
$global:SpectreConsoleNamespaces = @{
    "PwshSpectreConsole.VTCodes"   = @{
        Path                 = "$PSScriptRoot\..\classes\PwshSpectreConsole.VTCodes.cs"
        Imported             = $false
        ReferencedAssemblies = @()
    "PwshSpectreConsole.Recording" = @{
        Path                 = "$PSScriptRoot\..\classes\PwshSpectreConsole.Recording.cs"
        Imported             = $false
        ReferencedAssemblies = @(

    Imports a namespace from a C# file.
    The Import-FromCsFile function imports a namespace from a C# file. It adds the C# file as a type using the Add-Type cmdlet.
    This is temporary, if we're embedding C# code in a module, we should be using the C# compiler to compile the code into a DLL.
.PARAMETER Namespace
    Specifies the C# Namespace to import.

function Import-NamespaceFromCsFile {
        [ValidateSet('PwshSpectreConsole.VTCodes', 'PwshSpectreConsole.Recording')]
    try {
        $PreviousErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        $thisFile = $global:SpectreConsoleNamespaces[$Namespace]
        if ($thisFile.Imported -eq $false) {
            Add-Type -Path $thisFile.Path -ReferencedAssemblies $thisFile.ReferencedAssemblies
            $thisFile.Imported = $true

    } catch {
        $errorDetails = @(
            ">>>> PowerShell Version Details:",
            ($PSVersionTable | Format-Table | Out-String),
            ">>>> Error Details:",
            ("`n" + ($_ | Out-String)),
            ">>>> Available PwshSpectreConsole Modules:",
            (Get-Module -ListAvailable "PwshSpectreConsole" | Format-Table | Out-String)
        ) -join "`n"
        Write-Warning "Failed to load namespace from csharp file:`n`n$errorDetails"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Red" -Message "Failed to import namespace $Namespace in PwshSpectreConsole, this is likely a compatibility bug in PwshSpectreConsole.`nPlease raise an issue on the GitHub repository with the details above`n"
    } finally {
        $ErrorActionPreference = $PreviousErrorActionPreference