
    Release version: 3.0.1
    Revision information: Refer to the changelog.md file
    Maintained by: FlashArray Integrations and Evangelsigm Team @ Pure Storage
    Organization: Pure Storage, Inc.
    Filename: PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.WindowsAdministration.psm1
    Copyright: (c) 2023 Pure Storage, Inc.
    Module Name: PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.WindowsAdministration
    Description: PowerShell Script Module (.psm1)
    The sample module and documentation are provided AS IS and are not supported by the author or the author’s employer, unless otherwise agreed in writing. You bear
    all risk relating to the use or performance of the sample script and documentation. The author and the author’s employer disclaim all express or implied warranties
    (including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, title, infringement or fitness for a particular purpose). In no event shall the author, the author’s employer or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss), even if such person has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    Contributors: Rob "Barkz" Barker @purestorage, Robert "Q" Quimbey @purestorage, Mike "Chief" Nelson, Julian "Doctor" Cates, Marcel Dussil @purestorage - https://en.pureflash.blog/ , Craig Dayton - https://github.com/cadayton , Jake Daniels - https://github.com/JakeDennis, Richard Raymond - https://github.com/data-sciences-corporation/PureStorage , The dbatools Team - https://dbatools.io , many more Puritans, and all of the Pure Code community who provide excellent advice, feedback, & scripts now and in the future.

#Requires -Version 5
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName='PureStoragePowerShellToolkit.FlashArray'; ModuleVersion='3.0.1' }

Import-Module 'CimCmdlets' -Global
Import-Module 'Storage' -Global

#region Helper functions

function Convert-UnitOfSize {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        $To = 1GB,
        $From = 1,
        $Decimals = 2

    process {
        return [math]::Round($Value * $From / $To, $Decimals)

function Write-Color {
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        $ForegroundColor = ([console]::ForegroundColor),

        $BackgroundColor = ([console]::BackgroundColor),

        $Indent = 0,

        $LeadingSpace = 0,

        $TrailingSpace = 0,


    begin {
        $baseParams = @{
            ForegroundColor = [console]::ForegroundColor
            BackgroundColor = [console]::BackgroundColor
            NoNewline = $true

        # Add leading lines
        Write-Host ("`n" * $LeadingSpace) @baseParams

    process {
        # Add TABs before text
        Write-Host ("`t" * $Indent) @baseParams

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForegroundColor') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BackgroundColor')) {
            $writeParams = $baseParams.Clone()
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Count; $i++) {

                if ($i -lt $ForegroundColor.Count) {
                    $writeParams['ForegroundColor'] = $ForegroundColor[$i]

                if ($i -lt $BackgroundColor.Count) {
                    $writeParams['BackgroundColor'] = $BackgroundColor[$i]

                Write-Host $Text[$i] @writeParams
        } else {
            Write-Host $Text -NoNewline

        if (-not $NoNewLine) {

    end {
        if (-not $NoNewLine) {
            Write-Host ("`n" * $TrailingSpace) @baseParams

#endregion Helper functions

function Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers() {
    Retrieves FlashArray disk serial numbers connected to the host.
    Cmdlet retrieves disk serial numbers that are associated to Pure FlashArrays.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name. CIM session may be reused.
    CimSession is optional.
    Outputs serial numbers of FlashArrays devices.

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to the host.

    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession 'myComputer'

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession $session
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession $session

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices and host bus adapter
    with previously created CIM session.

    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer'
    with credentials stored in variable $Creds.

    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer'
    with credentials stored in a secret vault.

    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.

    'myComputer' | Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices with previously created CIM session.

    'myComputer01', 'myComputer02' | Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer01' and 'myComputer02' with current credentials.

    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $prod | Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers

    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        Get-Disk -FriendlyName 'PURE FlashArray*' @PSBoundParameters | Select-Object PSComputerName, Number, SerialNumber

function Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter() {
    Retrieves host bus adapater (HBA) information.
    Retrieves host bus adapater (HBA) information for the host.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name.
    CimSession is optional.
    Host bus adapater information.
    Returns HBA information for the host.
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession 'myComputer'
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers -CimSession $session
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession $session
    Returns serial number information on Pure FlashArray disk devices and host bus adapter
    with previously created CIM session.
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with credentials stored in variable $Creds.
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with credentials stored in a secret vault.
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.
    'myComputer' | Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with previously created CIM session.
    'myComputer01', 'myComputer02' | Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer01' and 'myComputer02' with current credentials.
    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $prod | Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter
    Returns HBA information for 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {

        function ConvertTo-HexAndColons([byte[]]$address) {
            return (($address | ForEach-Object { '{0:x2}' -f $_ }) -join ':').ToUpper()

        try {
            $ports = Get-CimInstance -Class 'MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes' -Namespace 'root\WMI' @PSBoundParameters -ea Stop
            $adapters = Get-CimInstance -Class 'MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes' -Namespace 'root\WMI' @PSBoundParameters -ea Stop

            foreach ($adapter in $adapters) {
                $attributes = $ports.Where({ $_.InstanceName -eq $adapter.InstanceName }, 'first').Attributes

                $adapter | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty 'NodeWWN', 'Cim*' -Property *, 
                @{n = 'NodeWWN'; e = { ConvertTo-HexAndColons $_.NodeWWN } }, 
                @{n = 'FabricName'; e = { ConvertTo-HexAndColons $attributes.FabricName } }, 
                @{n = 'PortWWN'; e = { ConvertTo-HexAndColons $attributes.PortWWN } }
        catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException] {
            if ($_.Exception.NativeErrorCode -ne 'NotSupported') {

function Get-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy() {
    Retrieves the current MPIO Load Balancing policy for Pure FlashArray disk(s).
    This cmdlet will retrieve the current MPIO Load Balancing policy for connected Pure FlashArrays disk(s) using the mpclaim.exe utlity.
    Optional. If specified, retrieves only the policy for the that MPIO disk. Otherwise, returns all disks.
    Disk number is optional.
    mpclaim.exe output.
    Returns the current MPIO Load Balancing Policy for all MPIO disks.
    Get-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy -DiskId 1
    Returns the current MPIO LB policy for MPIO disk 1.
    2, 3 | Get-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy
    Returns the current MPIO LB policy for MPIO disks 2 and 3.
    $dataDisk = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Data'; DiskId = 2}
    $dataDisk | Get-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy
    Returns the current MPIO LB policy for MPIO disk 2.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]

    process {
        #Checks whether mpclaim.exe is available.
        $exists = Test-Path "$env:systemroot\System32\mpclaim.exe"
        if (-not ($exists)) {
            Write-Error 'mpclaim.exe not found. Is MultiPathIO enabled? Exiting.' -ErrorAction Stop

        $expr = 'mpclaim.exe -s -d '

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DiskId')) {
            Write-Host "Getting current MPIO Load Balancing Policy for MPIO disk $DiskId" -ForegroundColor Green
            $expr += $DiskId
        else {
            Write-Host 'Getting current MPIO Load Balancing Policy for all MPIO disks.' -ForegroundColor Green

        Invoke-Expression $expr

function Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering() {
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied.
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name.
    CimSession is optional.
    Outputs a listing of QFE patches applied.
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied.
    Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering -CimSession 'myComputer'
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myConputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering -CimSession $session
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession $session
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied and host bus adapter
    with previously created CIM session.
    Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in variable $Creds.
    Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in a secret vault.
    Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.
    'myComputer' | Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer' with previously created CIM session.
    'myComputer01', 'myComputer02' | Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer01' and 'myComputer02' with current credentials.
    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $prod | Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering
    Retrieves all the Windows OS QFE patches applied to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        Get-CimInstance -Class 'Win32_QuickFixEngineering' @PSBoundParameters | Select-Object PSComputerName, Description, HotFixID, InstalledOn

function Get-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy() {
    Exposes volume shadow copy using the Diskshadow command.
    This cmdlet will expose volume shadow copy using the Diskshadow command, passing the variables specified.
    .PARAMETER ExposeAs
    Required. Drive letter, share, or mount point to expose the shadow copy.
    .PARAMETER Alias
    Required. Name of the shadow copy alias.
    .PARAMETER MetadataFile
    Required. Filename for the metadata .cab file.
    .PARAMETER VerboseMode
    Optional. 'On' or 'Off'. If set to 'Off', verbose mode for the Diskshadow command is disabled. Default is 'On'.
    diskshadow.exe output.
    Get-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy -MetadataFile prodmeta.cab -Alias Prod -ExposeAs G:
    Exposes the Prod shadow copy as drive letter G: using the prodmeta.cab metadata file.
    See https://docs.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskshadow for more information on the Diskshadow utility.

    Param (
        [ValidateSet('On', 'Off')]
        [string]$VerboseMode = 'On'

    $dsh = "./PUREVSS-SNAP.PFA"
    try {
        "SET VERBOSE $VerboseMode",
        "LOAD METADATA $MetadataFile",
        "EXPOSE %$Alias% $ExposeAs",
        'EXIT' | Set-Content $dsh
        DISKSHADOW /s $dsh
    finally {
        Remove-Item $dsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Get-Pfa2WindowsDiagnosticInfo() {
    Gathers Windows operating system, hardware, and software information, including logs for diagnostics. This cmdlet requires Administrative permissions.
    This script will collect detailed information on the Windows operating system, hardware and software components, and collect event logs in .evtx and .csv formats. It will optionally collect WSFC logs and optionally compress all gathered files intoa .zip file for easy distribution.
    This script will place all of the files in a parent folder that is named after the computer NetBios name($env:computername).
    Each section of information gathered will have it's own child folder in that parent folder.
    By default, the output will be placed in the %temp% folder.
    Optional. Directory path for the output. If not specified, the output will be placed in the %temp% folder.
    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Optional. Collect Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) logs.
    .PARAMETER Compress
    Optional. Compress the folder that contains all the gathered data into a zip file. The file name will be the computername_diagnostics.zip.
    Diagnostic outputs in txt and event log files.
    Compressed zip file.
    Get-Pfa2WindowsDiagnosticInfo -Path '.\diagnostic_report' -Cluster
    Retrieves all of the operating system, hardware, software, event log, and WSFC logs into the 'diagnostic_report' folder.
    Get-Pfa2WindowsDiagnosticInfo -Cluster
    Retrieves all of the operating system, hardware, software, event log, and WSFC logs into the default folder.
    Get-Pfa2WindowsDiagnosticInfo -Compress
    Retrieves all of the operating system, hardware, software, event log, and compresses the parent folder into a zip file that will be created in the %temp% folder.
    This cmdlet requires Administrative permissions.

        [string]$Path = (Join-Path $env:Temp $env:computername),

        # System Information
        {msinfo32 /report msinfo32.txt | Out-Null} | Get-Diagnostic -header 'system information'

        # Hotfixes
        { Get-HotFix | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | Out-File 'Get-Hotfix.txt' } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'hotfix information'

        # Storage
            # Disk
                fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify | Out-File 'fsutil_behavior_DisableDeleteNotify.txt'
                Get-PhysicalDisk | Format-List            | Out-File 'Get-PhysicalDisk.txt'
                Get-Disk | Format-List                    | Out-File 'Get-Disk.txt'
                Get-Volume | Format-List                  | Out-File 'Get-Volume.txt'
                Get-Partition | Format-List               | Out-File 'Get-Partition.txt'
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'disk information'

            # MPIO
                if (Test-Path "$env:systemroot\System32\mpclaim.exe") {
                    mpclaim -s -d | Out-File 'mpclaim_-s_-d.txt'
                    mpclaim -v    | Out-File 'mpclaim_-v.txt'

                if (Get-Module -ListAvailable 'mpio') {
                    Get-MPIOSetting                         | Out-File 'Get-MPIOSetting.txt'
                    Get-MPIOAvailableHW                     | Out-File 'Get-MPIOAvailableHW.txt'
                    Get-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy | Out-File 'Get-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy.txt'

                $root = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services'
                $keys = @(
                    @{'service' = 'MSDSM';
                        'key'   = 'MSDSM\Parameters';
                        'file'  = 'Get-ItemProperty_msdsm.txt'
                    @{'service' = 'mpio';
                        'key'   = 'mpio\Parameters';
                        'file'  = 'Get-ItemProperty_mpio.txt'
                    @{'service' = 'Disk';
                        'key'   = 'Disk';
                        'file'  = 'Get-ItemProperty_disk.txt'

                $keys | Where-Object { Join-Path $root $_.service | Test-Path } | ForEach-Object { Join-Path $root $_.key | Get-ItemProperty | Out-File $_.file }
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'MPIO information'

            # Fibre Channel
                winrm e wmi/root/wmi/MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes 2>&1 | Out-File 'MSFC_FCAdapterHBAAttributes.txt'
                winrm e wmi/root/wmi/MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes 2>&1 | Out-File 'MSFC_FibrePortHBAAttributes.txt'
                Get-InitiatorPort                                     | Out-File 'Get-InitiatorPort.txt'
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'fibre channel information'

        } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'storage information' -location 'storage'

        # Network
            Get-NetAdapter                 | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-File 'Get-NetAdapter.txt'
            Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-File 'Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty.txt'
        } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'network information' -location 'network'

        # Event Logs
            $logs = @('System', 'Setup', 'Security', 'Application')

            # Export
                $logs | ForEach-Object { wevtutil epl $_ "$_.evtx" /ow }
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'event log files'

            # Locale-specific messages
                $logs | ForEach-Object { wevtutil al "$_.evtx" }
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'locale-specific information'

            #Get critical, error, & warning events
                $logs | ForEach-Object { Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = $_; Level = 1, 2, 3 } -ea SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "$_-CRITICAL.csv" -NoTypeInformation }
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'critical, error, & warning events'

            # Get informational events
                $logs | ForEach-Object { Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{LogName = $_; Level = 4 } -ea SilentlyContinue | Export-Csv "$_-INFO.csv" -NoTypeInformation }
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'informational events'
        } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'event log' -location 'log'

        # WSFC inforation
        If ($Cluster) {
                Get-ClusterLog -Destination '.' | Out-Null
                Get-ClusterSharedVolume      | Select-Object * | Out-File 'Get-ClusterSharedVolume.txt'
                Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState | Select-Object * | Out-File 'Get-ClusterSharedVolumeState.txt'
            } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'cluster information' -location 'cluster'
    } | Get-Diagnostic -header 'diagnostic information' -location $Path -long

    # Compress
    If ($Compress) {
        $params = @{
            Path             = $Path
            CompressionLevel = 'Optimal'
            DestinationPath  = $Path + '_diagnostics.zip'

        Compress-Archive @params -Force

function Get-Diagnostic() {
        [string]$header = 'diagnostic',

    $message = "Retrieving $header"
    $message += if (-not $long) { '...' } else { '. This will take some time to complete. Please wait...' }

    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Yellow

    if ($location) {
        if (-not (Test-Path $location -PathType Container)) {
            New-Item $location -ItemType 'Directory' | Out-Null

        Push-Location $location

    try {
        Invoke-Command $command
    finally {
        if ($location) {

        Write-Host "Retrieving $header completed." -ForegroundColor Green

function New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport() {
    Creates a Excel report on volumes connected to a Hyper-V cluster.
    This creates separate CSV files for VM, Windows Hosts, and FlashArray information for each endpoint specified that is part of a HyperV cluster. It then takes that output and places it into a an Excel workbook that contains sheets for each CSV file.
    .PARAMETER Endpoint
    Required. An IP address or FQDN of the FlashArray. Multiple endpoints can be specified.
    .PARAMETER VmCsvFileName
    Optional. Defaults to VMs.csv.
    .PARAMETER WinCsvFileName
    Optional. defaults to WindowsHosts.csv.
    .PARAMETER PfaCsvFileName
    Optional. defaults to FlashArrays.csv.
    .PARAMETER ExcelFile
    Optional. defaults to HypervClusterReport.xlsx.
    Endpoint is mandatory. VM, Win, and PFA csv file names are optional.
    Outputs individual CSV files and creates an Excel workbook that is built using the required PowerShell module ImportExcel, created by Douglas Finke.
    New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport -Endpoint myarray -VmCsvName myVMs.csv -WinCsvName myWinHosts.csv -PfaCsvName myFlashArray.csv -ExcelFile myExcelFile.xlsx
    This will create three separate CSV files with HyperV cluster information and incorporate them into a single Excel workbook.
    New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport -Endpoint 'myarray01', 'myarray02'
    This will create files with HyperV cluster information, and FlashArray information for myarray01, and myarray02.
    Get-Content '.\arrays.txt' | New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport
    This will create files with HyperV cluster information, and FlashArray information for each array in the arrays.txt file.
    New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport -Endpoint 'myarray.mydomain.com' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    This will create files with HyperV cluster information, and FlashArray information for myarray.mydomain.com. Asks for FlashArray credentials.
    $endpoint = [pscustomobject]@{Endpoint = @('myarray.mydomain.com'); Credential = (Get-Credential)}
    $endpoint | New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport
    This will create files with HyperV cluster information, and FlashArray information for myarray.mydomain.com. Asks for FlashArray credentials.
    This cmdlet can utilize the global credential variable for FlashArray authentication. Set the credential variable by using the command Set-Pfa2Credential.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [string]$VmCsvFileName = "VMs.csv",
        [string]$WinCsvFileName = "WindowsHosts.csv",
        [string]$PfaCsvFileName = "FlashArrays.csv",
        [string]$ExcelFile = "HypervClusterReport.xlsx",
        [pscredential]$Credential = ( Get-Pfa2Credential )

    begin {
        #Validate modules
        $modules = @('Hyper-V', 'FailoverClusters')
        foreach ($module in $modules) {
            if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable $module)) {
                Write-Error "Required module $module not found"

        $report = [ordered]@{}
        #Get VMs & VHDs
        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode
        $vhds = Get-VM -ComputerName $nodes.Name |
            ForEach-Object { $_ } -PipelineVariable 'vm' |
            ForEach-Object { Get-Vhd -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -VmId $_.VmId } |
            ForEach-Object {
                    'VM Name'           = $vm.Name
                    'VM State'          = $vm.State
                    'ComputerName'      = $_.ComputerName
                    'Path'              = $_.Path
                    'VHD Type'          = $_.VhdType
                    'Size (GB)'         = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.Size -To 1GB
                    'Size on disk (GB)' = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.FileSize -To 1GB

        if ($vhds) {
            $vhds | Export-Csv $VmCsvFileName -NoTypeInformation
            $report['VMs'] = $vhds

        #Get hosts and volumes
        $volumes = $nodes |
            ForEach-Object { $_ } -PipelineVariable 'node' |
            ForEach-Object {
                Get-Disk -CimSession $node.Name |
                Where-Object Number -ne $null |
                Get-Partition |
            } |
            Where-Object DriveType -eq Fixed |
            ForEach-Object {
                    'ComputerName'      = $node.Name
                    'Label'             = $_.FileSystemLabel
                    'Name'              = if ($_.DriveLetter) { "$($_.DriveLetter):\" } else { $_.Path }
                    'Total size (GB)'   = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.Size -To 1GB
                    'Free space (GB)'   = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.SizeRemaining -To 1GB
                    'Size on disk (GB)' = Convert-UnitOfSize ($_.Size - $_.SizeRemaining) -To 1GB

        if ($volumes) {
            $volumes | Export-Csv $WinCsvFileName -NoTypeInformation
            $report['Windows Hosts'] = $volumes

        #Get Pure volumes
        $sn = $vhds | 
            ForEach-Object { Get-Volume -FilePath $_.Path -CimSession $_.ComputerName } | 
            Group-Object 'ObjectId' | 
            ForEach-Object { $_.Group[0] } | 
            Get-Partition | 
            Get-Disk | 
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'SerialNumber'

        $pureVolumes = @()

    process {
        #Run through each array
        foreach ($e in $Endpoint) {
            #Connect to FlashArray
            try {
                $flashArray = Connect-Pfa2Array -Endpoint $e -Credential $Credential -IgnoreCertificateError
            catch {
                $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Error "Failed to connect to FlashArray endpoint $e with: $ExceptionMessage"

            #FlashArray volumes
            try {
                $details = Get-Pfa2Array -Array $flasharray

                $pureVolumes += Get-Pfa2Volume -Array $flashArray |
                    Where-Object { $sn -contains $_.serial } |
                    Select-Object 'Name' -ExpandProperty 'Space' |
                    ForEach-Object {
                            'Array'             = $details.Name
                            'Name'              = $_.Name
                            'Size (GB)'         = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.TotalProvisioned -To 1GB
                            'Size on disk (GB)' = Convert-UnitOfSize $_.TotalPhysical -To 1GB
                            'Data Reduction'    = [math]::round($_.DataReduction, 2)
            finally {
                Disconnect-Pfa2Array -Array $flashArray

    end {
        if ($pureVolumes) {
            $pureVolumes | Export-Csv $PfaCsvFileName -NoTypeInformation
            $report['FlashArrays'] = $pureVolumes

        Export-Pfa2Excel -Tables $report -LiteralPath $ExcelFile

function New-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy() {
    Creates a new volume shadow copy using the Diskshadow command.
    This cmdlet will create a new volume shadow copy using the Diskshadow command, passing the variables specified.
    .PARAMETER Volume
    Required. A volume to add to the set.
    .PARAMETER Alias
    Required. Name of the shadow copy alias.
    .PARAMETER VerboseMode
    Optional. 'On' or 'Off'. If set to 'Off', verbose mode for the Diskshadow command is disabled. Default is 'On'.
    A volume to add to the set.
    diskshadow.exe output.
    New-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy -Volume G: -Alias Prod
    Creates a new volume shadow copy of volume G: and assigns an alias named Prod.
    New-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy -Volume G:, H: -Alias Prod
    Creates a new volume shadow copy of volumes G: and H: and assigns an aliases named Prod and Prod2 respectively.
    'G:', 'H:' | New-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy -Alias Prod
    Creates a new volume shadow copy of volumes G: and H: and assigns an aliases named Prod and Prod2 respectively.
    See https://docs.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskshadow for more information on the Diskshadow utility.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateSet('On', 'Off')]
        [string]$VerboseMode = 'On'

    begin {
        $i = 1
        $volumes = @()

    process {
        $volumes += $Volume | ForEach-Object { 
            "ADD VOLUME $_ ALIAS $Alias$(if ($i -gt 1) {$i}) PROVIDER {781c006a-5829-4a25-81e3-d5e43bd005ab}"

    end {
        $dsh = "./PUREVSS-SNAP.PFA"
        try {
            "SET VERBOSE $VerboseMode",
            'BEGIN BACKUP',
            'END BACKUP',
            'EXIT' | Set-Content $dsh
            DISKSHADOW /s $dsh
        finally {
            Remove-Item $dsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes() {
    Sets Pure FlashArray connected disks to online.
    This cmdlet will set any FlashArray volumes (disks) to online.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name.
    CimSession is optional.
    Set Pure FlashArray connected disks to online.
    Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession 'myComputer'
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession $session
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession $session
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' and gets host bus adapter
    with previously created CIM session.
    Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in variable $Creds.
    Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in a secret vault.
    Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.
    'myComputer' | Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' and gets host bus adapter with previously created CIM session.
    'myComputer01', 'myComputer02' | Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer01' and 'myComputer02' with current credentials.
    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $prod | Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to online all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        $params = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CimSession')) {
            $params.Add('CimSession', $CimSession)

        Update-HostStorageCache @params
        $disks = Get-Disk -FriendlyName 'PURE FlashArray*' @params | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Number -and $_.OperationalStatus -ne 'Other'}

        foreach ($disk in $disks) {
            $label = if ($disk.PSComputerName) {" on $($disk.PSComputerName)"}
            if ($disk.IsReadOnly -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Disk $($disk.Number)$label", 'Remove read-only attribute')) {
                $disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false @params

            if ($disk.IsOffline -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Disk $($disk.Number)$label", 'Set disk online')) {
                $disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false @params

enum MPIODiskLBPolicy {
    clear = 0   # clear current policy and sets to Windows OS default of RR
    FO    = 1   # Fail Over Only
    RR    = 2   # Round Robin
    RRWS  = 3   # Round Robin with Subset
    LQD   = 4   # Least Queue Depth
    WP    = 5   # Weighted Paths
    LB    = 6   # Least Blocks

function Set-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy() {
    Sets the MPIO Load Balancing policy for FlashArray disks.
    This cmdlet will set the MPIO Load Balancing policy for all connected Pure FlashArrays disks to the desired setting using the mpclaim.exe utlity.
    The default Windows OS setting is RR.
    .PARAMETER Policy
    Required. No default. The Policy type must be specified by the letter acronym for the policy name (ex. "RR" for Round Robin). Available options are:
        LQD = Least Queue Depth
        RR = Round Robin
        FO = Fail Over Only
        RRWS = Round Robin with Subset
        WP = Weighted Paths
        LB = Least Blocks
        clear = clears current policy and sets to Windows OS default of RR
    mpclaim.exe output.
    Set-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy -Policy LQD
    Sets the MPIO load balancing policy for all Pure disks to Least Queue Depth.
    Set-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy -Policy clear
    Clears the current MPIO policy for all Pure disks and sets to the default of RR.

    Param (

    #Checks whether mpclaim.exe is available.
    $exists = Test-Path "$env:systemroot\System32\mpclaim.exe"
    if (-not ($exists)) {
        Write-Error 'mpclaim.exe not found. Is MultiPathIO enabled? Exiting.' -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Host "Setting MPIO Load Balancing Policy to $([int]$Policy) for all Pure FlashArray disks."

    $drives = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace 'root\wmi' -Class 'mpio_disk_info').DriveInfo
    Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName 'PURE FlashArray*' | ForEach-Object {
        $id = $drives | Where-Object SerialNumber -eq $_.UniqueId | ForEach-Object { $_.Name.Substring('MPIO Disk'.Length) }
        mpclaim.exe -l -d $id $([int]$Policy)

    Write-Host 'New disk LB policy settings:' -ForegroundColor Green
    mpclaim.exe -s -d

function Backup-RegistryKey {
        $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference'),
        $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('ConfirmPreference'),
        $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('WhatIfPreference')

    if ($Force -and ($ConfirmPreference -gt 'Low')) {
        $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

    $catption = 'Registry key backup'
    $description = "Backup registry key $KeyPath"
    $warning = "Are you sure you want to back up registry key $KeyPath"
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($description, $warning, $catption)) {
        if (-not $Force -and $BackupFilePath -and (Test-Path $BackupFilePath)) {
            $query = "Are you sure you want to overwrite registry backup file $($BackupFilePath.FullName)"

            if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue($query, $caption)) {
                Write-Error 'Cancelled by user'
        elseif (-not $BackupFilePath) {
            $BackupFilePath = New-TemporaryFile

        Write-Host "Creating registry backup in $($BackupFilePath.FullName)"
        reg export $KeyPath $BackupFilePath.FullName /Y

        if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
            Write-Error 'Registry backup failed'


function Disable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol {
    Disable a secure channel protocol.
    This cmdlet will change Windows registry to disable specified secure channel protocol for client and server.
    .PARAMETER ProtocolName
    Required. Secure channel protocol name as <SSL/TLS/DTLS> <major version number>.<minor version number>.
    Run with -WhatIf common parameter to see the changes.
    A string containing protocol name via pipeline or parameter.
    Disable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol 'TLS 1.1'
    Disables TLS 1.1.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference'),
        $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('ConfirmPreference'),
        $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('WhatIfPreference')

    process {

        try {
            if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
                    "Disable secure channel protocol")) {

            Push-Location 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols'

            if (-not ( Test-Path $ProtocolName )) {
                New-Item -Path $ProtocolName | Out-Null

            if (Test-Path $ProtocolName) {
                Write-Verbose "Disable Client $ProtocolName"

                $path = Join-Path $ProtocolName 'Client'

                if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
                    New-Item -Path  $path | Out-Null

                if (Test-Path $path) {
                    Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Value 0 -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled'
                    Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Value 1 -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault'

                Write-Verbose "Disable Server $ProtocolName"

                $path = Join-Path $ProtocolName 'Server'

                if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
                    New-Item -Path $path | Out-Null

                if (Test-Path $path) {
                    Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Value 0 -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled'
                    Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Value 1 -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault'
        finally {

function Enable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol {
    Enable a secure channel protocol.
    This cmdlet will change Windows registry to enable specified secure channel protocol for client and server.
    .PARAMETER ProtocolName
    Required. Secure channel protocol name as <SSL/TLS/DTLS> <major version number>.<minor version number>.
    Run with -WhatIf common parameter to see the changes.
    A string containing protocol name via pipeline or parameter.
    Enable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol 'TLS 1.2'
    Enables TLS 1.2.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference'),
        $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('ConfirmPreference'),
        $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('WhatIfPreference')

    process {

        try {
            if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
                    "Enable secure channel protocol")) {

            Push-Location 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols'

            if (-not ( Test-Path $ProtocolName )) {
                New-Item -Path $ProtocolName | Out-Null

            if (Test-Path $ProtocolName) {
                Write-Verbose "Enable Client $ProtocolName"

                $path = Join-Path $ProtocolName 'Client'

                if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
                    New-Item -Path  $path | Out-Null

                if (Test-Path $path) {
                    Set-ItemProperty $path -Value 1 -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled'
                    Set-ItemProperty $path -Value 0 -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault'

                Write-Verbose "Enable Server $ProtocolName"

                $path = Join-Path $ProtocolName 'Server'

                if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
                    New-Item -Path  $path | Out-Null

                if (Test-Path $path) {
                    Set-ItemProperty $path -Value 1 -Type DWord -Name 'Enabled'
                    Set-ItemProperty $path -Value 0 -Type DWord -Name 'DisabledByDefault'
        finally {

function Set-Pfa2TlsVersions {
    Configures TLS secure channel protcols to follow best practice recommendations.
    This cmdlet will alter Windows registry to disable outdated TLS secure channel protocols and enable
    recent versions. The minimum allowed version is specified as MinVersion parameter, which is '1.2' by default.
    This cmdlet makes a backup of the secure channel registry branc. It save the branch into a registry file.
    Use -WhatIf or -Verbose common parameters to see what protocols are anabled or disabled.
    Use -Confirm common parameter to control individual changes.
    .PARAMETER MinVersion
    Optional. '1.2' by default. Minimum allowed TLS version.
    .PARAMETER SkipBackup
    Optional. False by default. When present, Set-Pfa2TlsVersions does not make a registry backup.
    .PARAMETER BackupFilePath
    Optional. 'protocols.reg' by default. Sets path for registry backup.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Optional. False by default. When present suppresses all confirmations including registry backup file overwrite.
    Minimum allowed TLS version.
    Disable all TLS versinons below 1.2. Enable 1.2 and 1.3. Save registry branch backup as ./protocols.reg.
    Set-TlsVersion -SkipBackup
    Disable all TLS versinons below 1.2. Enable 1.2 and 1.3. Does not make registry backup.
    Set-TlsVersion -MinVersion 1.3
    Disable all TLS versinons below 1.3. Enable 1.3. Save registry branch backup as ./protocols.reg.
    Set-TlsVersion -BackupFilePath 'D:\backup\tls.reg'
    Disable all TLS versinons below 1.2. Enable 1.2 and 1.3. Save registry branch backup as 'D:\backup\tls.reg'.
    Set-TlsVersion -Force
    Disable all TLS versinons below 1.2. Enable 1.2 and 1.3. Overwrite backup file ./protocols.reg if exists.

    param (
        [Version]$MinVersion = '1.2',
        [IO.FileInfo]$BackupFilePath = 'protocols.reg',
        $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference'),
        $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('ConfirmPreference'),
        $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('WhatIfPreference')

    if ($Force -and ($ConfirmPreference -gt 'Low')) {
        $ConfirmPreference = 'None'

    $key = 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols'

    if (-not $SkipBackup) {
        Backup-RegistryKey -KeyPath $key -BackupFilePath $BackupFilePath -Force:$Force | Out-Null

    0..3 | ForEach-Object {
        $v = [Version]::new(1, $_)
        if ($v -lt $MinVersion) {
            Disable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol "TLS $v"
        else {
            Enable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol "TLS $v"

function Set-Pfa2WindowsPowerScheme() {
    Cmdlet to set the Power scheme for the Windows OS.
    Cmdlet to set the Power scheme for the Windows OS to High Performance if no scheme id is specified.
    Optional. A PlanId to activate on the system.
    .PARAMETER Session
    Optional. A PSSession to the remote computer.
    Session is optional.
    Retrieves the current Power Scheme setting, and if not set to High Performance, sets it to active.
    $pssession = New-PSSession -ComputerName 'computer_name' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Set-Pfa2WindowsPowerScheme -Session $pssession
    Retrieves the current Power Scheme setting on a remote computer, and if not set to High Performance, sets it to active.
    $pssession = New-PSSession -ComputerName 'computer_name' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $pssession | Set-Pfa2WindowsPowerScheme
    Retrieves the current Power Scheme setting on a remote computer, and if not set to High Performance, sets it to active.
    $pssession = New-PSSession -ComputerName 'computer_name' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; Session = $pssession}
    $prod | Set-Pfa2WindowsPowerScheme
    Retrieves the current Power Scheme setting on a remote computer, and if not set to High Performance, sets it to active.

    Param (
        [guid]$PlanId = "8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c",
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        $params = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Session')) {
            $params.Add('Session', $Session)

        Invoke-Command {
            Param ($p, $c, $w)

            $ConfirmPreference = $c
            $WhatIfPreference = $w

            $scheme = Get-CimInstance -Class 'Win32_PowerPlan' -Namespace 'root\cimv2\power' -Filter 'isActive=True'
            if ($scheme.InstanceID -ne "Microsoft:PowerPlan\{$p}") {
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("power scheme $p on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)", 'set active')) {
                    powercfg.exe /setactive $p
        } -ArgumentList @($PlanId, $ConfirmPreference, $WhatIfPreference) @params

function Test-Pfa2WindowsBestPractices() {
    Cmdlet used to retrieve hosts information, test and optionally configure MPIO (FC) and/or iSCSI settings in a Windows OS against FlashArray Best Practices.
    This cmdlet will retrieve the curretn host infromation, and iterate through several tests around MPIO (FC) and iSCSI OS settings and hardware, indicate whether they are adhearing to Pure Storage FlashArray Best Practices, and offer to alter the settings if applicable.
    All tests can be bypassed with a negative user response when prompted, or simply by using Ctrl-C to break the process.
    .PARAMETER Repair
    Optional. If this parameter is present, the cmdlet will repair settings to their recommended values.
    .PARAMETER IncludeIscsi
    Optional. If this parameter is present, the cmdlet will run tests for iSCSI settings.
    .PARAMETER LogFilePath
    Optional. Specify the full filepath (ex. c:\mylog.log) for logging. If not specified, the default file of %TMP%\BestPractices.log will be used.
    Optional parameter for iSCSI testing.
    Output status and best practice options for every test.
    Run the cmdlet against the local machine running the MPIO tests and the log is located in the %TMP%\BestPractices.log file.
    Test-Pfa2WindowsBestPractices -IncludeIscsi -LogFilePath "c:\temp\mylog.log"
    Run the cmdlet against the local machine, run the additional iSCSI tests, and create the log file at c:\temp\mylog.log.
    Test-Pfa2WindowsBestPractices -Repair -IncludeIscsi -LogFilePath "c:\temp\mylog.log"
    Run the cmdlet against the local machine, run the additional iSCSI tests, repair settings to their recommended values, and create the log file at c:\temp\mylog.log.
    Test-Pfa2WindowsBestPractices -Repair -Confirm:$false
    Run the cmdlet against the local machine, repair settings to their recommended values skipping confirmation prompt.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    Param (
        [string]$LogFilePath = (Join-Path $env:Temp 'BestPractices.log'),

    $p = @{
        'logFilePath' = $LogFilePath;
        'repair'      = $Repair;
        'force'       = $Force;

    $log = @{
        'path' = $LogFilePath;

    'Starting best practices verification' | Write-TestLog @log

    if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 -and -not $IsWindows) -or (Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem').ProductType -lt 2) {
        'Windows Server operating system is required.' | Write-TestLog -severity 'Failed' @log

    $ft = Get-WindowsFeature -Name 'Multipath-IO'
    if ($ft.InstallState -ne 'Installed')
        if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue('Are you sure you want to install Multipath I/O feature', 'Multipath I/O feature')) {
            $res = Add-WindowsFeature -Name $ft.Name
            if (-not $res.Success)
                'Feature installation failed' | Write-TestLog -severity 'Failed' @log
            if ($res.RestartNeeded -eq 'Yes')
                'Server reboot required' | Write-TestLog -severity 'Warning' @log
        else {
            'Feature installation skipped' | Write-TestLog -severity 'Warning' @log

    $inf = Get-SilComputer
    $inf | Write-TestLog @log

    $ms = Get-MPIOSetting
    $ms | Write-TestLog @log

    Test-Item -header 'MSDSM supported hardware' `
    -valueDisplayName 'FlashArray device hardware id' `
    -test { Get-MSDSMSupportedHW -VendorId 'PURE' -ProductId 'FlashArray' -ea SilentlyContinue } `
    -action { New-MSDSMSupportedHW -VendorId 'PURE' -ProductId 'FlashArray' } @p

    Test-Item -header 'PathVerificationState' `
    -valueDisplayName 'Enabled' `
    -test { $ms.PathVerificationState -eq 'Enabled' } `
    -action { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathVerificationState 'Enabled' } @p

    $pdorp = if (-not (Test-AzureVm)) { 30 } else { 120 } #120 on Azure VM
    Test-Item -header 'PDORemovePeriod' `
    -valueDisplayName "$pdorp" `
    -test { $ms.PDORemovePeriod -eq $pdorp } `
    -action { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPDORemovePeriod $pdorp } @p

    Test-Item -header 'UseCustomPathRecoveryTime' `
    -valueDisplayName 'Enabled' `
    -test { $ms.UseCustomPathRecoveryTime -eq 'Enabled' } `
    -action { Set-MPIOSetting -CustomPathRecovery 'Enabled' } @p

    $pri = 20
    Test-Item -header 'CustomPathRecoveryTime' `
    -valueDisplayName "$pri" `
    -test { $ms.CustomPathRecoveryTime -eq $pri } `
    -action { Set-MPIOSetting -NewPathRecoveryInterval $pri } @p

    $dt = 60
    Test-Item -header 'DiskTimeoutValue' `
    -valueDisplayName "$dt" `
    -test { $ms.DiskTimeoutValue -eq $dt } `
    -action { Set-MPIOSetting -NewDiskTimeout $dt } @p

    $fsrg = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem'
    Test-Item -header 'Delete notifications (trim or unmap)' `
    -valueDisplayName "Enabled" `
    -test { 
        $ddn = Get-ItemProperty $fsrg 'DisableDeleteNotification' -ea SilentlyContinue
        ($null -eq $ddn) -or ($ddn.DisableDeleteNotification -eq 0)
    } `
    -action { Set-ItemProperty $fsrg 'DisableDeleteNotification' 0 -Confirm:$false } @p

    if ($IncludeIscsi) {
        foreach ($adapter in Get-NetAdapter) {
            if ((-not $Repair) -or ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Are you sure you want to repair $($adapter.Name) adapter", $adapter.Name))) {
                $adp = Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name $adapter.Name -RegistryKeyword 'NetCfgInstanceId' -AllProperties
                $key = Join-Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces' $adp.RegistryValue[0]

                Test-Item -header "$($adapter.Name) TcpAckFrequency" `
                -valueDisplayName 1 `
                -test { 
                    $taf = Get-ItemProperty $key 'TcpAckFrequency' -ea SilentlyContinue
                    ($null -ne $taf) -and ($taf.TcpAckFrequency -eq 1)
                } `
                -action { Set-ItemProperty $key 'TcpAckFrequency' 1 -Confirm:$false } @p

                Test-Item -header "$($adapter.Name) TcpNoDelay (Nagle)" `
                -valueDisplayName 'Disabled (1)' `
                -test { 
                    $tnd = Get-ItemProperty $key 'TcpNoDelay' -ea SilentlyContinue
                    ($null -ne $tnd) -and ($tnd.TcpNoDelay -eq 1)
                } `
                -action { Set-ItemProperty $key 'TcpNoDelay' 1 -Confirm:$false } @p

    'Best practices verification completed' | Write-TestLog @log

function Test-AzureVm()
    $null -ne (Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT Tag FROM Win32_SystemEnclosure WHERE SMBIOSAssetTag = '7783-7084-3265-9085-8269-3286-77'")

function Test-Item() {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [string]$header = 'best practices',
        [string]$valueDisplayName = 'recommended value',

    $p = @{'path' = $logFilePath}

    Write-TestLog "Testing $header" @p
    if (Invoke-Command $test) {
        Write-TestLog "$header is $valueDisplayName" -Severity Passed @p
    elseif ($repair -and ($force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($header, "set to $valueDisplayName"))) {
        try {
            Write-TestLog "Repairing $header to $valueDisplayName" @p
            Invoke-Command $action | Out-Null
            Write-TestLog "$header is set to $valueDisplayName" -Severity Passed @p
        catch {
            Write-TestLog "Failed setting $header to $valueDisplayName with error: $_" -Severity Failed @p
    else {
        Write-TestLog "$header does not have recommended value" -Severity Failed @p

enum TestSeverity {
    Information =   0
    Passed      =  10
    Warning     =  14
    Failed      = 112

function Write-TestLog {
        [TestSeverity]$severity = [TestSeverity]::Information

    $ev = if ($inputObject -is [string]) {
        $m = "$severity`: $inputObject"

        $p = if ($severity -gt 0) { @{ForegroundColor = [int]$severity % 100 } }
        Write-Host $m @p

        "$((Get-Date -f g).PadRight(20)) $m"
    else {

    $ev | Out-File $path -Append -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false

function Write-Logo()
    Write-Host ''
    Write-Host ' __________________________'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/----------\++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' /++++++++++++/ \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\ /++++++++++++/'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' \++++++++++++\'
    Write-Host ' \------------\'
    Write-Host ''

function Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes() {
    Sets Pure FlashArray connected disks to offline.
    This cmdlet will set any FlashArray volumes (disks) to offline.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name.
    CimSession is optional.
    Set Pure FlashArray connected disks to offline.
    Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession 'myComputer'
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray disks connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession $session
    Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter -CimSession $session
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray disks connected to 'myComputer' and gets host bus adapter
    with previously created CIM session.
    Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray disks connected to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in variable $Creds.
    Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray disks connected to 'myComputer' with credentials stored in a secret vault.
    Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray disks connected to 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.
    'myComputer' | Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' and gets host bus adapter with previously created CIM session.
    'myComputer01', 'myComputer02' | Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer01' and 'myComputer02' with current credentials.
    $prod = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Prod Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $prod | Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes
    Set to offline all Pure FlashArray connected to 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        $params = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CimSession')) {
            $params.Add('CimSession', $CimSession)

        Update-HostStorageCache @params
        $disks = Get-Disk -FriendlyName 'PURE FlashArray*' @params | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Number -and $_.OperationalStatus -ne 'Other'}

        foreach ($disk in $disks) {
            $label = if ($disk.PSComputerName) {" on $($disk.PSComputerName)"}
            if (!$disk.IsOffline -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Disk $($disk.Number)$label", 'Set disk offline')) {
                $disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $true @params

function Update-Pfa2DriveInformation() {
    Updates drive letter and assigns a label.
    Thsi cmdlet will update the current drive letter to the new drive letter, and assign a new file system label if specified.
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
    Required. Specifies the drive letter of the partition to modify.
    .PARAMETER NewDriveLetter
    Required. Specifies the new drive letter for the partition.
    .PARAMETER NewFileSystemLabel
    Optional. Specifies a new file system label to use.
    .PARAMETER CimSession
    Optional. A CimSession or computer name. CIM session may be reused.
    CimSession is optional.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S
    Updates the drive letter from M to S.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -NewFileSystemLabel Test
    Updates the drive letter from M to S and changes the file system label to Test.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -CimSession 'myComputer'
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with current credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -CimSession $session
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with previously created CIM session.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential $Creds)
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with credentials stored in variable $Creds.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Secret admin))
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with credentials stored in a secret vault.
    Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S -CimSession (New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential))
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer'. Asks for credentials.
    $session = New-CimSession 'myComputer' -Credential (Get-Credential)
    $session | Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with previously created CIM session.
    $dev = [pscustomobject]@{Caption = 'Dev Server'; CimSession = 'myComputer'}
    $dev | Update-Pfa2DriveInformation -DriveLetter M -NewDriveLetter S
    Updates the drive letter from M to S. Update is performed on 'myComputer' with current credentials.

    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        $params = @{
            Query    = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Volume WHERE DriveLetter = '$DriveLetter`:'"
            Property = @{ DriveLetter = "$NewDriveLetter`:" }

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NewFileSystemLabel')) {
            $params.Property.Add('Label', $NewFileSystemLabel)

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CimSession')) {
            $params.Add('CimSession', $CimSession)

        Set-CimInstance @params | Out-Null

# Declare exports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2HostBusAdapter
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2SerialNumbers
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2QuickFixEngineering
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2WindowsDiagnosticInfo
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Pfa2MPIODiskLBPolicy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Pfa2TlsVersions
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-Pfa2WindowsPowerScheme
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-Pfa2VolumeShadowCopy
Export-ModuleMember -Function Enable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol
Export-ModuleMember -Function Disable-Pfa2SecureChannelProtocol
Export-ModuleMember -Function Mount-Pfa2HostVolumes
Export-ModuleMember -Function Dismount-Pfa2HostVolumes
Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-Pfa2DriveInformation
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-Pfa2WindowsBestPractices
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-Pfa2HypervClusterVolumeReport