
Convert a generic hashtable into useful ControlFields metadata
Extract from an object useful properties to use as DEBIAN/control fields
object filled with various properties
$project = gc ./project.yml -raw | convertfrom-yaml
$project | ConvertTo-DebianCONTROLFileSettings
This example will convert a project definition file into a useable hashtable to inject into Out-DebianCONTROLFile
General notes

function ConvertTo-DebianCONTROLFileSettings {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([hashtable])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][object]$Metadata
    Begin {

    Process {
        $ControlFields = @{}
        if ($Metadata) {
            if ($Metadata.Name) { $ControlFields.Package = $Metadata.Name }
            if ($Metadata.Package) { $ControlFields.Package = $Metadata.Package }
            if ($Metadata.Version) { $ControlFields.Version = [string]$Metadata.Version }
            if ($Metadata.Section) { $ControlFields.Section = $Metadata.Section }
            if ($Metadata.Priority) { $ControlFields.Priority = $Metadata.Priority }
            if ($Metadata.ProcessorArchitecture) { $ControlFields.Architecture = $Metadata.ProcessorArchitecture }
            if ($Metadata.Arch) { $ControlFields.Architecture = $Metadata.Arch }
            if ($Metadata.Architecture) { $ControlFields.Architecture = $Metadata.Architecture }
            if ($Metadata.Essential) { $ControlFields.Essential = $Metadata.Essential }
            if ($Metadata.Depends) { $ControlFields.Depends = $Metadata.Depends -join "," }
            if ($Metadata.'Pre-Depends') { $ControlFields.'Pre-Depends' = $Metadata.'Pre-Depends' }
            if ($Metadata.Recommends) { $ControlFields.Recommends = $Metadata.Recommends }
            if ($Metadata.Suggests) { $ControlFields.Suggests = $Metadata.Suggests }
            if ($Metadata.Breaks) { $ControlFields.Breaks = $Metadata.Breaks }
            if ($Metadata.Conflicts) { $ControlFields.Conflicts = $Metadata.Conflicts }
            if ($Metadata.Provides) { $ControlFields.Provides = $Metadata.Provides }
            if ($Metadata.Replaces) { $ControlFields.Replaces = $Metadata.Replaces }
            if ($Metadata.Enhances) { $ControlFields.Enhances = $Metadata.Enhances }
            if ($Metadata.Size) { $ControlFields.'Installed-Size' = $Metadata.Size }
            if ($Metadata.'Installed-Size') { $ControlFields.'Installed-Size' = $Metadata.'Installed-Size' }
            if ($Metadata.Authors) { $ControlFields.Maintainer = $Metadata.Authors[0] }
            if ($Metadata.Author) { $ControlFields.Maintainer = $Metadata.Author }
            if ($Metadata.owner) { $ControlFields.Maintainer = $Metadata.owner }
            if ($Metadata.Maintainer) { $ControlFields.Maintainer = $Metadata.Maintainer }
            if ($Metadata.Description) { $ControlFields.Description = $Metadata.Description }
            if ($Metadata.ProjectUri) { $ControlFields.Homepage = $Metadata.ProjectUri }
            if ($Metadata.ProjectUrl) { $ControlFields.Homepage = $Metadata.ProjectUrl }

        return $ControlFields

    End {

Write a debian control file
Output a fully-formated control file based on build configuration.
The project's properties. Properties have to be filtered with ConvertTo-DebianCONTROLFileSettings first
.PARAMETER Destination
Directory in wich to put the resulting control file
Use this switch to output the conrol content instead of its path
Full path to control file
control file content
$project = gc ./project.yml | ConvertFrom-Yaml | ConvertTo-PSCustomObject
$project | Out-DebianCONTROLFile -Destination /tmp/DEBIAN/
This example use a project.yml file filled with "key: pair" values, convert it to an object, an use its properties to output a well-formated debian control file.
The output of this example is "/tmp/DEBIAN/control"
    2020.03 - new version

function Out-DebianCONTROLFile {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][object]$Metadata,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false)][string]$Destination,
    Begin {
        if ($Destination) {
            if (!(dirExist($Destination))) { $null = New-Item $Destination -Force -ItemType Directory}

    Process {
        $ControlFields = ConvertTo-DebianCONTROLFileSettings -Metadata $Metadata

        if ($Destination) { $ControlFields | ConvertTo-Yaml | Out-File -Path "$Destination/control" -Encoding utf8 }

        if ($PassThru) {
            return $ControlFields
        } else {
            return (Resolve-Path -Path "$Destination/control").Path

    End {