
PowerShell module for interacting with Python on Windows. Supported for use with Python versions 2 and 3.
    * Python version 3 must be installed for Python version 3 support.
    * Python version 2 and 3 must be installed for Python version 2 support.
Install Python with Chocolatey:
    Python 3:
        choco install python3
    Python 2:
        choco install python2
Cmdlet Help:
    Use the following command to list available cmdlets:
        Get-Command -Module PythonTools
    For more detailed help on each cmdlet use:
        Get-Help <CmdletName> -Full
    Create a new Python environment:
        New-PythonEnvironment -Name myenv -Version 3
    List Python environments with version number:
        Get-PythonEnvironment -Detailed
    Open a Python environment:
        Enter-PythonEnvironment -Name myenv
    Close a Python environment:
    Delete a Python environmennt:
        Remove-PythonEnvironment -Name myenv
    Run a python script:
        Invoke-PythonScript -Path myscript.py
    Run a python script with JSON output:
        Invoke-PythonScript -Path myscript.py -ConvertJsonOutput
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