
using module "..\..\private\completions\Completers.psm1"
using namespace Spectre.Console

function Format-SpectreBarChart {
    Formats and displays a bar chart using the Spectre Console module.
    ![Example bar chart](/barchart.png)

    This function takes an array of data and displays it as a bar chart using the Spectre Console module. The chart can be customized with a title and width.

    An array of objects containing the data to be displayed in the chart. Each object should have a Label, Value, and Color property.

    .PARAMETER Title
    The title to be displayed above the chart.

    .PARAMETER Width
    The width of the chart in characters.

    .PARAMETER HideValues
    Hides the values from being displayed on the chart.

    $data = @()

    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Apples" -Value 10 -Color "Green"
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Oranges" -Value 5 -Color "DarkOrange"
    $data += New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Bananas" -Value 2.2 -Color "#FFFF00"
    Format-SpectreBarChart -Data $data -Title "Fruit Sales" -Width 50

    [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Format-SpectreBarChart")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
        [array] $Data,
        [String] $Title,
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 -and $_ -le (Get-HostWidth) }, ErrorMessage = "Value '{0}' is invalid. Cannot be negative or exceed console width.")]
        [int] $Width = (Get-HostWidth),
        [switch] $HideValues
    begin {
        $barChart = [BarChart]::new()
        if ($Title) {
            $barChart.Label = $Title
        if ($HideValues) {
            $barChart.ShowValues = $false
        $barChart.Width = $Width
    process {
        if ($Data -is [array]) {
            foreach ($dataItem in $Data) {
                $barChart = [BarChartExtensions]::AddItem($barChart, $dataItem.Label, $dataItem.Value, ($dataItem.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor))
        } else {
            $barChart = [BarChartExtensions]::AddItem($barChart, $Data.Label, $Data.Value, ($Data.Color | Convert-ToSpectreColor))
    end {
        Write-AnsiConsole $barChart