
function FormatOutput {
    This function ...
    A bit more description
    .PARAMETER FromPipeline
    Shows how to process input from the pipeline, remaining parameters or by named parameter.
    FormatOutput 'abc'
    Description of the example.

    <# Enable -Confirm and -WhatIf. #>
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]

    begin {

    process {
  Write-Debug "Resolving enums"
  If( !$Script:enums ) {
    $rawOutput = $true
    # If enums haven't been read get them and save them for later use
    $enums = Invoke-QlikGet "/qrs/about/api/enums"
    $Script:enums = $enums | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $enums.$($_.Name) }
  If( !$Script:relations ) {
    # If relations haven't been read get them and save them for later use
    $Script:relations = Get-QlikRelations
  foreach( $object in $objects ) {
    # Determine the object type being formatted
    If( !$schemaPath ) { $schemaPath = $object.schemaPath }
    Write-Debug "Schema path: $schemaPath"
    foreach( $prop in ( $object | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty ) ) {
      If( $object.$($prop.Name) -is [string] -And $object.$($prop.Name) -match $isDate ) {
        # Update any value that looks like a date to a more human readable format
        #$object.$($prop.Name) = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm" $object.$($prop.Name)
        $object.$($prop.Name) =  $object.$($prop.Name)
      Write-Debug "Property: $schemaPath.$($prop.Name)"
      # Find enums related to the current object property
      $enumsRelated = $Script:enums | where-object { $_.Usages -contains "$schemaPath.$($prop.Name)" }
      If( $enumsRelated ) {
        # If there is an enum for the property then resolve it
        $value = ((($enumsRelated | select -expandproperty values | where {$_ -like "$($object.$($prop.Name)):*" }) -split ":")[1]).TrimStart()
        Write-Debug "Resolving $($prop.Name) from $($object.$($prop.Name)) to $value"
        $object.$($prop.Name) = $value
      # Check for relations referenced by the property
      $relatedRelations = $Script:relations -like "$schemaPath.$($prop.Name) > *"
      If( $relatedRelations ) {
        # If there are relations for the property then call self for the object
        Write-Debug "Traversing $($prop.Name)"
        $object.$($prop.Name) = FormatOutput $object.$($prop.Name) $(($relatedRelations -Split ">")[1].TrimStart())
  return $objects

    end {