
# Modified From: (MIT License)

# This source code is licensed under the MIT License
# Project URL -
# Thanks to Posh-Git -

# See scoop/lib/core.ps1
function script:load_cfg($file) {
    if (!(Test-Path $file)) {
        return $null
    try {
        return (Get-Content $file -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop)
    catch { }

$script:configHome = $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME, "$env:USERPROFILE\.config" | Select-Object -First 1
$script:configFile = "$configHome\scoop\config.json"
$script:scoopConfig = load_cfg $script:configFile

function script:get_config($name, $default) {
    if ($null -eq $scoopConfig.$name -and $null -ne $default) {
        return $default
    return $scoopConfig.$name

try {
    $Script:scoopdir = $env:SCOOP, (get_config 'root_path'), "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop" |
    Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } | Select-Object -First 1
catch { Write-Warning 'No scoop installed!' }

$script:aliasMap = get_config 'alias'

# See scoop/libexec/
$script:ScoopCommands = @(

# See scoop/libexec/scoop-config.ps1
$script:ScoopConfigParams = @(
    # 'last_update' would be set by scoop

$script:ScoopSubcommands = @{
    alias  = 'add list rm'
    bucket = 'add list known rm'
    cache  = 'rm show'
    config = (@('rm') + $script:ScoopConfigParams) -join ' '
    # add 'rm' to config
    shim   = 'add list rm info alter'

$script:ScoopShortParams = @{
    install    = 'g i k u s a'
    uninstall  = 'g p'
    cleanup    = 'g'
    virustotal = 'a s n'
    update     = 'f g i k s q a'
    shim       = 'g'
    download   = 'f h u a'
    status     = 'l'

$script:ScoopLongParams = @{
    install    = 'global independent no-cache no-update-scoop skip arch'
    uninstall  = 'global purge'
    cleanup    = 'global'
    virustotal = 'arch scan no-depends'
    update     = 'force global independent no-cache skip quiet all'
    shim       = 'global'
    download   = 'force no-hash-check no-update-scoop arch'
    status     = 'local'

$script:ScoopParamValues = @{
    install    = @{
        a    = '32bit 64bit'
        arch = '32bit 64bit'
    virustotal = @{
        a    = '32bit 64bit'
        arch = '32bit 64bit'
    download   = @{
        a    = '32bit 64bit'
        arch = '32bit 64bit'

# See scoop/libexec/scoop-config.ps1
# TODO:display explanation of these settings
$script:ScoopConfigParamValues = @{
    use_external_7zip        = 'true false'
    use_lessmsi              = 'true false'
    no_junction              = 'true false'
    # scoop_repo
    scoop_branch             = 'master develop'
    # proxy
    autostash_on_conflict    = 'true false'
    default_architecture     = '32bit 64bit'
    debug                    = 'true false'
    force_update             = 'true false'
    show_update_log          = 'true false'
    show_manifest            = 'true false'
    shim                     = 'kiennq scoopcs 71'
    # root_path
    # global_path
    # cache_path
    # gh_token
    # virustotal_api_key
    cat_style                = 'default auto full plain changes header header-filename header-filesize grid rule numbers snip'
    ignore_running_processes = 'true false'
    # private_hosts
    # hold_update_until
    "aria2-enabled"          = 'true false'
    "aria2-warning-enabled"  = 'true false'
    # 'aria2-retry-wait'
    # 'aria2-split',
    # 'aria2-max-connection-per-server',
    # 'aria2-min-split-size',
    # 'aria2-options'

$script:ScoopCommandsWithLongParams = $ScoopLongParams.Keys -join '|'
$script:ScoopCommandsWithShortParams = $ScoopShortParams.Keys -join '|'
$script:ScoopCommandsWithParamValues = $ScoopParamValues.Keys -join '|'

# 6> redirect Write-Host's output, (〒︿〒)
function script:ScoopAlias($filter) {
    if ($null -ne $script:aliasMap) {
        @($script:aliasMap.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
            Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" }
    else {

function script:ScoopExpandCmdParams($commands, $command, $filter) {
    $commands.$command -split ' ' | Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" }

function script:ScoopExpandCmd($filter, $includeAliases) {
    $cmdList = @()
    $cmdList += $ScoopCommands
    if ($includeAliases) {
        $cmdList += ScoopAlias($filter)
    $cmdList -like "$filter*" | Sort-Object

function script:ScoopLocalPackages($filter) {
    @(& Get-ChildItem -Path $script:scoopdir\apps -Name -Directory |
        Where-Object { $_ -ne "scoop" } |
        Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" }

function script:ScoopConfigParamsFilter($filter) {
    $ScoopConfigParams -like "$filter*"

function script:ScoopExpandConfigParamValues($param, $filter) {
    $ScoopConfigParamValues[$param] -split ' ' |
    Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } |

function script:ScoopRemotePackages($filter) {
    @(& Get-ChildItem -Path $script:scoopdir\buckets\ -Name |
        ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItem -Path $script:scoopdir\buckets\$_\bucket -Name -Filter *.json } |
        ForEach-Object { if ( $_ -match '^([\w][\-\.\w]*)\.json$' ) { "$($Matches[1])" } } |
        Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" }

function script:ScoopLocalCaches($filter) {
    @(& scoop cache show |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
        Sort-Object -Unique |
        Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" }

function script:ScoopLocalBuckets($filter) {
    @(& scoop bucket list | Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" })

function script:ScoopRemoteBuckets($filter) {
    @(& scoop bucket known | Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" })

function script:ScoopExpandLongParams($cmd, $filter) {
    $ScoopLongParams[$cmd] -split ' ' |
    Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } |
    Sort-Object |
    ForEach-Object { -join ("--", $_) }

function script:ScoopExpandShortParams($cmd, $filter) {
    $ScoopShortParams[$cmd] -split ' ' |
    Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } |
    Sort-Object |
    ForEach-Object { -join ("-", $_) }

function script:ScoopExpandParamValues($cmd, $param, $filter) {
    $ScoopParamValues[$cmd][$param] -split ' ' |
    Where-Object { $_ -like "$filter*" } |

function script:ScoopTabExpansion($lastBlock) {

    switch -regex ($lastBlock) {
        # Handles Scoop <cmd> --<param> <value>
        "^(?<cmd>$ScoopCommandsWithParamValues).* --(?<param>.+) (?<value>\w*)$" {
            if ($ScoopParamValues[$matches['cmd']][$matches['param']]) {
                return ScoopExpandParamValues $matches['cmd'] $matches['param'] $matches['value']

        # Handles Scoop <cmd> -<shortparam> <value>
        "^(?<cmd>$ScoopCommandsWithParamValues).* -(?<param>.+) (?<value>\w*)$" {
            if ($ScoopParamValues[$matches['cmd']][$matches['param']]) {
                return ScoopExpandParamValues $matches['cmd'] $matches['param'] $matches['value']

        # Handles uninstall package names
        "^(uninstall|cleanup|virustotal|update|prefix|reset|hold|unhold)\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<package>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopLocalPackages $matches['package']

        # Handles download and cat package names
        "^(download|cat)\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<package>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopRemotePackages $matches['package'] + ScoopLocalPackages $matches['package']

        # Handles config param names
        "^config rm\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<param>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return  script:ScoopConfigParamsFilter $matches['param']

        # Handles install package names
        "^(install|info|home|depends)\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<package>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopRemotePackages $matches['package']

        # Handles cache (rm/show) cache names
        "^cache (rm|show)\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<cache>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopLocalCaches $matches['cache']

        # Handles bucket rm bucket names
        "^bucket rm\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<bucket>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopLocalBuckets $matches['bucket']

        # Handles bucket add bucket names
        "^bucket add\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<bucket>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopRemoteBuckets $matches['bucket']

        # Handles alias rm alias names
        "^alias rm\s+(?:.+\s+)?(?<alias>[\w][\-\.\w]*)?$" {
            return ScoopAlias $matches['alias']

        # Handles Scoop help <cmd>
        "^help (?<cmd>\S*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandCmd $matches['cmd'] $false

        # Handles Scoop <cmd> <subcmd>
        "^(?<cmd>$($ScoopSubcommands.Keys -join '|'))\s+(?<op>\S*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandCmdParams $ScoopSubcommands $matches['cmd'] $matches['op']

        # Handles Scoop config <param> <value>
        "^config (?<param>[\w][\-\.\w]*)\s+(?<value>\w*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandConfigParamValues $matches['param'] $matches['value']

        # Handles Scoop <cmd>
        "^(?<cmd>\S*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandCmd $matches['cmd'] $true

        # Handles Scoop <cmd> --<param>
        "^(?<cmd>$ScoopCommandsWithLongParams).* --(?<param>\S*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandLongParams $matches['cmd'] $matches['param']

        # Handles Scoop <cmd> -<shortparam>
        "^(?<cmd>$ScoopCommandsWithShortParams).* -(?<shortparam>\S*)$" {
            return ScoopExpandShortParams $matches['cmd'] $matches['shortparam']

function script:Get-AliasPattern($exe) {
    $aliases = @($exe, "$exe\.ps1", "$exe\.cmd") + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $exe } | Select-Object -Exp Name)
    "($($aliases -join '|'))"

$scriptBlock = {
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
    $rest = $commandAst.CommandElements[1..$commandAst.CommandElements.Count] -join ' '
    # The commandAst won't consider an empty word.
    # e.g `scoop install ` would be considered as `scoop install`
    # This behavior causes problem with the origianl function above.
    # So if wordToComplete is empty string, we append a space char at the end.
    if ($wordToComplete -eq "") {
        $rest += " "
    ScoopTabExpansion $rest

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName scoop -Native -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock