
    Retrieves a collection of emojis available in Spectre Console.
    ![Example emojis](/emoji.png)

    The Get-SpectreDemoEmoji function retrieves a collection of emojis available in Spectre Console. It displays the general emojis, faces, and provides information on how to use emojis in Spectre Console markup.

    # Retrieves and displays the collection of emojis available in Spectre Console.

    Emoji support is dependent on the operating system, terminal, and font support. For more information on Spectre Console markup and emojis, refer to the following links:
    - Spectre Console Markup:
    - Spectre Console Emojis:

function Get-SpectreDemoEmoji {
    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Get-SpectreDemoEmoji")]
    param ()

    Write-Host ""
    Write-SpectreRule "`nGeneral"
    Write-Host ""
    $emojiCollection = [Spectre.Console.Emoji+Known] | Get-Member -Static -Type Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
    $faces = @()
    foreach($emoji in $emojiCollection) {
        $id = ($emoji -creplace '([A-Z])', '_$1' -replace '^_', '').ToLower()
        if($id -like "*face*") {
            $faces += $id
        } else {
            Write-SpectreHost ":${id}:`t$id"

    Write-Host ""
    Write-SpectreRule "Faces"
    Write-Host ""
    foreach($face in $faces) {
        Write-SpectreHost ":${face}:`t$face"

    Write-Host ""
    Write-SpectreRule "Help"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "The emoji can be used in Spectre Console markup like so:`n"
    # Apparently there is no way to escape emoji codes
    Write-SpectreHost -NoNewline " PS> [yellow]Write-Host[/] [DeepSkyBlue1]`"I am a :[/]"
    Write-SpectreHost -NoNewline "[DeepSkyBlue1]grinning_face: Spectre markdown emoji string :[/]"
    Write-SpectreHost "[DeepSkyBlue1]victory_hand: !`"[/]"
    Write-SpectreHost " [white on grey19]I am a :grinning_face: Spectre markdown emoji string :victory_hand: ! [/]"
    Write-SpectreHost "`nEmoji support is dependent on OS, terminal & font support. For more markdown hints see [link][/] and for more emoji help see [link][/]`n"