
function Test-PwnedHash {
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidHash $_ -ThrowOnFail})]
        [string]$ApiRoot = "",

    Begin {
        $headers = @{}
        if ($RequestPadding) {
            $headers.Headers = @{
                'Add-Padding' = 'true'

        # split the hash into its 5 char prefix and remaining suffix
        $hashPrefix = $PasswordHash.Substring(0,5)
        $hashSuffix = $PasswordHash.Substring(5)

        if ($ApiRoot -like 'http*') {
            # query the appropriate web URL
            try {
                $results = (Invoke-WebRequest "$($ApiRoot)$($hashPrefix)" @script:IWR_PARAMS @headers).Content
            } catch { throw }
        } else {
            # must be filesystem path, so try to get contents
            $results = Get-Content "$($ApiRoot)$($hashPrefix)" -Raw -EA Stop

        # check for the suffix in the results
        $SeenCount = 0
        if ($results -match "(?m:^$($hashSuffix):(?<SeenCount>\d+))") {
            $SeenCount = [int]$matches.SeenCount

        # return the hash and found count
        $result = [pscustomobject]@{
            Label = [string]::Empty
            Hash = $PasswordHash
            SeenCount = $SeenCount

        if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Label)) {
            $result.Label = $Label

        return $result

        Checks a SHA1 or NTLM hash string against a compatible Pwned Passwords API endpoint.
        The Pwned Passwords API is a way to check a password hash against a list of more than half a billion passwords which have been previously exposed in data breaches. The API implements a k-Anonymity model that allows a password to be searched for by partial hash. This means your full password hash never leaves your machine and ensures your privacy.
        This function will check the specified hash against the API and return a number that indicates the amount of times that password was found in known data breaches. A high count indicates that password has been heavily used and should not be considered safe.
        TO BE CLEAR, only the first 5 characters of the password hash are submitted to the API. See for more detail.
    .PARAMETER PasswordHash
        The hash to check. UTF8 encoded SHA1 hashes are expected with the official (default) API. Some third parties host NTLM (UTF16-LE encoded) versions of the API as well.
    .PARAMETER Label
        This adds an optional Label field to the output to more easily identifiy this hash.
    .PARAMETER ApiRoot
        If specified, overrides the default API URL. URLs or filesystem paths can both be used as an alternative. The URL\Path should include everything preceding the 5 character hash prefix (e.g. '' or 'C:\temp\').
    .PARAMETER RequestPadding
        If specified, HTTP based queries will add the 'Add-Padding: true' header to the request which signals to the server to return a randomly padded response. See for details.
        $hash = '5BAA61E4C9B93F3F0682250B6CF8331B7EE68FD8' # UTF8 SHA1 hash of 'password'
        PS C:\>Test-PwnedHash $hash
        Test a password hash against the official API
        $hash = '8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C' # NTLM hash of 'password'
        PS C:\>$hash | Test-PwnedHash -ApiRoot ''
        Test a password hash against an internal NTLM Pwned Passwords API endpoint.
