
function New-PSOneQRCodeTwitter
            Creates a QR code graphic containing a twitter profile
            Creates a QR code graphic in png format that - when scanned by a smart device - opens the twitter profile.
            .PARAMETER ProfileName
            The twitter profile name
            .PARAMETER Show
            Opens the generated QR code in associated program
            .PARAMETER OutPath
            Path to generated png file. When omitted, a temporary file name is used.
            New-PSOneQRCodeTwitter -ProfileName tobiaspsp -Width 200 -Show -OutPath "$home\Desktop\qr.png"
            Creates a QR code png graphics on your desktop, and opens it with the associated program
            Compatible with all PowerShell versions including PowerShell 6/Core
            Uses binaries from

        $Width = 100,


        $OutPath = "$env:temp\qrcode.png"

    $payload = "$profileName"

    $generator = New-Object -TypeName QRCoder.QRCodeGenerator
    $data = $generator.CreateQrCode($payload, 'Q')
    $code = new-object -TypeName QRCoder.PngByteQRCode -ArgumentList ($data)
    $byteArray = $code.GetGraphic($Width)
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outPath, $byteArray)

    if ($Show) { Invoke-Item -Path $outPath }