
# List here the name of the package to add to system
# this variable is used in Install-Dependencies() and Remove-Dependencies()
$Script:PackageList = ""

# common message to display when calling not-yet-overriden function
$Script:WarningMessage = @(
                            "The function {0}() is not yet overriden for the currently running OS.",
                            "Please add an issue on the project's gitlab or submit a pull-request."

$Script:NS = (get-item $PSCommandPath).basename

  ####### ######
 ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ##
 ## ## ######
 ## ## ##
 ## ## ## ##
  ####### ######

Install dependencies to unlock full PWSH functionnalities
PWSH can make use of some binaries that are not included in distro at install time.
This function can install them all at once.

function Install-Dependencies {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string = ""
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | ForEach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Remove dependencies from current system
Cleanly remove dependencies
# TODO add this function to the uninstall process

function Remove-Dependencies {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string = ""
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Mount-Iso should mount an .iso file somewhere on the filesystem
Mount-Iso should take care if Iso file is already mounted.
If not, it should try to mount it in a temp directory.
It must return absolute path name of mountpoint or $false if something went wrong
Mount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso
Mount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' into the filesystem
Mount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso -To /mnt/myiso
Mount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' into the /mnt/myiso directory
Absolute pathname of the mountpoint of the iso file

function Mount-Iso {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Dismount-Iso should unmount an .iso file from the filesystem
Dismount-Iso should simply unmount iso file and clean mountpoint
Dismount-Iso -File /path/to/cdrom.iso
Dismount the iso '/path/to/cdrom.iso' from the filesystem
Dismount-Iso -From /mnt/myiso
Dismount the iso from the /mnt/myiso directory
$true on success, $false otherwise

function DisMount-Iso {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Mount-Hive should mount a Windows registry hive file somewhere on the current registry tree.
Under Windows Operating System :
  - Mount-Hive should take care if the Hive file is already mounted.
  - Mount-Hive should mount the requested hive under HKLM\__HIVENAME
  - It should return the absolute mountpoint of the hive file (e.g. HKLM\__HIVENAME)
Under Unix/Linux Operating System using libguestfs (hivex*) :
  - Mount-Hive should just resolve path and return absolute path to hive file
It must return absolute path to mounted hive or $false if something went wrong
Mount-Hive -File C:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
Should do nothing as this hive is probably already mounted (except under WinPE)
Mount-Hive -File X:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
Should mount the hive SOFTWARE under the current HKLM hive.
Mount-Hive -Path X:\Windows -Hive
Absolute pathname or the mountpoint of the Hive file

function Mount-Hive {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Dismount-Hive should unmount an .Hive file from the filesystem
Dismount-Hive should simply unmount Hive file and clean mountpoint
Dismount-Hive -File /path/to/install.Hive
Dismount the Hive '/path/to/install.Hive' from the filesystem
Dismount-Hive -From /mnt/myHive
Dismount the Hive file from the /mnt/myHive directory
$true on success, $false otherwise
For the moment, dismounting en Windows Image will discard any changes

function DisMount-Hive {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Mount-Wim should mount a .wim file somewhere on the filesystem
Mount-Wim should take care if the WIM file is already mounted.
If not, it should try to mount it in a temp directory.
It must return absolute path name of mountpoint or $false if something went wrong
Mount-Wim -File /path/to/install.wim
Mount the wim '/path/to/install.wim' into the filesystem
Mount-Wim -File /path/to/install.wim -Index 3 -To /somewhere
Mount the 3rd image of th wim file '/path/to/install.wim' into the '/somewhere' directory of the filesystem
Absolute pathname of the mountpoint of the wim file
For the moment, Windows Image are mounted read-only

function Mount-Wim {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Dismount-Wim should unmount an .wim file from the filesystem
Dismount-Wim should simply unmount wim file and clean mountpoint
Dismount-Wim -File /path/to/install.wim
Dismount the wim '/path/to/install.wim' from the filesystem
Dismount-Wim -From /mnt/mywim
Dismount the wim file from the /mnt/mywim directory
$true on success, $false otherwise
For the moment, dismounting en Windows Image will discard any changes

function DisMount-Wim {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$File = "",
    # [string]$To = $null
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

Skeleton for Test-UserIsAdmin.
Test if a user (or current user) is admin
This function should take an uid or a username as argument.
Test if currently logged on user have admin rights (= is root)
Test-UserIsAdmin -username root
Test is user 'root' have admin rights
$true is provided user is admin, $false otherwise

function Test-UserIsAdmin {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="username")]Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "username")]
        [Alias("user", "name", "login")]
        [string]$Username = $env:USER,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "id")]
        [Alias("uid", "sid")]
        [string]$id = (id -u)
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

  ###### ####### ## ## ######## ## ## ######## ######## ########
 ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
  ###### ####### ## ## ## ####### ## ######## ## ##

function Get-ComputerArch {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        return "unknown"

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerDisk {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerDomain {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        return "localdomain"

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerEthernet {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        [ValidateSet('Index', 'Name')]
        [string]$ListAvailable = 'Index'
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerFirmwareType {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        return "BIOS"

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerSerialNumber {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerManufacturer {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerModel {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

[NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION] Get the computer name
.PARAMETER localhost
request localhost's ComputerName
$name = Get-ComputerName -Localhost
This function is a skeleton from Dict.OS module. If you see this help, it means this function
is not yet implemented for the OS you are running.

function Get-ComputerName {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        return "localhost"

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Get-ComputerSerialNumber {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

 ######## ######## ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ######## ########
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ##
 ###### ## ######### ###### ######## ## ## ## ###### ##
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
 ######## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ######## ##

# function Get-EthernetObject {
# [CmdletBinding()]Param (
# [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
# [string]$AdapterName,
# [ValidateSet('IPv4', 'IPv6')]
# [string]$Family = 'IPv4'
# )
# Begin {
# Write-EnterFunction
# $eth = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
# # name of network interface
# name = "lo"
# # inner index in array eth
# index = 0
# # index of interface in operating system
# ifIndex = 0
# manufacturer = ""
# model = ""
# description = ""
# mac = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
# # link status of ethernet interface
# # $false is link down
# # $true is link up
# link = $false
# speed = 0
# dhcpIpAddress = $null
# ipaddress = [ipaddress]""
# netmask = [ipaddress]""
# broadcast = [ipaddress]""
# gateway = [ipaddress]""
# # the score for this interface to be the default
# scoreDefault = 0
# default = $false
# }
# }

# Process {
# $eth.name = $AdapterName
# $eth.ifindex = Get-EthIndex -AdapterName $AdapterName
# $eth.mac = Get-EthMacAddress -AdapterName $AdapterName
# $eth.link = Get-EthLinkStatus -AdapterName $AdapterName
# if ($eth.link -eq $true) {
# $eth.ipaddress = Get-EthIPAddress -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family
# $eth.netmask = Get-EthNetmask -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family
# $eth.broadcast = Get-EthBroadcast -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family
# $eth.gateway = Get-EthGateway -AdapterName $AdapterName -Family:$Family
# }

# return $eth
# }

# End {
# Write-LeaveFunction
# }
# }

# function Get-EthLinkStatus {
# [CmdletBinding(
# DefaultParameterSetName="INDEX"
# )]Param(
# # Parameter help description
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName="INDEX",ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
# [int]$AdapterIndex = 1,

# [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NAME",ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
# [string]$AdapterName = "lo"
# )

# Begin {
# eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# }

# Process {
# $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
# ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# }
# return $false
# }

# End {
# eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# }
# }

[NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION] Get network adapter speed
[NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION] Ask OS for network adapter speed
.PARAMETER AdapterIndex
Adapter index
.PARAMETER AdapterName
Adapter name
Get-EthSpeed -AdapterIndex 0
Get-EthSpeed -AdapterName Ethernet0
[uint32] return link speed in bytes per seconds
This function is a skeleton from Dict.OS module. If you see this help, it means this function
is not yet implemented for the OS you are running.

function Get-EthSpeed {
        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="INDEX",ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [int]$AdapterIndex = 0,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName="NAME",ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [string]$AdapterName = "lo"

    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        return 0

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    ### ######## ###### ## ## #### ## ## ######## ######
   ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
  ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ######## ## ######### ## ## ## ###### ######
 ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
 ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## #### ### ######## ######

[NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION] Fake function for Expand-Cabinet as is an OS specific operation.
[NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION] The real function must be declared by the Dict/Dict.* modules.
.PARAMETER filename
Filename of the cabinet to extract
This function is a skeleton from Dict.OS module. If you see this help, it means this function
is not yet implemented for the OS you are running.

function Expand-Cabinet {
    # [CmdletBinding()]Param (
    # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$filename,
    # [parameter(mandatory=$false, position=1, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)][string]$options
    # )
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

[SKELETON] Reload environment variables from system registry
[NEED IMPLEMENTATION] Powershell compute environment variables at startup of powershell process. Update-Environment update variables from registry.
Source found @url https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14381650/how-to-update-windows-powershell-session-environment-variables-from-registry

function Update-Environment {
    [CmdletBinding()]Param (
        # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$string
    Begin {
        # eenter($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {
        # eleave($Script:NS + "\" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

 ######## ### ###### ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ## ######## ########
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
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    ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
    ## ## ## ###### ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ######## ######## ####### ######## ######## ## ##

Create a new folder in the Operating System's task scheduler
Create a new folder in the Operating System's task scheduler daemon.
The name of the folder to create
An optional root folder to be the parent of the folder to create
New-ScheduledTaskFolder -FolderName "MyDaemon"
On linux, this function just create an empty file under /etc/cron.d by default

function New-ScheduledTaskFolder {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)][string]$FolderName,
        [string]$Root = '\'
    Begin {

    Process {
        $Script:WarningMessage | Foreach-Object {
            ewarn($_ -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

    End {