
function Get-PasswordWeb {
    DEPRECATED as the PasswordPusher had been updated to properly return password over API.
    Pulls the password from public or a private instance of Password Pusher by using a full link.
    Uses generic HTTP web request for compatibility with older builds of pwpusher
    This complements Peter Giacomo Lombardo's genius idea of sending a temporary link to password instead of plaintext (
    By default will work against publicly hosted instance at, but can use your privately hosted instance by specifying the target as script parameter.
    Mostly useful in automation deferred password auth/use, e.g. domain join of prestaged computers.
    Link to retrieve password from in full form. Will append .json automatically.
    Can be aliased as -l
    Delete the password from database (if allowed by pusher originally), False by default
    Can be aliased as -k
    $pwdlink | Get-PasswordWeb
    Pulls the password from the specified link.

    param (

    # Pull the password
    try {
        $Reply = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to get the response from service"

    # Parse the response if received - is the password deleted, expired or retrieved successfully
    if ($Reply.Content -match "<p>\nThis secret link was manually expired by one of its viewers and the password has been deleted from the PasswordPusher database.\n</p>") {
        Write-Error "Password can't be retrieved as it had been explicitly deleted"
    } elseif ($Reply.Content -match "<div class='payload'>\nThis secret link has expired.\n</div>") {
        Write-Error "Password can't be retrieved as it had expired already"
    } elseif ($Reply.Content -match "(?:\<div class\=\'payload spoiler\' id\=\'pass\'\>)(.+)(?:\<\/div\>)") {
        # Delete the password from database if requested
        if ($Kill.IsPresent) {
            Unpublish-Password -Uri $Uri
        return (ConvertTo-SecureString $Matches[1] -AsPlainText -Force)
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to retrieve the password"

New-Alias gpwdweb Get-PasswordWeb