
## Invoke-CmdScript.ps1
## from
## Invoke the specified batch file (and parameters), but also propigate any
## environment variable changes back to the PowerShell environment that
## called it.
## ie:
## PS > type foo-that-sets-the-FOO-env-variable.cmd
## @set FOO=%*
## echo FOO set to %FOO%.
## PS > $env:FOO
## PS > Invoke-CmdScript "foo-that-sets-the-FOO-env-variable.cmd" Test
## C:\Temp>echo FOO set to Test.
## FOO set to Test.
## PS > $env:FOO
## Test

param([string] $script, [string] $parameters)  

$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()  

## Store the output of cmd.exe. We also ask cmd.exe to output
## the environment table after the batch file completes

cmd /c " `"$script`" $parameters && set > `"$tempFile`" " 

## Go through the environment variables in the temp file.
## For each of them, set the variable in our local environment.
Get-Content $tempFile | Foreach-Object {   
    if($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$")  
        Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2]  

Remove-Item $tempFile