

$Script:NS = (get-item $PSCommandPath).basename

function Get-OSKernelVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $matches = (Get-ChildItem $Root/boot/).name | Select-String -Pattern "-(?<version>\d{1,}\.\d{1,}\.\d{1,}-\d{1,})-"
        $versions = ($matches.Matches.Groups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "version" }).Value | Sort-Object -Unique
        $matches2 = $versions | Select-String -Pattern "(?<major>\d{1,})\.(?<minor>\d{1,})\.(?<build>\d{1,})-(?<rev>\d{1,})"
        $versions2 = @()
        $matches2 | ForEach-Object {
            $versions2 += [System.Version]"$(($_.Matches.Groups | where-Object { $ -eq "major" }).Value).$(($_.Matches.Groups | where-Object { $ -eq "minor" }).Value).$(($_.Matches.Groups | where-Object { $ -eq "build" }).Value).$(($_.Matches.Groups | where-Object { $ -eq "rev" }).Value)"
        return ($versions2 | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1)

    End {

function Get-OSFamily {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $family = ""
        if (fileExist "$Root/etc/debian_version") { $family = "debian" }
        if (fileExist "$Root/etc/os-release") {
            $OSRELEASE = Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" -Raw | ConvertFrom-StringData
            if ($OSRELEASE.ID_LIKE) {
                $family = $OSRELEASE.ID_LIKE.Tolower()
            } elseif ($OSRELEASE.ID) {
                $family = $OSRELEASE.ID.Tolower()
        return (get-culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($family)

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

function Get-OSDistrib {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $id = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "ID"
            $c = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
            $distrib = $c.ToTitleCase($id)

        return $distrib

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

Get the OS codename
The codename is often used to quicky identify an OS in a unique and friendly way.
Specify to look at the currently running OS
The root path under wich to look for the OS
Get-OSCodename -Online
General notes

function Get-OSCodename {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = $null
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION_CODENAME"
            # /etc/os-release sometimes lacks the VERSION_CODENAME property... try to find something else
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
                $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION"
                # find something between parenthesis
                $value = $value -replace ".*\((.*)\)", '$1'            }

        return $value

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

function Get-OSProductname {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "PRETTY_NAME"

        return $value

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

function Get-OSVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION"
            # remove everything that is not a digit, not a dot
            $value = $value -replace "[^0-9.]", ""

        return [system.version]$value

    End {

    Get the distribution of the OS

function Get-OSDisplayVersion {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION"

        return $value

    End {

Long description
Parameter description
Parameter description
An example
General notes

function Get-OSReleaseId {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION_ID"

        return $value

    End {

    Get the Product name of the OS

function Get-OSEdition {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        if ($Online) {
            $value = $env:XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP

        return $value

    End {

    Get the Product name of the OS

function Get-OSLongCodeName {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $value = ""
        $fileExist = Test-Path -Path "$Root/etc/os-release" -PathType Leaf
        if ($fileExist) {
            # $distrib = (Get-Content "$Root/etc/os-release" | where { $_ -match "^NAME=" }).split("=")[1].replace('"','')
            $value = Get-PropertyValueFromFile -Filename "$Root/etc/os-release" -Propertyname "VERSION"
            $value = $value.Split("(")[-1].Replace(")", "")

        return $value

    End {

function Get-OSFiles {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $Root = $Root.TrimEnd('/\')
        $wkFiles = @{}
        # if (FileExist ("$Root/sbin\ntoskrnl.exe")) {
        # $wkFiles.Add('kernel', "$Root/sbin\ntoskrnl.exe")
        # }
        return ($wkFiles | Sort-HashTable)

    End {

function Get-OSFolders {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([Hashtable])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        $Root = $Root.TrimEnd('/\')
        $wkFolders = @{}
        if (DirExist ("$Root/etc")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('etc', "$Root/etc")
            # $wkFolders.Add('ProgramData', "$Root/etc")
        if (DirExist ("$Root/bin")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('bin', "$Root/bin")
            $wkFolders.Add('bin-x86', "$Root/bin")
            $wkFolders.Add('bin-x64', "$Root/bin")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles', "$Root/bin")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles-x86', "$Root/bin")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramFiles-x64', "$Root/bin")
        if (DirExist ("$Root/sbin")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('sbin', "$Root/sbin")
            $wkFolders.Add('sbin-x64', "$Root/sbin")
            $wkFolders.Add('System-x86', "$Root/sbin")
            $wkFolders.Add('System-x64', "$Root/sbin")
        if (DirExist ("$Root/var/lib")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('var', "$Root/var/lib")
            $wkFolders.Add('ProgramData', "$Root/var/lib")
        if (DirExist ("$Root/var/log")) {
            $wkFolders.Add('log', "$Root/var/log")
        return ($wkFolders | Sort-HashTable)

    End {

function Get-OSSystemRoot {
    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [string]$Root = "/"
    Begin {

    Process {
        if ($Online) { $Root = '/' }
        return $Root

    End {