properly formatted.
      Pure1 Application ID, a certificate or a private key.
      Does not return anything--it stores the Pure1 REST access token in a global variable called $global:pureOneRestHeader. Valid for 10 hours.
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ $cert | New-PureOneRestConnection -pureAppID pure1:apikey:PZogg67LcjImYTiI
      Create a Pure1 REST connection using a passed in certificate and the specified Pure1 App ID
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ $privateKey = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::GetRSAPrivateKey($cert)
      PS C:\ $privateKey | New-PureOneRestConnection -pureAppID pure1:apikey:PZogg67LcjImYTiI
      Create a Pure1 REST connection using a passed in private key and the specified Pure1 App ID
      Version: 1.2
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets/examples
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


    if ($null -eq $certificate)
        $jwt = New-PureOneJwt -privateKey $privateKey -pureAppID $pureAppID -expiration ((Get-Date).AddSeconds(60))
    else {
        $jwt = New-PureOneJwt -certificate $certificate -pureAppID $pureAppID -expiration ((Get-Date).AddSeconds(60)) 
    $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/oauth2/1.0/token"
    $AuthAction = @{
        grant_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange"
        subject_token = $jwt
        subject_token_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
    $pureOnetoken = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $AuthAction
    $Global:pureOneRestHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($pureOnetoken.access_token)"} 
function Get-PureOneArray {
      Returns all Pure Storage arrays listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage arrays listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are array type, array name, and Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArray
      Returns all arrays in Pure1 organization
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArray -arrayProduct FlashBlade
      Returns all FlashBlades in Pure1 organization
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArray -arrayId ef9d6965-7e16-4d46-9425-d2fea48a8fe5
      Returns array with specified ID
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArray -arrayName sn1-m20r2-c05-36
      Returns array with specified name
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



        if ($arrayProduct -ne "")
            switch ($arrayProduct) {
                "FlashArray" {$arrayProduct = 'Purity//FA'; break}
                "FlashBlade" {$arrayProduct = 'Purity//FB'; break}
        if ($arrayName -ne "")
            $restQuery = "?names=`'$($arrayName)`'"
        if ($arrayProduct -ne "")
            $restQuery = "?filter=os=`'$($arrayProduct)`'"
        if ($arrayId -ne "")
            $restQuery = "?ids=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/arrays" + $restQuery
        $pureArrays = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader     
        return $pureArrays.items
function New-PureOneRestOperation {
      Allows you to run a Pure1 REST operation that has not yet been built into this module.
      Runs a REST operation to Pure1
      A filter/query, an resource, a REST body, and optionally an access token.
      Returns Pure1 REST response.
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ $cert | New-PureOneRestConnection -pureAppID pure1:apikey:PZogg67LcjImYTiI
      PS C:\ New-PureOneRestOperation -resourceType volumes -restOperationType GET
      Create a Pure1 REST connection and requests all volumes
      PS C:\ $cert = New-PureOneCertificate
      PS C:\ $cert | New-PureOneRestConnection -pureAppID pure1:apikey:PZogg67LcjImYTiI
      PS C:\ New-PureOneRestOperation -resourceType arrays -restOperationType GET
      Create a Pure1 REST connection and requests all arrays
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Added continuation token support
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.





      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/" + $resourceType + $queryFilter
        if ($jsonBody -ne "")
            $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $restOperationType -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader  -Body $jsonBody
            $pureObjects = $pureResponse.items
            $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $restOperationType -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader 
            $pureObjects = $pureResponse.items
            while ($null -ne $pureResponse.continuation_token) {
                $continuationToken = $pureResponse.continuation_token
                if ($queryFilter -eq "")
                    $apiendpoint = $apiendpoint + "?"
                $apiendpoint = $apiendpoint + "&continuation_token=`'$($continuationToken)`'"
                $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $restOperationType -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader
                $pureObjects += $pureResponse.items
        return $pureObjects
function Get-PureOneArrayTag {
      Gets a tag for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Gets a tag for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Array name(s) or ID(s) and optionally a tag key name and/or an access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array(s) key/value tag information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayTag
      Returns all tags
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner
      Returns all tags with the key of "owner"
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayTag -arrayNames flasharray-m50-2
      Returns all matching tags on array with specified name
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d
      Returns matching tags with key of "owner" on array with specified ID
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d,e8998e19-aa08-45db-8bd0-4ea9171277a3
      Returns matching tags with key of "owner" on the arrays with specified IDs
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($arrayNames.count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "resource_names="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayNames.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
        if ($arrayIds.Count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "resource_ids="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayIds.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
        if ($tagKey -ne "")
            $keyQuery = "?keys=`'$($tagKey)`'"
            if (($arrayNames.count -gt 0) -or ($arrayIds.count -gt 0))
                $keyQuery = $keyQuery + "&"
            $keyQuery = "?"
        write-host $apiendpoint
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/arrays/tags" + $keyQuery + $objectQuery
        $pureArrayTags = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader     
        return $pureArrayTags.items
function Set-PureOneArrayTag {
      Sets/updates a tag for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Sets/updates a tag for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Array name(s) or ID(s) and a tag key name/value and/or optionally an access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array(s) key/value tag information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Set-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -tagValue cody -arrayNames flasharray-m50-2
      Creates/updates tag on array with specified name
      PS C:\ Set-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -tagValue cody -arrayNames flasharray-m50-2,flasharray-m50-1
      Creates/updates tag on specified arrays
      PS C:\ Set-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d
      Creates/updates tag on array with specified ID
      PS C:\ Set-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d,e8998e19-aa08-45db-8bd0-4ea9171277a3
      Creates/updates tag on the arrays with specified IDs
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.





      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($arrayNames.count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "?resource_names="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayNames.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
        if ($arrayIds.Count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "?resource_ids="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayIds.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
        $newTag = @{
            key = ${tagKey}
            value = ${tagValue}
        $newTagJson = $newTag |ConvertTo-Json
        $newTagJson = "[" + $newTagJson + "]"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/arrays/tags/batch" + $objectQuery
        $pureArrayTags = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader -Body $newTagJson    
        return $pureArrayTags.items
function Remove-PureOneArrayTag {
      Removes one or more tags for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Removes one or more tags for a given array or arrays in Pure1
      Array name(s) or ID(s) and one or more tag key names and/or optionally an access token. If you do not enter a key name, all tags for the input arrays will be removed.
      Returns nothing.
      PS C:\ Remove-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayNames flasharray-m50-2
      Removes all matching tags on array with specified name
      PS C:\ Remove-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d
      Removes matching tags with key of "owner" on array with specified ID
      PS C:\ Remove-PureOneArrayTag -tagKey owner -arrayIds aad42743-611e-45ac-8b93-a869c4728a1d,e8998e19-aa08-45db-8bd0-4ea9171277a3
      Removes matching tags with key of "owner" on the arrays with specified IDs
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/26/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets/example added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($arrayNames.count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "?resource_names="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayNames.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayNames[$i])`'"
        if ($arrayIds.Count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = "?resource_ids="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $arrayIds.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($arrayIds[$i])`'"
        if ($tagKeys.Count -gt 0)
            $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "&keys="
            for ($i=0;$i -lt $tagKeys.count; $i++)
                if ($i-eq 0)
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + "`'$($tagKeys[$i])`'"
                else {
                    $objectQuery = $objectQuery + ",`'$($tagKeys[$i])`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/arrays/tags" + $objectQuery
        $pureArrayTags = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader   
        return $pureArrayTags
function Get-PureOneArrayNetworking {
      Returns the networking information for a given array in Pure1
      Returns the the networking information for a given array in Pure1
      Array name or ID and optionally access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array network information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayNetworking -arrayName sn1-m20-c08-17
      Returns the networking information for all network interfaces
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayNetworking -arrayName sn1-m20-c08-17 -virtualIP
      Returns the networking information for virtual IP interfaces
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayNetworking -arrayName sn1-m20-c08-17 -service iscsi
      Returns the networking information for iscsi interfaces
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/27/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




        if (($virtualIP -eq $true) -and (($service -ne "management") -and ($service -ne "") ))
            throw "Virtual IPs are only management-based services, so you cannot request virtual IPs with $($service) as the service"
          $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $restQuery = "?"
        if ($virtualIP -eq $true)
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'vir1`',`'vir0`'&"
        if ($arrayName -ne "")
            #URL encoding the square brackets as some network do not pass them properly
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
        if ($arrayId -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        if ($service -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode(" and services[any]")) + "=`'$($service)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/network-interfaces" + $restQuery
        $pureArrayNetwork = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader 
        if ($pureArrayNetwork.items.count -lt 1)
            throw "No networking information found. The specificied service: [$($service)] might not exist on this array or it might be misspelled"
        return $pureArrayNetwork.items
function Get-PureOneMetricDetail {
      Returns the available metrics in Pure1
      Returns the available metrics in Pure1 and their specifics
      Resource type or metric name and/or access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetricDetail
      Returns the details for all available metrics
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetricDetail -resourceType volumes
      Returns the details for all available volume-based metrics
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetricDetail -metricName pod_write_qos_rate_limit_time_us
      Returns the details for the metric named pod_write_qos_rate_limit_time_us
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/27/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.


      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $restQuery = "?"
        if ($resourceType -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_types=`'$($resourceType)`'&"
        if ($metricName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery +"names=`'$($metricName)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/metrics" + $restQuery
        $pureOneMetrics = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader 
        return $pureOneMetrics.items
function Get-PureOneMetric {
      Returns the metrics for a given array in Pure1
      Returns the metrics for a given array in Pure1, either an average or a maximum of a given time period. Default behavior is to return the average.
      Required: resource name or ID and metric name. Optional: timeframe, granularity, and aggregation type (if none entered defaults will be used based on metric entered). Also optionally an access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetric -metricName array_read_iops -objectName sn1-x70-c05-33
      Returns all data points available for the specified metric on the target object (in this case read IOPs for the array)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetric -metricName array_read_iops -objectName sn1-x70-c05-33 -maximum
      Returns all maximum data points (no average taken, the highest value instead is used) available for the specified metric on the target object (in this case read IOPs for the array)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetric -metricName array_read_iops -objectName sn1-x70-c05-33 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-10)
      Returns all data points for the last 10 days for the specified metric on the target object (in this case read IOPs for the array)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetric -metricName array_read_iops -objectName sn1-x70-c05-33 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-7) -endTime (get-date).AddDays(-6)
      Returns all data points for the the one day a week prior for the specified metric on the target object (in this case read IOPs for the array)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneMetric -metricName array_read_iops -objectName sn1-x70-c05-33 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-7) -endTime (get-date).AddDays(-6) -granularity 3600000 -maximum
      Returns the highest valued data point per hour (every 3,600,000 milliseconds) for the the one day a week prior for the specified metric on the target object (in this case read IOPs for the array)
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/27/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.








        if (($average -eq $false) -and ($maximum -eq $false)) 
            #defaulting to average if neither option is entered
            $average = $true
          $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        #get metric rules
        $metricDetails = Get-PureOneMetricDetail -metricName $metricName
        #set granularity if not set
        if ($granularity -eq 0)
            $granularity = $metricDetails.availabilities.resolution

        #set end time to start time minus retention for that stat (if not entered) and convert to epoch time
        if ($endTime -eq $null)
            $endTime = Get-Date
            $endTime = $endTime.ToUniversalTime()
        else {
            $endTime = $endTime.ToUniversalTime()
        [datetime]$epoch = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
        $endEpoch = (New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End $endTime).TotalMilliSeconds
        $endEpoch = [math]::Round($endEpoch)

        #set start time to current time (if not entered) and convert to epoch time
        if ($startTime -eq $null)
            $startTime = $epoch.AddMilliseconds($metricDetails._as_of - $metricDetails.availabilities.retention)
        else {
            $startTime = $startTime.ToUniversalTime()
        $startEpoch = (New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End $startTime).TotalMilliSeconds
        $startEpoch = [math]::Round($startEpoch)

        #building query
        if ($average -eq $true)
            $restQuery = "?aggregation='avg'&end_time=$($endEpoch)&names=`'$($metricName)`'&resolution=$($granularity)&start_time=$($startEpoch)&"
        else {
            $restQuery = "?aggregation='max'&end_time=$($endEpoch)&names=`'$($metricName)`'&resolution=$($granularity)&start_time=$($startEpoch)&"
        if ($objectName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_names=`'$($objectName)`'"
        else {
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "ids=`'$($objectId)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/metrics/history" + $restQuery
        $pureOneMetrics = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader 
        return $pureOneMetrics.items
function Get-PureOneVolume {
      Returns all Pure Storage volumes listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage volumes listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are array type, array name, and Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolume
      Get all volumes on all FlashArrays.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolume -arrayName sn1-x70-b05-33
      Get all volumes on specified FlashArray.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolume -volumeName myVolume-01
      Get all volumes with the specified name. If the same name exists on two more more arrays, all objects will be returned.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolume -volumeName myVolume-01 -arrayName sn1-x70-b05-33
      Get the volume with the specified name if it exists on that array.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolume -volumeSerial 1037B35FD0EF40A500C65559
      Get the volume with the specified serial number.
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/27/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($null -ne $global:pureOneRateLimit)
          if ($Global:pureOneRateLimit -in 1..1000)
            $restQuery = "?limit=$($global:pureOneRateLimit)&"
          else {
            throw "Pure1 Rate limit set to invalid amount. Must be between 1-1000. Currently set to $($global:pureOneRateLimit)"
        else {
          $restQuery = "?"
        if ($volumeName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'$($volumeName)`'"
            if (($arrayName -ne "") -or ($arrayId -ne ""))
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "&"
        elseif ($volumeSerial -ne "")
            $volumeSerial = $volumeSerial.ToUpper()
            $restQuery = $restQuery +"filter=serial=`'$($volumeSerial)`'"
            if ($arrayName -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode(" and arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
            if ($arrayId -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode(" and arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        if ($volumeSerial -eq "")
            if ($arrayName -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
            if ($arrayId -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"

        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/volumes" + $restQuery
        write-debug $apiendpoint
        $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader
        write-debug $pureResponse
        $pureVolumes = $pureResponse.items
        while ($null -ne $pureResponse.continuation_token) {
            $continuationToken = $pureResponse.continuation_token
            $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/volumes" + $restQuery + "&continuation_token=`'$($continuationToken)`'"
            write-debug $apiendpoint
            try {
              $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader -ErrorAction stop
              write-debug $pureResponse
              $pureVolumes += $pureResponse.items
            catch {
              if ($_.Exception -like "*The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout.*")
                Write-Warning -Message "The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout. Pausing briefly and re-trying."
                start-sleep 5
              elseif ((convertfrom-json -inputobject $_.ErrorDetails.Message).Message -eq "API org rate limit exceeded")
                Write-Warning -Message "Pure1 API rate limit exceeded. Sleeping briefly to reset counter."
                start-sleep 5
        return $pureVolumes
function Get-PureOnePod {
      Returns all Pure Storage pods listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage pods listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are pod name, array name or ID, and Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage pod information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOnePod
      Returns all pods on all FlashArrays
      PS C:\ Get-PureOnePod -arrayId 2dcf29ad-6aca-4913-b62e-a15875c6635f
      Returns all pods on FlashArray with specified ID
      PS C:\ Get-PureOnePod -podName newpod
      Returns all pods with the specified name
      PS C:\ Get-PureOnePod -podName newpod -arrayName sn1-m20-c12-25
      Returns the pod with the specified name on the specified FlashArray
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/27/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



        if (($null -eq $Global:pureOneRestHeader) -and ($pureOneToken -eq ""))
            throw "No access token found in the global variable or passed in. Run the cmdlet New-PureOneRestConnection to authenticate."
        if ($null -eq $Global:pureOneRestHeader)
            $pureOneHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($pureOnetoken)"}
        elseif (($null -ne $pureOneToken) -and ($pureOneToken -ne "")) {
            $pureOneHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($pureOnetoken)"}
        else {
            $pureOneHeader = $Global:pureOneRestHeader
        $restQuery = "?"
        if ($podName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'$($podName)`'"
            if (($arrayName -ne "") -or ($arrayId -ne ""))
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "&"
        if ($arrayName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
        if ($arrayId -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.0/pods" + $restQuery
        $purePods = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader     
        return $purePods.items
function Get-PureOneVolumeSnapshot {
      Returns all Pure Storage volume snapshots listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage volume snapshots listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are array type, array name, volume name, snapshot name or snapshot serial, or Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolumeSnapshot
      Returns all snapshots on all FlashArrays
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolumeSnapshot -arrayName flasharray-m50-2
      Returns all snapshots on the specified array
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolumeSnapshot -snapshotName db-001.test
      Returns the snapshots with the specified name
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneVolumeSnapshot -volumeName sql00-Backup02
      Returns all snapshots for the specified volume
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/29/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.





      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
      if ($null -ne $global:pureOneRateLimit)
        if ($Global:pureOneRateLimit -in 1..1000)
          $restQuery = "?limit=$($global:pureOneRateLimit)&"
        else {
          throw "Pure1 Rate limit set to invalid amount. Must be between 1-1000. Currently set to $($global:pureOneRateLimit)"
      else {
        $restQuery = "?limit=500&"
        if ($snapshotName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'$($snapshotName)`'"
            if (($arrayName -ne "") -or ($arrayId -ne ""))
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "&"
        elseif ($snapshotSerial -ne "")
            $snapshotSerial = $snapshotSerial.ToUpper()
            $restQuery = $restQuery +"filter=serial=`'$($snapshotSerial)`'"
            if ($arrayName -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode(" and arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
            if ($arrayId -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode(" and arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        if ($snapshotSerial -eq "")
            if ($arrayName -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
            if ($arrayId -ne "")
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        if ($volumeName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("source.name")) + "=`'$($volumeName)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/volume-snapshots" + $restQuery
        Write-Debug $apiendpoint
        $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Debug $pureResponse
        $pureSnaps = $pureResponse.items
        while ($null -ne $pureResponse.continuation_token) {
            $continuationToken = $pureResponse.continuation_token
            $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/volume-snapshots" + $restQuery + "&continuation_token=`'$($continuationToken)`'"
            Write-Debug $apiendpoint
            try {
              $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader -ErrorAction stop
              Write-Debug $pureResponse
              $pureSnaps += $pureResponse.items
            catch {
              if ($_.Exception -like "*The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout.*")
                Write-Warning -Message "The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout. Pausing briefly and re-trying."
                start-sleep 5
              elseif ((convertfrom-json -inputobject $_.ErrorDetails.Message).Message -eq "API org rate limit exceeded")
                Write-Warning -Message "Pure1 API rate limit exceeded. Sleeping briefly to reset counter."
                start-sleep 5
        return $pureSnaps
function Get-PureOneFileSystem {
      Returns all Pure Storage file systems listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage file systems listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are array type, array name, file system name, or Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage array information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystem
      Return all FlashBlade file systems (NFS, SMB, S3)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystem
      Return all FlashBlade file systems (NFS, SMB, S3)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystem -fsName fs20
      Return the specified FlashBlade file system (NFS, SMB, S3)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystem -arrayName sn1-fb-c02-33
      Return all FlashBlade file systems on specified array (NFS, SMB, S3)
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystem -arrayId 0e30e967-d749-4e03-9d32-701eeff14376
      Return all FlashBlade file systems on specified array(NFS, SMB, S3)
      Version: 1.0
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 01/21/2019
      Purpose/Change: Initial script development
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.



        $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $restQuery = "?"
        if ($fsName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'$($fsName)`'"
            if (($arrayName -ne "") -or ($arrayId -ne ""))
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "&"
        if ($arrayName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
        if ($arrayId -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/file-systems" + $restQuery
        write-debug $apiendpoint
        $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader
        write-debug $pureResponse
        $pureFileSystems = $pureResponse.items
        while ($null -ne $pureResponse.continuation_token) {
            $continuationToken = $pureResponse.continuation_token
            try {
              $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/file-systems" + $restQuery + "&continuation_token=`'$($continuationToken)`'"
              write-debug $apiendpoint
              $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader
              write-debug $pureResponse
              $pureFileSystems += $pureResponse.items
            catch {
              if ($_.Exception -like "*The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout.*")
                Write-Warning -Message "The remote server returned an error: (504) Gateway Timeout. Pausing briefly and re-trying."
                start-sleep 5
              elseif ((convertfrom-json -inputobject $_.ErrorDetails.Message).Message -eq "API org rate limit exceeded")
                Write-Warning -Message "Pure1 API rate limit exceeded. Sleeping briefly to reset counter."
                start-sleep 5
        return $pureFileSystems
function Get-PureOneFileSystemSnapshot {
      Returns all Pure Storage file system snapshots listed in your Pure1 account.
      Returns all Pure Storage file system snapshots listed in your Pure1 account. Allows for some filters.
      None required. Optional inputs are array name, file system name, snapshot name, or Pure1 access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage file system(s) information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystemSnapshot
      Returns all file system snapshots on all FlashBlades
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystemSnapshot -arrayName sn1-fb-c02-33
      Returns all file system snapshots on specified FlashBlade
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystemSnapshot -snapshotName nbu-msdp-metadata.2020_04_30_00_00
      Returns the specified file system snapshot
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneFileSystemSnapshot -fsName nbu-msdp-metadata
      Returns all snapshots for the specified file system
      Version: 1.1
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/30/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.




      $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        $restQuery = "?"
        if ($snapshotName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "names=`'$($snapshotName)`'"
            if (($arrayName -ne "") -or ($arrayId -ne ""))
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "&"
        if ($arrayName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].name")) + "=`'$($arrayName)`'"
        if ($arrayId -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("arrays[any].id")) + "=`'$($arrayId)`'"
        if ($fsName -ne "")
            $restQuery = $restQuery + "filter=" + ([System.Web.HttpUtility]::Urlencode("source.name")) + "=`'$($fsName)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/file-system-snapshots" + $restQuery
        $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader   
        $pureSnapshots = $pureResponse.items
        while ($null -ne $pureResponse.continuation_token) {
            $continuationToken = $pureResponse.continuation_token
            $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/$($global:pureOneRestVersion)/file-system-snapshots" + $restQuery + "&continuation_token=`'$($continuationToken)`'"
            $pureResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader
            $pureSnapshots += $pureResponse.items
    return $pureSnapshots
function Get-PureOneArrayBusyMeter {
      Returns the busy meter for a given array in Pure1
      Returns the busy meter for a given array (or arrays) in Pure1, either an average or a maximum of a given time period. Default behavior is to return the average.
      Required: resource names or IDs--must be an array. Optional: timeframe, granularity, and aggregation type (if none entered defaults will be used based on metric entered). Also optionally an access token.
      Returns the Pure Storage busy meter metric information in Pure1.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayBusyMeter -objectName flasharray-m50-1
      Returns the busy meter at default resolution for all available time, for the specified array.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayBusyMeter -objectName flasharray-m50-1 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-10)
      Returns the busy meter at default resolution for the past ten days, for the specified array.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayBusyMeter -objectName flasharray-m50-1 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-2) -endTime (get-date).AddDays(-1)
      Returns the busy meter at default resolution for one day ending 24 hours ago, for the specified array.
      PS C:\ Get-PureOneArrayBusyMeter -objectName flasharray-m50-1 -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-1) -startTime (get-date).AddDays(-1) -granularity 86400000 -maximum
      Returns one value for the previous 24 hours, representing the maximum busyness value for the specified array in that window.
      Version: 1.2
      Author: Cody Hosterman https://codyhosterman.com
      Creation Date: 04/30/2020
      Purpose/Change: Parameter sets and examples added
    This scripts are offered "as is" with no warranty. While this
    scripts is tested and working in my environment, it is recommended that you test
    this script in a test lab before using in a production environment. Everyone can
    use the scripts/commands provided here without any written permission but I
    will not be liable for any damage or loss to the system.







        $metricName = "array_total_load"
        if (($average -eq $false) -and ($maximum -eq $false)) 
            #defaulting to average if neither option is entered
            $average = $true
        if (($null -ne $startTime) -and ($null -ne $endTime))
          if ($startTime -ge $endTime)
            throw "The specified start time $($startTime) cannot be the same or later than the specified end time $($endTime)"
        $pureOneHeader = Set-PureOneHeader -pureOneToken $pureOneToken -ErrorAction Stop
        #get metric rules
        $metricDetails = Get-PureOneMetricDetail -metricName $metricName
        #set granularity if not set
        if ($granularity -eq 0)
            $granularity = $metricDetails.availabilities.resolution

        #set end time to start time minus retention for that stat (if not entered) and convert to epoch time
        if ($endTime -eq $null)
            $endTime = Get-Date
            $endTime = $endTime.ToUniversalTime()
        else {
            $endTime = $endTime.ToUniversalTime()
        [datetime]$epoch = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
        $endEpoch = (New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End $endTime).TotalMilliSeconds
        $endEpoch = [math]::Round($endEpoch)

        #set start time to current time (if not entered) and convert to epoch time
        if ($startTime -eq $null)
            $startTime = $epoch.AddMilliseconds($metricDetails._as_of - $metricDetails.availabilities.retention)
        else {
            $startTime = $startTime.ToUniversalTime()
        $startEpoch = (New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End $startTime).TotalMilliSeconds
        $startEpoch = [math]::Round($startEpoch)

        #building query
        if ($average -eq $true)
            $restQuery = "?aggregation='avg'&end_time=$($endEpoch)&names=`'$($metricName)`'&resolution=$($granularity)&start_time=$($startEpoch)&"
        else {
            $restQuery = "?aggregation='max'&end_time=$($endEpoch)&names=`'$($metricName)`'&resolution=$($granularity)&start_time=$($startEpoch)&"
        if ($objectName -ne "")
            if ($objectName.count -gt 1)
                foreach ($arrayName in $objectName)
                    $pureArrays = $pureArrays + "`'$($arrayName)`'"
                    if ($arrayName -ne ($objectName |Select-Object -Last 1))
                        $pureArrays = $pureArrays + ","
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_names=" + $pureArrays
            else {
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_names=`'$($objectName)`'"
        else {
            if ($objectId.count -gt 1)
                foreach ($arrayName in $objectId)
                    $pureArrays = $pureArrays + "`'$($arrayName)`'"
                    if ($arrayName -ne ($objectId |Select-Object -Last 1))
                        $pureArrays = $pureArrays + ","
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_ids=" + $pureArrays
            else {
                $restQuery = $restQuery + "resource_ids=`'$($objectId)`'"
        $apiendpoint = "https://api.pure1.purestorage.com/api/1.latest/metrics/history" + $restQuery
        $pureOneMetrics = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $apiendpoint -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $pureOneHeader 
        return $pureOneMetrics.items

#internal functions

function Set-PureOneHeader
  if (($null -eq $Global:pureOneRestHeader) -and ($pureOneToken -eq ""))
            throw "No access token found in the global variable or passed in. Run the cmdlet New-PureOneRestConnection to authenticate."
        if ($null -eq $Global:pureOneRestHeader)
            $pureOneHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($pureOnetoken)"}
        elseif (($null -ne $pureOneToken) -and ($pureOneToken -ne "")) {
            $pureOneHeader = @{authorization="Bearer $($pureOnetoken)"}
        else {
            $pureOneHeader = $Global:pureOneRestHeader
        return $pureOneHeader

#Global variables
$global:pureOneRateLimit = $null
$global:pureOneRestVersion = "1.latest"