

    Resource file to export useful functions to prettify output


        Author: Charles-Antoine Degennes <>
        New-ModuleManifest api.psd1 -RootModule api.psm1 -ModuleVersion "0.0.1" -Author "Charles-Antoine Degennes <>"

$Script:NS = (get-item $PSCommandPath).basename

# # Error codes enum
# Enum pwshfwERROR {
# OK = 0
# FAILED = 1
# MISSED = 3
# UNUSED = 5
# DEAD = 7
# }

$Script:PWSHFW_VERSION = (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot/VERSION)
# $Script:ErrorPreference = "Continue";
$Script:indent = ""
$Script:prepend = " * "
$Script:titleChar = "*"
$Script:lineBreakChar = "-"

    Template function

    Skeleton of a typical function

    .PARAMETER $string
    a string

    New-TemplateFunction -string "a string"


function New-TemplateFunction {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        return $string

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

# function Get-PwShFwModuleInfos {
# [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
# # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string
# )
# Begin {
# # eenter($Script:NS + '\' + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# }

# Process {
# Write-Output "PSCommandPath = $PSCommandPath"
# Write-Output "PSScriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot"
# }

# End {
# # eleave($Script:NS + '\' + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# }
# }

    Indent further calls to e*() functions

    Indent with 2 spaces

            . add parameter to override indent size

function Write-Indent() {
    $Script:indent += " "
    if ($PassThru) { return $Script:indent }

    Outdent further calls to e*() functions

    un-indent for 2 spaces

            . add parameter to override indent size

function Write-Outdent() {
    if ($Script:indent.Length -gt 3) {
        $Script:indent = $Script:indent.Substring(0,$Script:indent.Length - 3)
    } else {
        $Script:indent = ""
    if ($PassThru) { return $Script:indent }

    Print a title

    Print a title in green


function Write-Title() {
    $hr = "*" * ($message.Length + $indent.length + 6)
    $message = "** " + $indent + $message + " **"
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $hr
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $message
    if ($PassThru) { 
        return $message
    } else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n`n$hr"
        Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green $message

    Print a message without new line

    Print a message without new line

    .PARAMETER $message
    Text to display on screen

    .PARAMETER $width
    Optional. Used to pad text to the left.


function Write-Begin() {
        [int32]$width = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
    $fullMessage = $prepend + $indent + $message + "... "
    #$ht = "." * ($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - $message.Length)
    $width = $width - 16
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $("`n{0,-$width}" -f $fullMessage)
    Write-ToLogFile -NoNewline -Message $fullMessage

    Add message to current line.

    Add text to current line of text. No new line at the beginning, no new line at the end.


function Write-Add() {
    Write-Host -NoNewline $Message
    Write-ToLogFile -NoNewline -Message $message

    Print a message depending on return code

    Print a message of status code.
    All status MUST have the same length. It is used to properly align all messages


function Write-End() {

    if (-not($errorCode)) { $errorCode = $false }
    $color = "White"  ; $message = $errorCode

    switch -wildcard ($errorCode.GetTYpe().Name) {
        "Bool*" {
            switch ($errorCode) {
                $true  { $color = "Green"   ; $message = " ok " }
                $false { $color = "Red"     ; $message = " failed " }
        "Int*" {
            switch ($errorCode) {
                # 0 is never called since `Write-End 0` goes to the bool switch
                # 0 { $color = "Green"; $message = " ok " }
                1    { $color = "Red";        $message = " failed " }
                2    { $color = "DarkGreen"; $message = " running " }
                3    { $color = "Yellow";    $message = " missed " }
                4    { $color = "Gray";        $message = " skipped " }
                5    { $color = "Gray";        $message = " unused " }
                6    { $color = "Gray";        $message = " unknown " }
                7    { $color = "Red";        $message = " dead " }
                8    { $color = "Gray";        $message = "not found" }
        # "pwshfwERROR" {
        # switch ($errorCode) {
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::OK) { $color = "Green"; $message = " ok " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::FAILED) { $color = "Red"; $message = " failed " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::RUNNING) { $color = "DarkGreen"; $message = " running " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::MISSED) { $color = "Yellow"; $message = " missed " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::SKIPPED) { $color = "Gray"; $message = " skipped " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::UNUSED) { $color = "Gray"; $message = " unused " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::UNKNOWN) { $color = "Gray"; $message = " unknown " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::DEAD) { $color = "Red"; $message = " dead " }
        # ([pwshfwERROR]::NOTFOUND) { $color = "Gray"; $message = "not found" }
        # default { $color = "White"; $message = $errorCode }
        # }
        # }
    $message = "[ " + $message + " ]"
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color $message
    Write-ToLogFile -NoHeader -Message $message

    Print a message when entering a function

    Print a message specifically when entering a function.

    # eenter ""


function Write-EnterFunction() {
    # [CmdletBinding()]param(
    # [string]$message
    # )
    $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
    if ($callStack.Count -gt 1) {
        $message = $callStack[1].Command
        # $callStack[1] | fl *
    $message = ">> " + $message + "()"
    Write-Devel ($message)
    if ($Global:DEVEL) { eindent }

    Print a message when leaving a function

    Print a message specifically when entering a function.

    # eenter ""


function Write-LeaveFunction() {
    # [CmdletBinding()]param(
    # [string]$message
    # )
    $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
    if ($callStack.Count -gt 1) {
        $message = $callStack[1].Command
        # $callStack[1] | fl *
    if ($Global:DEVEL) { eoutdent }
    $message = "<< " + $message + "()"
    Write-Devel ($message)

    Print a message when entering something

    Print a message and indent output for following messages.
    It is useful when entering a loop, or a module, or an external script.

    # eenter ""


function Write-Enter() {
    $message = ">> " + $message + "()"
    Write-Info ($message)

    Print a message when leaving a something

    Print a message specifically when entering a function.
    It is useful when leaving a loop, or a module, or an external script.

    # eenter ""


function Write-Leave() {
    $message = "<< " + $message + "()"
    Write-Info ($message)

    Print a devel message

    Used to print content of command


function Write-Devel() {
    if ($Global:DEVEL -eq $false) { return }
    $fullmessage = $prepend + "DEV: " + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    #Write-Debug ($indent + " " + $message)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $fullmessage

    Print a debug message

    Override Write-Debug() powershell function
    Mainly used to print Key = Valu pair


function Write-MyDebug() {
    if ($Global:DEBUG -eq $false) { return }
    $fullmessage = $prepend + "DBG: " + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    #Write-Debug ($indent + " " + $message)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $fullmessage

    Print a verbose message

    Override Write-Verbose() powershell function


function Write-MyVerbose() {
    if ($VERBOSE -eq $false) { return }
    $fullmessage = $prepend + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White  ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    #Write-Verbose ($indent + " " + $message)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $fullmessage

    Print a warning message

    Override Write-Warning() powershell function


function Write-MyWarning() {
    $fullmessage = $prepend + "WRN: " + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message $fullmessage

    Print an error message

    Override Write-Error() powershell function


function Write-MyError() {
    $fullmessage = $prepend + "ERR: " + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message ($fullmessage)

    Print an information message

    Override Write-Information() powershell function


function Write-Info() {
    $fullmessage = $prepend + $indent + $message
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray ("`n" + $fullmessage)
    Write-ToLogFile -Message ($fullmessage)

    Print a fatal error message then exist script

    Print an error message before terminate current script

    Write-Fatal "fatal error. Abort."


function Write-Fatal() {
    Write-MyError -ErrorAction:Stop -Message $message
    Throw " Aborting."

    Wrapper to PwSh.Fw.Log's Wrte-ToLogFile().

    All the Write-*() functions from this module use Write-ToLogFile(). This wrapper is here just in case the PwSh.Fw.Log module is not loaded/available.

    .PARAMETER Append
    Append message to the log file. Do not overwrite it.
    Append = $true is the default. If you want to overwrite or initiate the file, call
    Write-ToLogFile -message "Logfile initialized" -Append=$false

    .PARAMETER NoNewline
    Do not append a new line at the end of file.

    .PARAMETER NoHeader
    Do not print header informations : "date hostname scriptname". Usefull to append text to an existing line.

    Write-ToLogFile -message "a log entry" -append


function Write-ToLogFile() {
        [string]$logFile = $Global:LOG
    # old method using ubounded arguments, but I failed to make it work
    # # Write-Host("`n >> " + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
    # Write-Host($MyInvocation.PSBoundParameters | Convertto-Json)
    # Write-Host($MyInvocation.UnboundArguments | Convertto-Json)
    # $module = Get-Module PwSh.Fw.Log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # if ($null -ne $module) {
    # PwSh.Fw.Log\Write-ToLogFile $MyInvocation.PSBoundParameters
    # PwSh.Fw.Log\Write-ToLogFile ($MyInvocation.UnboundArguments).ToString()
    # }
    # # Write-Host("`n << " + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    # new method with bounded parameters
    $module = Get-Module PwSh.Fw.Log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -ne $module) {
        PwSh.Fw.Log\Write-ToLogFile -Append:$Append -NoNewLine:$NoNewLine -NoHeader:$NoHeader -Message "$Message" -logFile $logFile


    Execute a DOS/Shell command.

    Wrapper for executing a DOS/Shell command. It handle (not yet) logging, (not yet) simulating and (not yet) asking.
    Please use following syntax :
    $rc = Execute-Commande "commande.exe" "arguments"
    to catch return code. Otherwise it will be printed to stdout and its quite ugly.

    .PARAMETER exe
    full path to executable

    .PARAMETER args
    all arguments enclosed in double-quotes. You may have to escape inner quotes to handle args with special characters.

    Return code will be an int instead of a boolean.

    $rc = Execute-Command "net" "use w: \\srv\share"


function Execute-Command() {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Justification="Execute-Command is a more intuitive verb for this function and does not conflict with default Invoke-Command cmdlet.")]
        [parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string]$exe,
        [parameter(mandatory=$false, position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][string]$args,

    $cmd = Get-Command -Name "$exe"
    switch ($cmd.CommandType) {
        'Application' {
            $exe = "& '" + $exe + "'"
        'ExternalScript' {
            $exe = "& '" + $exe + "'"
        'Cmdlet' {

        default {


    Write-MyDebug ($exe + " " + $args)
    # $rcFile = $([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar + "rc")
    $rcFile = $([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "rc")
    # edevel("rcFile = $rcFile")
    # try {
        # if ($Global:DEVEL) {
        # if ($AsInt) {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$LastExitCode | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Foreach-Object { Write-Devel $_ }
        # } else {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$? | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Foreach-Object { Write-Devel $_ }
        # }
        # #return $?
        # } elseif ($Global:DEBUG) {
        # if ($AsInt) {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$LastExitCode | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Out-Null
        # } else {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$? | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Out-Null
        # }
        # #return $?
        # } else {
        # if ($AsInt) {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$LastExitCode | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Out-Null
        # } else {
        # Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$? | Out-File '$rcFile'") | Out-Null
        # }
        # #return $?
        # }
        if ($AsInt) {
            $out = Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$LastExitCode | Out-File '$rcFile'")
        } else {
            $out = Invoke-Expression ("$exe $args; `$? | Out-File '$rcFile'")
        if ($Global:DEVEL) {
            $out | Foreach-Object { Write-Devel $_ }
        } elseif ($Global:DEBUG) {
            $out | Foreach-Object { Write-MyDebug $_ }
        $rc = Get-Content "$rcFile" -Raw
        # # edevel("rc = $rc")
        # Remove-Item "$rcFile"
        # # edevel("return $rc")
        # # if ($null -ne $rc) {
            return $rc
        # } else {
        # return $false
        # }
    # return $true
    # } catch {
    # return $false
    # }

    Wrapper for Import-Module

    It handle everything to not worry about error messages.
    * check if module exist in module path
    * if an absolute filename is given, check if module exist as well as manifest
    * load-it with an optional $Force parameter
    * write a warning if module cannot be found

    Name of the module to load

    .PARAMETER FullyQualifiedName
    Absolute path and name of the module to load. It can be either the manifest file (.psd1) or the module file (.psm1)

    .PARAMETER Force
    Force a reload if module is already loaded


function Load-Module {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Justification="Load-Module is a more intuitive verb for this function and does not conflict with default Get-Module cmdlet.")]
    Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NAME",Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FILENAME",Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Required', 'Optional')]
        [string]$Policy = "Required"
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "NAME" {
                $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable $Name
                if ($null -eq $module) {
                    # fake module to display correct informations
                    # PowerShell < 5 does not return anything
                    $module = @{ name = $Name; path = $null}
            "FILENAME" {
                $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable $FullyQualifiedName -ErrorAction Ignore
                if ($null -eq $module) {
                    # fake module to display correct informations
                    # PowerShell < 5 does not return anything
                    $module = @{ name = (Split-Path -Leaf $FullyQualifiedName); path = $FullyQualifiedName}

        # exit if module is already loaded
        $rc = Get-Module -Name $module.Name
        if ($null -ne $rc) {
            if ($Force -eq $false) {
                ebegin("Module $($ already loaded...")
                eend $true
                return $true

        if ($Global:VERBOSE) {
            if ($Global:DEBUG) {
                ebegin("Importing module $($ from '$($module.Path)'")
            } else {
                ebegin("Importing module $($")
        switch ($Policy) {
            'Required' {
                $ErrorAction = 'Ignore'
                # $ErrorAction = 'Continue'
            'Optional' {
                $ErrorAction = 'Ignore'

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "NAME" {
                Import-Module -Name $ -Global -Force:$Force -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction $ErrorAction
                $rc = $?
            "FILENAME" {
                # -FullyQualifiedName is not supported in PS < 5
                if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) {
                    Import-Module $module.Path -Global -Force:$Force -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction $ErrorAction
                } else {
                    Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $module.Path -Global -Force:$Force -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction $ErrorAction
                $rc = $?

        switch ($Policy) {
            'Required' {
                if ($rc -eq $false) {
                    efatal("Module $($ was not found and policy is '$Policy'.")
            'Optional' {

        if ($Global:VERBOSE) {
            eend $rc

        return $rc

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Test if a file exist

Long description

An example

General notes

function Test-FileExist {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        Test-Path $Name -PathType Leaf

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Test if a directory exist

Long description

An example

General notes

function Test-DirExist {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([System.Boolean])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        Test-Path $Path -PathType Container

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Test if a registry property exist

    There is not yet a builtin function to test existence of registry value. Thanks to Jonathan Medd, here it is.

    .PARAMETER RegPath
    Registry path to the key

    Test-RegKeyExist -RegPath HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

    General notes


function Test-RegKeyExist {
    param (

    Test-Path -Path $RegPath -PathType Container

    Test if a registry property exist

    There is not yet a builtin function to test existence of registry value. Thanks to Jonathan Medd, here it is.

    .PARAMETER RegPath
    Registry path to the key

    Name of the value to test

    Test-RegValueExist -RegPath HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion -Value ProgramFilesDir

    General notes


function Test-RegValueExist {
    param (

    try {
        $rc = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name -ErrorAction Stop
        return $true
    } catch {
        return $false

    Test if a variable exist

    This function is silent and only return $true if the variable exist or $false otherwise.

    a variable name to test

    Test-Variable -Name "myvar"

function Test-Variable {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Name
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        Get-Variable -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
        return $?

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Serialize an object to a single string

    Convert an object to a single string to ease display and debug

    .PARAMETER InputObject
    an object (currently, only hashtable are supported)

    $ht = @{'key'="value";'key2'="value2"}
    $ht | ConvertTo-SingleString

    General notes

function ConvertTo-SingleString {
        [parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

    Begin {

    Process {
        # $InputObject.GetTYpe()
        switch ($InputObject.GetTYpe()) {
            'Hashtable' {
                # $serialized = ($InputObject.GetEnumerator() | % { "'$($_.Key)'=`"$($_.Value)`"" }) -join ';'
                $serialized = Foreach ($k in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
                    switch ($k.Value.GetType()) {
                        'datetime' {
                        default {
                $serialized = $serialized -join(';')
            default {
                eerror("Object type '" + $InputObject.GetTYpe() + "' not supported yet.")
                return $false
        return "@{" + $serialized + "}"

    End {


function Remove-StringLatinCharacters
    PARAM (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

Resolve boolean well-known values

Boolean are not just (true | false) value. It can by yes/no or 0/1. Resolve-Boolean handle all of this.

The variable name to check

true | Resolve-Boolean

0 | Resolve-Boolean

$test = "yes"
if ((Resolve-Boolean -var $test) -eq $true) { echo "yes is true" }

General notes

function Resolve-Boolean {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([boolean])]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]$var
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        switch -regex ($var.GetType()) {
            'bool*' {
                return $var
            'int*' {
                switch ($var) {
                    0         { return $false }
                    1         { return $true  }
            'string' {
                switch -wildcard ($var) {
                    'false' { return $false }
                    'true'    { return $true  }
                    'n*'    { return $false }
                    'y*'    { return $true  }
        return $false

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Get a property value from a file

function Get-PropertyValueFromFile {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $value = (Get-Content $Filename -Raw | ConvertFrom-StringData).$Propertyname
        # trim quotes
        $value = $value -replace "'", "" -replace '"', ''
        return $value

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function ConvertTo-CamelCase {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    Begin {
        # eenter($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        # convert to Title Case
        $camelCase = (get-culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($String)
        # transforme accent to normal letters
        $camelCase = $camelCase | Remove-StringLatinCharacters
        # remove non alphanumeric characters
        $camelCase = $camelCase -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ''
        # convert 1st letter to lowercase
        $camelCase = $camelCase.Substring(0,1).ToLower() + $camelCase.Substring(1)

        return $camelCase

    End {
        # eleave($MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Add a custom path to the PSModulePath environment variable.

Add a custom path to the PSModulePath environment variable.

Path to add

If specified, add the Path at the beginning of PSModulePath

Add-PSModulePath -Path c:\MyProject\MyModules

"C:\MyProject\MyModules" | Add-PSModulePath -First

General notes

function Add-PSModulePath {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$Path,
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + '\' + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        try {
            if ($First) {
                $env:PSModulePath = $PATH + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $env:PSModulePath
            } else {
                $env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $PATH
        } catch {
            ewarn($_.Exception.ItemName + ": " + $_.Exception.Message)
        # edevel("env:PSModulePath = " + $env:PSModulePath)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + '\' + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Set-Alias -Force -Name eindent        -Value Write-Indent
Set-Alias -Force -Name eoutdent        -Value Write-Outdent
Set-Alias -Force -Name etitle        -Value Write-Title
Set-Alias -Force -Name ebegin        -Value Write-Begin
Set-Alias -Force -Name eadd            -Value Write-Add
Set-Alias -Force -Name eend            -Value Write-End
Set-Alias -Force -Name fenter        -Value Write-EnterFunction
Set-Alias -Force -Name fleave        -Value Write-LeaveFunction
Set-Alias -Force -Name eenter        -Value Write-Enter
Set-Alias -Force -Name eleave        -Value Write-Leave
#Set-Alias -Force -Name einfo -Value Write-Information
Set-Alias -Force -Name einfo        -Value Write-Info
#Set-Alias -Force -Name everbose -Value Write-Verbose
Set-Alias -Force -Name everbose        -Value Write-MyVerbose
#Set-Alias -Force -Name edebug -Value Write-Debug
Set-Alias -Force -Name edebug        -Value Write-MyDebug
Set-Alias -Force -Name edevel        -Value Write-Devel
Set-Alias -Force -Name ewarn        -Value Write-MyWarning
Set-Alias -Force -Name eerror        -Value Write-MyError
Set-Alias -Force -Name efatal        -Value Write-Fatal
Set-Alias -Force -Name eexec        -Value Execute-Command
Set-Alias -Force -Name Execute-Cmd    -Value Execute-Command
Set-Alias -Force -Name Exec-Command -Value Execute-Command
Set-Alias -Force -Name Exec-Cmd        -Value Execute-Command
Set-Alias -Force -Name fileExist    -Value Test-FileExist
Set-Alias -Force -Name dirExist        -Value Test-DirExist
Set-Alias -Force -Name regKeyExist    -Value Test-RegKeyExist
Set-Alias -Force -Name regValueExist    -Value Test-RegValueExist
Set-Alias -Force -Name varExist        -Value Test-Variable
Set-Alias -Force -Name Resolve-Bool -Value Resolve-Boolean

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *