
$prefix = "http://localhost:17894/wd/hub"
$headers = @{"Content-Type" = "application/json" }
$findElementDelayMilliseconds = 100
$findElementMaxAttempts = 50 
$currentSessionId = $null

Connects to a remote WebDriver instance.
Connects to a remote WebDriver instance. The commands are forwared to the given remote url.
The url of the remote WebDriver instance.
ConnectTo-Quamotion -at http://qmwdjpn.quamotion.mobi/wd/hub

function ConnectTo-Quamotion
    param ([string] $at)

    $script:prefix = $at

function New-DeveloperProfile
    param ([string] $accountName, [string] $accountPassword, [string] $password, [string] $outFile)

    $createDeveloperProfileRequest = @{
        AccountName = $accountName;
        AccountPassword = $accountPassword;
        Password = $password;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/developercenter/profile" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $createDeveloperProfileRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Put -OutFile $outFile

Imports a folder containing the developer disks into the Quamotion WebDriver.
.PARAMETER developerDiskImageDirectory
A directory which, for each version of iOS you plan to support, contains a folder containing the developer
disk image for that version and the signature for that developer disk image.
Import-DeveloperDisks /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS

function Import-DeveloperDisks
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $developerDiskImageDirectory)

    $directories = Get-ChildItem $developerDiskImageDirectory -Directory

    Foreach ($directory in $directories)
        $developerDiskImage = Join-Path $directory.FullName "DeveloperDiskImage.dmg"
        $developerDiskSignature = Join-Path $directory.FullName "DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature"

        if ((Test-Path $developerDiskImage) -and (Test-Path $developerDiskSignature))
            Write-Information "Uploading developer disk images in folder $directory)"
            Add-DeveloperDisk -developerDiskImage $developerDiskImage -developerDiskSignature $developerDiskSignature
            Write-Warning "The folder $directory did not contain a DeveloperDiskImage.dmg and DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature file, skipping"

Adds a developer disk to the Quamotion WebDriver.
.PARAMETER developerDiskImage
The developer disk image. Developer disk images are usually named DeveloperDiskImage.dmg
.PARAMETER developerDiskSignature
The signature file for the developer disk image. Signature files are usually named DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature
Add-DeveloperDisk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS/11.0/DeveloperDiskImage.dmg /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS/11.0/DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature

function Add-DeveloperDisk
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $developerDiskImage,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string] $developerDiskSignature

    if (-not (Test-Path $developerDiskImage) -or -not (Test-Path $developerDiskSignature))
        Write-Error "Could not upload the developer disk because the file $developerDiskImage or $developerDiskSignature does not exist."

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
        $client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
        $content = New-Object System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent

        $diskName = (Get-Item $developerDiskImage).Name
        $diskSignatureName = (Get-Item $developerDiskSignature).Name

        $diskStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead((Get-Item($developerDiskImage)).FullName)
        $diskSignature = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((Get-Item($developerDiskSignature)).FullName)

        $diskStreamContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StreamContent $diskStream
        $diskSignatureContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent -ArgumentList @(,$diskSignature)

        $c = $content.Add($diskStreamContent, $diskName, $diskName)
        $c = $content.Add($diskSignatureContent, $diskSignatureName, $diskSignatureName)

        $result = $client.PostAsync("$prefix/quamotion/ios/developerDisk", $content).Result
        $c = $result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
        Write-Error "An error occurred while uploading $developerDiskImage and signature $developerDiskSignature"
        if ($diskStream) { $diskStream.Dispose() }
        if ($diskSignatureStream) { $diskSignatureStream.Dispose() }

Adds a developer profile to the Quamotion WebDriver
.PARAMETER developerProfile
The developer profile you want to add.
.PARAMETER developerDiskSignature
The password for the developer profile you want to add
Add-DeveloperProfile company.developerprofile securepassword

function Add-DeveloperProfile
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $developerProfile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string] $password

    if (-not (Test-Path $developerProfile))
        Write-Error "Could not upload the developer profile because the file $developerProfile does not exist."
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
        $client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
        $content = New-Object System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent

        $passwordContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StringContent $password

        $profileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($developerProfile)
        $profileStreamContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StreamContent $profileStream

        $c = $content.Add($passwordContent, "password")
        $c = $content.Add($profileStreamContent, "profile", "profile")

        $result = $client.PostAsync("$prefix/quamotion/ios/developerProfile", $content).Result
        $c = $result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
        Write-Error "An error occurred while uploading $developerProfile"

Uploads a license for the Quamotion WebDriver.
.PARAMETER license
The license file.
Add-License quamotion.license

function Add-License
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $license

    if (-not (Test-Path $license) )
        Write-Error "Could not upload the license because the file $license does not exist."

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
        $client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
        $content = New-Object System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent

        $licenseStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead((Get-Item $license).FullName)
        $licenseContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StreamContent $licenseStream

        $c = $content.Add($licenseContent, "files", "quamotion.license")

        $result = $client.PostAsync("$prefix/quamotion/license", $content).Result
        $c = $result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
        # Write-Error "An error occurred while uploading $license"
        if ($licenseStream) { $licenseStream.Dispose() }

List sessions on a device based on the application type and status.
List sessions on a device based on the application type and status.
The device id.
(Optional) the application type (Native, Web, Device, All).
(Optional) The session status (Unknown, Creating, Deploying, DeployFailed, Running, Stopping, StopFailed, All).
Get-DeviceSessions -deviceId FUH7N16709007219

Function Get-DeviceSessions
    param (
        [string] $deviceId,
        [string] $applicationType = 'All',
        [string] $status = 'All')

    return Get-Sessions | Where-Object {$_.Device.uniqueId -eq $deviceid -and ($_.Status -eq $status -or $status -eq 'All') -and ($_.Capabilities.applicationType -eq $applicationType -or $applicationType -eq 'All')}

Retrieve the current window handle.
Retrieve the current window handle.
Returns: The current window handle.
NoSuchWindow - If the currently selected window has been closed.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-WindowHandle
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/window_handle").value

Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.
Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.
Returns: A list of window handles.
The order in which the window handles are returned is arbitrary.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-WindowHandles
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/window_handles").value

Gets the size of the current window.
Gets the size of the current window.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-WindowSize
    param([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/window/size").value

Change focus to another window.
Change focus to another window.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER windowName
The window to change focus to.
Set-Window "Native"

function Set-Window
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $windowName)
    $setWindowRequest = @{
        Name = $windowName;
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/window" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $setWindowRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Close the current window.
Close the current window.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Close-Window
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/window" -Method Delete

Get the current page source.
Get the current page source.
Returns: the current page source.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-Source
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/source").value

Navigate to a new URL.
Navigate to a new URL.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The URL to navigate to.
Navigate-To -url "http:\\quamotion.mobi"

function Navigate-To
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $url)
    $elementRequest = @{
        url = $url;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/url" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Reloads the current webpage.
Reloads the current webpage optionally ignoring the cache.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER ignoreCache
If true, browser cache is ignored (as if the user pressed Shift+refresh).

function Reload-Page
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
           [bool] $ignoreCache = $true)

    $reloadRequest = @{
        ignoreCache = $ignoreCache;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/refresh" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $reloadRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Retrieve the URL of the current page.
Retrieve the URL of the current page.
Returns: the current url.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-Url
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $url = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/url" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $url

Search for the top element in the current window on position (x, y).
Search for the top element in the current window on position (x, y).
The coordinates are expressed in pixels and measured from the top left corner.
Returns: the element on position (x, y)
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The x coordinate
the y coordinate
Find-ElementByCoordinate -x 200 -y 500

function Find-ElementByCoordinate
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [int] $x, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [int] $y)
    $elementRequest = @{
        x = $x;
        y = $y;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/elementByCoordinates" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Search for a element whose identifier matches the given value.
Search for element whose identifier attribute matches the given value.
Returns: the first element whose identifier attribute matches the given value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The indentifier of the element to search.
Find-ElementById -id 123456

function Find-ElementById
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $id)

    $elementRequest = @{
        using = "id";
        value = $id;

    $element = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/elements" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post).value

    if($element.Length -gt 1)
        Write-Warning "More than one element matched the expression $xpath"

    Write-Verbose "Element $xpath has ID $element[0].ELEMENT"

    return $element[0].ELEMENT

Search for all elements whose identifier matches the given value.
Search for all elements whose identifier attribute matches the given value.
Returns: all elements whose identifier attribute matches the given value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The indentifier of the element to search.
Find-ElementsById -id 123456

function Find-ElementsById
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $id)

    $elementRequest = @{
        using = "id";
        value = $id;

    $elements = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/elements" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post).value

    return $elements

Go back, if possible.
Go back, if possible.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Go-Back
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    Write-Verbose "Clicking back button"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/back" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Go to the home screen
Go to the home screen (only for Full Device Automation sessions)
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Go-ToHomeScreen
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/wda/homescreen" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Tests whether an element exist matching the given xpath
Tests whether an element exist matching the given xpath
Returns: $true or $false depending on the existens of the element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The xpath for which to test the element.
.PARAMETER ignoreVisibility
(Optional) indicates whether non visible elements should be taken into account.
Test-Element -xpath "*[@marked='login']"

function Test-Element
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $ignoreVisibility = $false)
    $elementRequest = @{
        using = "xpath";
        value = $xpath;
        ignoreVisibility = $ignoreVisibility;

        $response = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/elements" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post)
        $element = $response.value

        return $element.Length -gt 0
        return $false

Search for all elements whose xpath matches the given value.
Search for all elements whose xpath attribute matches the given value.
Returns: all elements whose xpath attribute matches the given value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The xpath used to locate elements.
.PARAMETER ignoreVisibility
(Optional) indicates whether non visible elements should be taken into account.
.PARAMETER parentElement
(Optional) limits the search to only descendants of this element.
Find-Elements -xpath "*[@marked='login']"

function Find-Elements
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetname = "xpath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "explicit")]
        [string] $using,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "explicit")]
        [string] $value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $ignoreVisibility = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $parentElement = $null)

        $elementRequest = @{
            using = "xpath";
            value = $xpath;
            ignoreVisibility = $ignoreVisibility;
        $elementRequest = @{
            using = $using;
            value = $value;
            ignoreVisibility = $ignoreVisibility;

        if ($parentElement)
             $path = "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$parentElement/elements"
            $path = "$prefix/session/$sessionId/elements"
        $elements = @()
    $elements = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod $path -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post).value
    return $elements

Waits for an element whose locater matches the given value.
Waits for an element whose locator matches the given value. Wait-ForElement uses Find-Element to determine
whether the element exists. Wait-ForElement will wait for the amount of time defined by Set-Timeout.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The xpath used to locate elements.
The marked attribute value used to locate elements.
The class attribute value used to locate elements.
Wait-ForElement -xpath "*[@marked='login']"
Wait-ForElement -marked "login"
Wait-ForElement -class "UIView"

function Wait-ForElement
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Class")]
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [string] $class,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Class")]
        [string] $marked)

    if ($xpath)
         Write-Verbose "Waiting for element $xpath"
         $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath $xpath
    elseif ($class)
         Write-Verbose "Waiting for element //$class"
        $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "//$class"
         Write-Verbose "Waiting for element marked $marked"
         $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "*[@marked='$marked']"

Search for an element whose xpath matches the given value.
Search for an element whose xpath attribute matches the given value.
Returns: the first element whose xpath attribute matches the given value.
This method will wait for the element to appear on your application during
the amount of time specified by Set-Timeout.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The xpath used to locate elements.
.PARAMETER ignoreVisibility
(Optional) indicates whether non visible elements should be taken into account.
.PARAMETER parentElement
(Optional) limits the search to only descendants of this element.
Find-Element -xpath "*[@marked='login']"

function Find-Element
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "xpath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "explicit")]
        [string] $using,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "explicit")]
        [string] $value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $ignoreVisibility = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $parentElement = $null)

        $elementRequest = @{
            using = "xpath";
            value = $xpath;
            ignoreVisibility = $ignoreVisibility;
        $elementRequest = @{
            using = $using;
            value = $value;
            ignoreVisibility = $ignoreVisibility;
    if ($parentElement)
        $path = "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$parentElement/element"
        $path = "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element"

        $response = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod $path -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $elementRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post).value

        $element = $response.ELEMENT

        Write-Verbose "Element $xpath has ID $element"

        return $element
        Write-Verbose "Element $xpath was not found"

Clicks on the first element whose locator matches the given value.
Clicks on the first element whose locator matches the given value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The xpath used to locate elements.
The marked attribute value used to locate elements.
The class attribute value used to locate elements.
Click-Element -xpath "*[@marked='login']"
Click-Element -marked "login"
Click-Element -class "UIView"

function Click-Element
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ElementId")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "ElementId", ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
        [string] $elementId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [string] $marked)
    if ($elementId)
         Write-Verbose "Clicking on element $elementId"
         Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/click" -Headers $headers -Method Post
        if ($xpath)
            Write-Verbose "Clicking on element $xpath"
            $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath $xpath
             Write-Verbose "Clicking on element marked $marked"
             $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "*[@marked='$marked']"
        if ($id -And $id -ne $null -And $id -ne "")
            Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$id/click" -Headers $headers -Method Post
            Report-Status -message "No element found for $xpath" -succes $false

function Submit-Element
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ElementId")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "ElementId", ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
        [string] $elementId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $xpath)
    if ($elementId)
         Write-Verbose "Clicking on element $elementId"
         Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/submit" -Headers $headers -Method Post
    elseif ($xpath)
         Write-Verbose "Clicking on element $xpath"
         $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath $xpath
         Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$id/submit" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Gets the value of an element property.
Gets the value of an element property.
Returns: the value of the property
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to query.
.PARAMETER property
The property name to query.
Get-ElementProperty 12345 "Text"
Find-Element "login" | Get-ElementProperty "Text"

function Get-ElementProperty
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $elementId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string] $property)

    process {
        $text = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/property/$property" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

Gets all property names of an element.
Gets all property names of an element.
Returns: all property names of an element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to query.
Get-ElementProperties 12345
Find-Element "login" | Get-ElementProperties

function Get-ElementProperties
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $elementId)

    $text = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/property" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $text

Gets the text value of an element.
Gets the text value of an element.
Returns: the text value of an element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to query.
Find-Element "login" | Get-ElementText

function Get-ElementText
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $elementId)

    $text = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/text" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $text

function Get-MapMarkers
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $markers = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/markers" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $markers

function Get-MapBounds
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $bounds = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/bounds" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $bounds

function Get-MapCenter
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $position = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/center" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $position

function Get-MapZoom
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $zoom = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/zoom" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $zoom

function Set-MapZoom
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [int] $level)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/zoom" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $level) -Method Post

function Set-MapCenter
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [double] $latitude,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [double] $longitude)

    $position = @{
        latitude = $latitude;
        longitude = $longitude;
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/map/center" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $position) -Method Post

    return $zoom

Gets the bounds of an element.
Gets the bounds of an element.
Returns: a rectangle reprenting the outer bounds of an element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to query.
Find-Element "login" | Get-ElementRectangle

function Get-ElementRectangle
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $elementId)

    $rectangle = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/rect" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value
    $displayed = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/displayed" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return @{
        X = $rectangle.X;
        Y = $rectangle.Y;
        Width = $rectangle.Width;
        Height = $rectangle.Height;
        Displayed = $displayed;

Performs a long click on the first element whose locator matches the given value.
Performs a long click on the first element whose locator matches the given value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to click.
Find-Element -marked "Login" | LongClick-Element

function LongClick-Element
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $elementId)

    $flickRequest = @{
        element = $elementId
    Write-Verbose "Long clicking on element $elementId"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/touch/longclick" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $flickRequest) -Method Post

Performs a flick based on coordinates.
Performs a flick based on coordinates.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element.
x coordinate of the start point relative from the element
y coordinate of the start point relative from the element
.PARAMETER xoffset
the horizontal distance to flick
.PARAMETER xoffset
the vertical distance to flick
the speed of the flick movement
Flick-Coordinate -elementId 12244 -x 100 -y 100 -xoffset 0 -yoffset -300

function Flick-Coordinate
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $x, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $y, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $xoffset, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $yoffset, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $speed)

        $flickRequest = @{
            xCoordinate = $x;
            yCoordinate = $y;
            yoffset = $yoffset;
            xoffset = $xoffset;
            speed = $speed;

    Write-Verbose "Flicking on element $elementId"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/touch/flick" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $flickRequest)  -Method Post

Performs a flick on an element.
Performs a flick on an element identified by one of the available locators.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
(id locator) The identifier of the element.
(xpath locator) The xpath of the element
(marked locator) The marked expression of the element
the horizontal distance to flick
the vertical distance to flick
the speed of the flick movement
Flick-Element -marked "login" -xoffset 0 -yoffset -300

function Flick-Element
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ElementId")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "ElementId", ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
        [string] $elementId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [string] $marked,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $xOffset, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $yOffset, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $speed,
        [ValidateSet("up", "down", "left", "right")]
        [string] $direction)
    if ($elementId)
         Write-Verbose "Flick on element $elementId"
         $id = $elementId
    elseif ($xpath)
         Write-Verbose "Flick on element $xpath"
         $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath $xpath
         Write-Verbose "Flick on element marked $marked"
         $id = Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "*[@marked='$marked']"

    $flickRequest = @{
        element = $id;
        yoffset = $yOffset;
        xoffset = $xOffset;
        speed = $speed;
        direction = $direction;

    Write-Verbose "Flicking on element $elementId"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/touch/flick" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $flickRequest)  -Method Post

Performs a click on a coordinate.
Performs a click on a coordinate. The coordinate is measured from the top left corner of the screen.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
x coordinate of the start point relative from the element
y coordinate of the start point relative from the element
Click-Coordinate -x 100 -y 100

function Click-Coordinate
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [int] $x, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [int] $y)
    $clickRequest = @{
        y = $y;
        x = $x;

    Write-Verbose "Clicking on coodinate ($x, $y)"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/touch/clickByCoordinate" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $clickRequest)  -Method Post

Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element.
Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The keys sequence to be sent.
Enter-Text "Quamotion"

function Enter-Text
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $text)
    $keysRequest = @{
        value = @($text);
    Write-Verbose "Typing $text"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/keys" -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $keysRequest)))  -Method Post

function Set-ElementProperty
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $elementId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string] $propertyName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 3)] [object] $propertyValue)

    $request = @{
        propertyName = $propertyName;
        propertyValue = $propertyValue;
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/property" -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $request)))  -Method Post

Gets the current session identifier.
Gets the current session identifier.
Returns: the current session identifiers

function Get-CurrentSessionId
    return $script:currentSessionId

Sets the current session identifier.
Sets the current session identifier.
.PARAMETER sessionId
The identifier of the session to be used.
Set-CurrentSessionId -sessionId "e68ef189-cd1b-4def-a1e2-1b4e1f1526df"

function Set-CurrentSessionId
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $sessionId)

    $script:currentSessionId = $sessionId

Create a new session.
Create a new session. The session will install and launch the application on the device.
The identifier of the device to be used.
This identifier can be queried by perfoming the Get-Device commmand or by clicking on the device in the frontend.
The identifier of the application to be used.
This identifier can be queried by perfoming the Get-App commmand or by clicking on the application in the frontend.
.PARAMETER appVersion
The version of the application to be used.
The version can be queried by perfoming the Get-App commmand or by clicking on the application in the frontend.
.PARAMETER appVersion
The version of the application to be used.
The version can be queried by perfoming the Get-App commmand or by clicking on the application in the frontend.
.PARAMETER clearAppSettings
Indicates whether the application settions should be cleared before installing the application.
.PARAMETER reinstallApplication
Indicates whether the application should reinstalled.
.PARAMETER reuseExistingSession
Indicates whether an existing session should be reused.
A session is only reused when the appId, appVersion and deviceId are equal
New-Session -appId demo.quamotion.Acquaint -appVersion "1.51" -deviceId $iPhone6 -reuseExistingSession $true

function New-Session
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appVersion = $null,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $clearAppSettings = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $reinstallApplication = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $reuseExistingSession = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $takesScreenshot = $true)
    DynamicParam {
        # Create the dictionary for all the parameters
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        ## Device Id

        # Set the dynamic parameters' name
        $DeviceIdParameterName = 'deviceId'
        # Create the collection of attributes
        $DeviceIdAttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        # Create and set the parameters' attributes
        $DeviceIdParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $DeviceIdParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true

        # Add the attributes to the attributes collection

        # Generate and set the ValidateSet
        $devices = Get-Device
        $DeviceIdArrSet = $devices | Select-Object -ExpandProperty uniqueId
        $DeviceIdValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($DeviceIdArrSet)

        # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection

        # Create and return the dynamic parameter
        $DeviceIdRuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($DeviceIdParameterName, [string], $DeviceIdAttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($DeviceIdParameterName, $DeviceIdRuntimeParameter)
        ## AppId

        # Set the dynamic parameters' name
        $AppIdParameterName = 'appId'
        # Create the collection of attributes
        $AppIdAttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        # Create and set the parameters' attributes
        $AppIdParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $AppIdParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true

        # Add the attributes to the attributes collection

        # Generate and set the ValidateSet
        $apps = Get-App
        $AppIdArrSet = $apps | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppId
        $AppIdValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($AppIdArrSet)

        # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection

        # Create and return the dynamic parameter
        $AppIdRuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($AppIdParameterName, [string], $AppIdAttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($AppIdParameterName, $AppIdRuntimeParameter)

        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
    begin {
        # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
        $deviceId = $PsBoundParameters[$DeviceIdParameterName]
        $appId = $PsBoundParameters[$AppIdParameterName]
    process {
            $sessionRequest = @{
                RequiredCapabilities =  
                    deviceId = $deviceId;
                    applicationType = "Native";
                    appId = $appId;
                    clearApplicationSettings = $clearAppSettings;
                    reinstallApplication = $reinstallApplication;
                    reuseExistingSession = $reuseExistingSession;
                    takesScreenshot = $takesScreenshot;
            $sessionRequest = @{
                RequiredCapabilities =  
                    deviceId = $deviceId;
                    applicationType = "Native";
                    appId = $appId;
                    appVersion = $appVersion; 
                    clearApplicationSettings = $clearAppSettings;
                    reinstallApplication = $reinstallApplication;
                    reuseExistingSession = $reuseExistingSession;
                    takesScreenshot = $takesScreenshot;

        $createSessionResponse = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $sessionRequest) -Method Post
        $sessionId = $createSessionResponse.sessionId

        # Wait for the session to start
        while (-not (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/isReady").value)
            # Break this loop if Status is DeployFailed or be stuck forever
            if($status.Status -eq "DeployFailed")
            # Get detailed status information
            $status = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/status").value
            Write-Host "The session $($sessionId) is $($status.Status): $($status.StatusMessage)"
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000

        if ($script:currentSessionId -ne $null)
            Write-Warning "Overriding the currently set default session"
            Write-Information "Using this session as your default session"

        $script:currentSessionId = $sessionId

        return $sessionId

Removes a session
Removes a session.
The application is closed.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to be used.

function Remove-Session
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId" -Method Delete

    $script:currentSessionId = $null

Gets all active session
Gets all active sessions
Returns: all active sessions

function Get-Sessions
    return (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/sessions").value

function Get-EndPoints
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)
    $endPoints = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/endPoints" -Headers $headers -Method Get).value

    return $endPoints

function New-WebSession
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId, 
        [bool] $clearAppSettings = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $takesScreenshot = $true)

    $sessionRequest = @{
        RequiredCapabilities =  
            deviceId = $deviceId;
            applicationType = "Web";
            clearApplicationSettings = $clearAppSettings;
            takesScreenshot = $takesScreenshot;

    $createSessionResponse = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $sessionRequest) -Method Post
    $sessionId = $createSessionResponse.sessionId

    # Wait for the session to start
    while (-not (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/isReady").value)
        # Get detailed status information
        $status = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/sessions/").value
        Write-Host "The session $($sessionId) is $($status.Status): $($status.StatusMessage)"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

    if ($script:currentSessionId -ne $null)
        Write-Warning "Overriding the currently set default session"
        Write-Information "Using this session as your default session"

    $script:currentSessionId = $sessionId

    return $sessionId

Starts a session which allows you to automate the entire device.
Starts a session which allows you to automate the entire device.
New-DeviceSession "device-udid-here"

function New-DeviceSession
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $reuseExistingSession = $false,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool] $takesScreenshot = $true

    DynamicParam {
        # Create the dictionary for all the parameters
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        ## Device Id

        # Set the dynamic parameters' name
        $DeviceIdParameterName = 'deviceId'
        # Create the collection of attributes
        $DeviceIdAttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        # Create and set the parameters' attributes
        $DeviceIdParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $DeviceIdParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true

        # Add the attributes to the attributes collection

        # Generate and set the ValidateSet
        $devices = Get-Device
        $DeviceIdArrSet = $devices | Select-Object -ExpandProperty uniqueId
        $DeviceIdValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($DeviceIdArrSet)

        # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection

        # Create and return the dynamic parameter
        $DeviceIdRuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($DeviceIdParameterName, [string], $DeviceIdAttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($DeviceIdParameterName, $DeviceIdRuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
    begin {
        # Bind the parameter to a friendly variable
        $deviceId = $PsBoundParameters[$DeviceIdParameterName]
    process {
        $sessionRequest = @{
            RequiredCapabilities =  
                deviceId = $deviceId;
                applicationType = "Device";
                reuseExistingSession = $reuseExistingSession;
                takesScreenshot = $takesScreenshot;

        $createSessionResponse = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $sessionRequest) -Method Post
        $sessionId = $createSessionResponse.sessionId

        # Wait for the session to start
        while (-not (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/isReady").value)
            # Get detailed status information
            $status = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/sessions/").value
            Write-Host "The session $($sessionId) is $($status.Status): $($status.StatusMessage)"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        if ($script:currentSessionId -ne $null)
            Write-Warning "Overriding the currently set default session"
            Write-Information "Using this session as your default session"

        $script:currentSessionId = $sessionId

        return $sessionId

Adds an application to the application repository
Adds an application to the application repository
Add-App -path "c:\apps\quamotion.apk"

function Add-App
    param ([string] $path)

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http

    $fullPath = Resolve-Path $path
    if(-not (Test-Path $fullPath))
        Throw "The file at $fullPath could not be found"

    $ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
    $fileBin = [IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($fullPath)
    $fileName = Split-Path $path -leaf
    $boundary = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    $httpClientHandler = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler
    $httpClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.Httpclient $httpClientHandler
    $packageFileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream @($path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
    $contentDispositionHeaderValue = New-Object System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue "form-data"
    $contentDispositionHeaderValue.Name = "name"
    $contentDispositionHeaderValue.FileName = (Split-Path $path -leaf)
    $streamContent = New-Object System.Net.Http.StreamContent $packageFileStream
    $streamContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $contentDispositionHeaderValue
    $streamContent.Headers.ContentType = New-Object System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue $ContentType
    $content = New-Object System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent
    $result = $httpClient.PostAsync("$prefix/quamotion/app", $content).Result

    $response = $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    $response = ConvertFrom-Json $response
    if($result.StatusCode -eq "200")
        return $response
        Write-Error("Adding app Failed: " + $response)

Gets all applications in the application repository.
Gets all applications in the application repository.

function Get-App
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/app"

Gets all available devices.
Gets all available devices

function Get-Device
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device"

function Get-DeviceRotation
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/rotation"

function Install-App
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $appId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $appVersion)
        Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId/$appVersion" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post
        Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post

Gets all installed applications on the device.
Gets all installed applications on the device.
The identifier of the device.
Get-InstalledApp -deviceId $iPhone6

function Get-InstalledApp
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId)

    $apps = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get)
    return $apps

Lists all processes which are running on a device.
Lists all processes which are running on a device.
The identifier of the device on which to list all the processes which are running.
Get-DeviceProcess -deviceId $iPhone6

function Get-DeviceProcess
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId)

    $apps = (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/process" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get)
    return $apps

Stops a processing running on a device.
Stops a process running on a device.
The device on which the process is running.
The process ID of the process to stop.
Stop-DeviceProcess -deviceId $iPhone6 -processId 604

function Stop-DeviceProcess
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $processId
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/process/$processId" -Headers $headers -Method Delete

Stops an application running on a device.
Stops an application running on a device.
The device on which the application is running.
The application ID of the application to stop.
Stop-InstalledApp -deviceId $iPhone6 -appId mobi.quamotion.Acquaint

function Stop-InstalledApp
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $appId
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId/kill?strict" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Uninstalls an application from a device.
Uninstalls an application from a device.
The identifier of the device.
The identifier of the application.
Uninstall-App -deviceId $iPhone6 -appId "demo.quamotion.Acquaint"

function Uninstall-App
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $appId)

    Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Delete

Gets the orientiation of a device.
Gets the orientiation of the device used in a session.
Returns: the orientation of the device.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-Orientation
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/orientation" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).Content

Sets the orientiation of a device.
Sets the orientiation of the device used in a session.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Set-Orientation
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $orientation)

    $orientationRequest = @{
        orientation = $orientation

    Write-Verbose "Setting orientation to $orientation"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/orientation" -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $orientationRequest)))  -Method Post

function Set-DeviceOrientation
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [double] $alpha,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [double] $beta,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 3)] [double] $gamma)

    $deviceOrientationRequest = @{
        alpha = $alpha
        beta = $beta
        gamma = $gamma

    Write-Verbose "Setting device orientation to ($alpha, $beta, $gamma)"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/deviceOrientation" -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $deviceOrientationRequest)))  -Method Post

function Reset-DeviceOrientation
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    Write-Verbose "Setting device orientation to ($alpha, $beta, $gamma)"
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/deviceOrientation" -Headers $headers -Method Delete

Accepts the visible alert window.
Accepts the visible alert window.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Accept-Alert
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $response = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/accept_alert" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post

Dismiss the visible alert window.
Dismiss the visible alert window.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Dismiss-Alert
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $response = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/dismiss_alert" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post

Clicks on an alert button.
Clicks on an alert button.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The name of the button to click
Click-AlertButton -button "Ok"

function Click-AlertButton
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $button)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/alert/click/$button" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post

Gets all buttons of the visible alert window.
Gets all buttons of the visible alert window.
Returns: all available button names.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-AlertButtons
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    (Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/alert/buttons" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).value

Report a status message.
Report a status message.
The message will appear in the test-log.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER success
Indicates whether the status is success or failure
.PARAMETER message
The message.
report_status -success $false "Something went wrong"

function Report-Status
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [bool] $success,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $message)

    $reportStatusRequest = @{
        Success = $success;
        Message = $message;
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/report_status" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $reportStatusRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Dismisses an open keyboard
Dismisses an open keyboard
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Dismiss-Keyboard
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/dismissKeyboard" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Searches for an element matching a given locator value.
Searches for an element matching the locator value.
Returns: the first element matching the locator value.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
(xpath locator) The value for the xpath locator
(class locator) The value for the class locator
(Marked locator) The value for the marked locator
Find-ElementFlex -marked "Login"
Find-ElementFlex -xpath "*[@marked='Login']"
Find-ElementFlex -class "UIView"

function Find-ElementFlex
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Class")]
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "XPath")]
        [string] $xpath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Class")]
        [string] $class,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "Marked")]
        [string] $marked)

    if ($xpath)
        return Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath $xpath
        return Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "//*[@marked='$marked']"
         Write-Verbose "Finding element //$class"
        return  Find-Element -sessionId $sessionId -xpath "//$class"

Scrolls until the element is visible
Scrolls until the element is visible. Currently only implemented for Full Device Automation.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the element to become visible.
Scroll-ToVisible -elementId $element

function Scroll-ToVisible
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $elementId)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/quamotion/scrollToVisible" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Scrolls until an element with a matching locator value is visible
Scrolls until an element with a matching locator value is visible.
Note that the element should already be loaded.
Please use the ScollDown-To or ScrollUp-To commands if the application generates the list dynamically.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the scroll view.
(marked locator) The value for the marked locator
(xpath locator) The value for the xpath locator
Scroll-To -elementId $scrollView -marked "John"

function Scroll-To
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $elementId,
        [string] $marked,
        [string] $xpath)
        $scrollToRequest = @{
            using = "xpath";
            value = "//*[@marked='$marked']";
        $scrollToRequest = @{
            using = "xpath";
            value = $xpath;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/quamotion/scrollTo" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $scrollToRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Scrolls down until an element with a matching xpath is visible
Scrolls down until an element with a matching xpath is visible
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the scroll view.
(marked locator) The value for the marked locator
ScrollDown-To -elementId $scrollView -xpath "*[@marked='John']"

function ScrollDown-To
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $elementId,
        [string] $xpath,
        [int] $scrollTimeout)
    $scrollToRequest = @{
        using = "xpath";
        value = $xpath;
        direction = "Down";
        scrollTimeout = $scrollTimeout;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/quamotion/scrollTo" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $scrollToRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Scrolls up until an element with a matching xpath is visible
Scrolls up until an element with a matching xpath is visible
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier of the scroll view.
(marked locator) The value for the marked locator
ScrollUp-To -elementId $scrollView -xpath "*[@marked='John']"

function ScrollUp-To
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $elementId,
        [string] $xpath,
        [int] $scrollTimeout)
    $scrollToRequest = @{
        using = "xpath";
        value = $xpath;
        direction = "Up";
        scrollTimeout = $scrollTimeout;

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/quamotion/scrollTo" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $scrollToRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

function Set-Value
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $elementId,
        [string] $value)
    $setValueRequest = @{
        value = @($value)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/value" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $setValueRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Clears the active text element
Clears the active text element
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Clear-Text
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/clear" -Headers $headers -Method Post

Clears the text of an element
Clears the text of an element
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The ID of the element to clear
Clear-ElementText -elementId $elementId

function Clear-ElementText
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $elementId)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/wd/hub/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/clear" -Method Post -Headers $headers

Gets the text displayed on the alert window.
Gets the text displayed on the alert window.
Returns: the displayed alert window text
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.

function Get-AlertText
    param ([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    $content = (Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/alert/text" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).Content
    $json = ConvertFrom-Json($content)
    return $json.value

Executes JavaScript in the browser.
Executes JavaScript in the browser.
Returns: the value returned by the JavaScript script.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The JavaScript to execute.
Execute-Script -script "window.alert('Hello, World!');"

function Execute-Script
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [string] $script)
    $executeScriptRequest = @{
        script = $script

    $json = (ConvertTo-Json $executeScriptRequest)

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/execute/sync" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($json)) -Headers $headers -Method Post

Deletes the application settings of an installed application.
Deletes the application settings of an installed application.
The application identifier
The device identifier
Delete-AppSettings -appId "demo.quamotion.Acquaint" -deviceId "$iPhone6"

function Delete-AppSettings
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $appId)

    Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId/settings" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Delete

Reboots a device.
Reboots a device.
The device identifier
Reboot-Device -deviceId $iPhone6

function Reboot-Device
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $deviceId)

    Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/reboot" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Post

Tests whether the element is visible.
Tests whether the element is visible.
$true or $false depending of the visibility of the element.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
.PARAMETER elementId
The identifier element.
Is-Displayed -elementId $loginButton

function Is-Displayed
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $elementId)

    $response = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/element/$elementId/displayed" -Method Get -Headers $headers
    return $response.value

Takes a screenshot of the device used in the given session.
Takes a screenshot of the device used in the given session.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The file path used to store the screenshot.
Get-Screenshot -filePath c:\temp\screenhot.jpg

function Get-Screenshot
    param([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId, [string] $filePath)
    $screenshot = Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/screenshot" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get
    $jsonScreenshot = ConvertFrom-Json $screenshot.Content
    set-content $filePath -value $decodedScreenshot

Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, are permitted to run before they are aborted and a timeout error is returned to the client.
Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, are permitted to run before they are aborted and a timeout error is returned to the client.
.PARAMETER sessionId
(Optional) The identifier of the session to route the command to.
The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds. This value has a lower bound of 0.
Set-Timeout -time 3000

function Set-Timeout 
    param (
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $time)

        $timeout = @{
            implicit = $time;
        $result = Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/timeouts" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $timeout) -Method Post

Gets the battery info of a device.
Gets the battery info of a device.
Returns: the battery info of a device.
The device identifier.
Get-BatteryInfo -deviceId $iPhone6

function Get-BatteryInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $deviceId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/battery" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).Content

Gets the navigation timing of the current webview window.
Gets the navigation timing of the current webview window.

function Get-PerformanceData
    param([string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/session/$sessionId/quamotion/performance" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).Content

Gets the disk info of a device.
Gets the disk info of a device.
Returns: the disk info of a device.
The device identifier.
Get-DiskInfo -deviceId $iPhone6

function Get-DiskInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $deviceId)

    return (Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/disk" -TimeoutSec 3600 -Method Get).Content

Updates the geolocation of the device on which the test is currently running.
.PARAMETER latitude
The new latitude.
.PARAMETER longitude
The new longitude.
Set-GeoLocation 50.838061 4.841535
Set-Geolocation 50.826296 4.399623
Set-GeoLocation 50.983377 3.686608

function Set-GeoLocation
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $latitude,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 21)] [string] $longitude)

    $setLocationRequest = @{
        latitude = $latitude
        longitude = $longitude

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/location" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $setLocationRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post

function Start-App
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $deviceId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string] $appId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position = 3)] [string[]] $arguments
    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/app/$appId/launch?strict" -Method Post -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $arguments))) -Headers $headers

function Stop-Agent
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $deviceId

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/stopAgent" -Method Post

function Enable-LocationServices
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $deviceId,
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 2)] [string[]] $locationServices)

   $locationServiceRequest = @{
       location_services = $locationServices;
   $result = Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/device/$deviceId/location_services" -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $locationServiceRequest) -Method Post

function Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod
        return Invoke-RestMethod @args -ErrorAction Stop
        Rethrow-Exception $_

function Invoke-WebDriverWebRequest

        Invoke-WebRequest @args -ErrorAction Stop
        Rethrow-Exception $_

# Shared error handling
function Rethrow-Exception($error)
    # If something went wrong in the HTTP pipeline, the result may not be JSON, or we may not have a
    # response at all (if the server was unavailable)

    # PowerShell "Core" stores error details in the ErrorDetails variable. We first check if this info exists, see
    # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/5555
    # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/3089
    $errorDetails = $error.ErrorDetails
    $exception = $error.Exception
        Throw $error
    elseif ($exception.Response -and $exception.Response.ContentType -and $exception.Response.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json"))
        $result = $exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
        $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
        $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
        $jsonResponseBody = ConvertFrom-Json $responseBody

        Throw $jsonResponseBody.value.message
        Throw $exception

Gets the session log of a specific session.
Gets the session log of a specific session.
Returns: The session log as JSON.
(Optional) The session identifier.
Get-SessionLog -SessionId 0f59edb6-914d-4e24-b77d-dbcfb97008d6

function Get-SessionLog
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId)

        $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:17894/Dashboard/SessionLog?sessionid=$sessionId" -Headers $headers -Method GET
        $testLogNumber = $result.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.Segments.Get($result.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.Segments.Count-1)
        Write-Host "testLogNumber $testLogNumber"

        $testLog = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$prefix/quamotion/testlog/$testLogNumber/export" -Headers $headers -Method GET
        return ConvertTo-Json $testLog

Removes an application from the application repository.
Removes an application from the application repository.
Remove-App -operatingSystem "iOS" -appVersion "1.51" -appId "demo.quamotion.Acquaint"

function Remove-App
    param ([string] $operatingSystem, [string] $appId, [string] $appVersion)
    $result = Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/quamotion/app/$operatingSystem/$appId/$appVersion" -Method Delete
    return $result

function Execute-Script
        [string] $sessionId = $script:currentSessionId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)] [string] $script,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 21)] [object[]] $args)

    $executeScriptRequest = @{
        script = $script
        args = $args

    Invoke-WebDriverRestMethod "$prefix/session/$sessionId/execute/sync" -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $executeScriptRequest))) -Headers $headers -Method Post