
    A testing function for invoking a script block in a background job inside Invoke-SpectreCommandWithProgress to help with
    This is experimental.
    This function invokes a script block in a background job and returns the output. It also provides an option to suppress the output even more if there is garbage being printed to stderr if using Level = Quieter.
    # This example invokes the git command in a background job and suppresses the output completely even though it would have written to stderr and thrown an error.
    Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly -Level Quieter -Command {
        git checkout nonexistentbranch
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
            throw "Failed to checkout nonexistentbranch"

function Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly {
    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Invoke-SpectreScriptBlockQuietly")]
    param (
        # The script block to be invoked.
        [scriptblock] $Command,
        # Suppresses the output completely if this switch is specified.
        [ValidateSet("Quiet", "Quieter")]
        [switch] $Level = "Quiet"
    try {
        $job = Start-Job $Command
        $job | Wait-Job | Out-Null

        if($job.State -eq "Failed") {
            $job | Receive-Job
            throw "Failed to execute script block"
        switch($Level) {
            "Quiet" {
                return ($job | Receive-Job)
            "Quieter" {
            default {
                throw "Invalid value for Level parameter"
    } finally {
        $job | Stop-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $job | Remove-Job -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue