
# QuickForms.psm1
# ===============
# Quick and dirty 2 column powershell forms
# History
# -------
# 17/09/2022 - v2.1.0 - Tim Pelling - add RadioBox control option
# 17/09/2022 - v2.0.0 - Tim Pelling - switched from methods to cmdlets
# 25/08/2022 - v1.3.1 - Tim Pelling - adopt system default font
# 17/08/2022 - v1.3.0 - Tim Pelling - remove control name requirement
# 01/07/2022 - v1.2.0 - Tim Pelling - return rather than magically create objects
# unhide child form object
# modified argument order for AddRow(s), bring type to front
# added listbox, with buttons
# 30/06/2022 - v1.1.2 - Tim Pelling - allow different label and column widths
# 29/08/2019 - v1.1.1 - Tim Pelling - update AddAction behaviour for flexibility
# 29/08/2019 - v1.1.0 - Tim Pelling - added module manifest, PasswordBox as discrete type
# 28/08/2019 - v1.0.1 - Tim Pelling - make widget variable declarations global
# 26/08/2019 - v1.0.0 - Tim Pelling - First Issue


class QuickForm {

    # properties
    hidden [int32]$slot = 0
    hidden [int32]$label_width = 200
    hidden [int32]$control_width = 400
    hidden [int32]$width = $label_width + $control_width
    hidden [int32]$row_height = 25
    hidden [int32]$margin = 10

    # constructor
        [int32]$LabelWidth = 200,
        [int32]$ControlWidth = 400
    ) {
        $this.Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
        $this.label_width = $LabelWidth
        $this.control_width = $ControlWidth
        $this.width = $LabelWidth + $ControlWidth
        $this.Form.ClientSize = "$($this.width), $($this.row_height)"
        $this.Form.text = $Title
        $this.Form.BackColor = "#ffffff"
        $this.Form.TopMost = $false

    # show the dialog
    Show() { $this.Form.ShowDialog() }


function New-QuickForm {
        Create a new simple 2 column form
        Returns a QuickForm object having a single method:
            Display the form
        import-module QuickForms
        $demo = New-QuickForm -Title "Demo Form" -LabelWidth 200 -ControlWidth 400
        $myFirstName = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "First Name:" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Text })
        Write-Host $MyFirstName.Text
        .PARAMETER Title
        Title of the form, displayed in the title bar along with standard form controls.
        .PARAMETER LabelWidth
        Width of the labels column in pixels.
        .PARAMETER ControlWidth
        Width of the controls column in pixels.

    param (
        [string]$Title = "My Form",
        [int32]$LabelWidth = 200,
        [int32]$ControlWidth = 400
    $form = New-Object QuickForm($Title, $LabelWidth, $ControlWidth)
    return $form

function Add-TextBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        Add a TextBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns a TextBox object.
        $myFirstName = Add-TextBox -Form $demo -Label "First Name:" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Text }
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the control.
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the TextChanged event occurs.

    $c = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $c.Multiline = $false
    $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $c.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_TextChanged($callback) }
    $l = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $l.text = $label
    $l.AutoSize = $false
    $l.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $l.Width = $Form.label_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $l.Height = $c.Height = $Form.row_height
    $rows = 1
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $c

function Add-PasswordBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        Add a Password Entry control, and label, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns a TextBox object.
        $myPassword = Add-PasswordBox -Form $demo -Label "Password:" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Text }
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the control.
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the TextChanged event occurs.

    $c = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $c.Multiline = $false
    $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $c.PasswordChar = "*"
    $c.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_TextChanged($callback) }
    $l = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $l.text = $label
    $l.AutoSize = $false
    $l.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $l.Width = $Form.label_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $l.Height = $c.Height = $Form.row_height
    $rows = 1
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $c

function Add-CheckBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        Add a CheckBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns a CheckBox object.
        $myCheckBox = Add-CheckBox -Form $demo -Label "Male?" -Callback { Write-Host $this.Checked }
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the control (in the right-hand controls column, unlike other control types).
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the CheckedChanged event occurs.

    $c = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
    $c.text = $label
    $c.Width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $c.Height = $Form.row_height
    $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_CheckedChanged($callback) }
    $rows = 1
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $c

function Add-ComboBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        [array]$Options = @(),
        Add a ComboBox control, and label, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns a ComboBox object.
        $myCombo = Add-ComboBox -Form $demo -Label "Gender" -Options @("Male", "Female") -Callback { Write-Host $this.SelectedItem }
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the control.
        .PARAMETER Options
        Optional Array of options to populate the combo box with.
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the SelectedValueChanged event occurs.

    $c = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    $options | ForEach-Object{ [void] $c.Items.Add($_) }
    $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $c.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_SelectedValueChanged( $callback ) }
    $l = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $l.text = $label
    $l.AutoSize = $false
    $l.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $l.Width = $Form.label_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $l.Height = $c.Height = $Form.row_height
    $rows = 1
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $c

function Add-RadioBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        Add a group of RadioButton controls and label, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns the Panel object that contains the RadioButtons - access RadioButton children through its .Controls property.
        $myRadioButtons = Add-RadioBox -Form $demo -Label "Radios:" -Options @("Male","Female") -Callback { if ($this.Checked) { Write-Host $this.Text } }
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the controls.
        .PARAMETER Options
        Array of options - one RadioButton is added to the Form Panel for each option.
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the CheckedChange event occurs.
        This will be called for all RadioButtons in the set/Panel hence you must inspect the $this.Checked property to determine
        whether any particular RadioButton is currently selected.
        .PARAMETER Horizontal
        Layout the RadioButton's horizontally in a single control row.
        Default layout is vertical - one control row per Option.

    $p = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Panel
    $p.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $p.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    if ($Horizontal) {
        $hpos = 0
        $options | ForEach-Object { 
            $c = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
            $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($hpos, 0)
            $c.height = $Form.row_height
            $c.Text = $_
            if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_CheckedChanged( $callback ) }
            $hpos += $c.width
        $rows = 1
    } else { # default vertical layout
        $rows = 0
        $options | ForEach-Object { 
            $c = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
            $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(0, ($Form.row_height * $rows))
            $c.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
            $c.height = $Form.row_height
            $c.Text = $_
            if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_CheckedChanged( $callback ) }
            $rows += 1
    $l = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $l.text = $label
    $l.AutoSize = $false
    $l.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $l.Width = $Form.label_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $l.Height = $p.Height = $Form.row_height * $rows
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $p

function Add-ListBox {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
        [int]$Rows = 3,
        [array]$Options = @(),
        Add a ListBox control, label and optionally buttons, to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns a ListBox object.
        $myList = Add-ListBox -Form $demo -Label "List:" -Rows 4 -Options @("First item") -Callback { Write-Host $this.SelectedItem } -Buttons @( @{name="Add"; callback={}}, @{name="Remove"; callback={}})
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the control and label to.
        .PARAMETER Label
        Label for the control.
        .PARAMETER Options
        Optional Array of options to populate the list box with.
        .PARAMETER Rows
        Optional number of list rows to display (Default = 3).
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the SelectedValueChanged event occurs.
        .PARAMETER Buttons
        Optional array of buttons to display below the list e.g.
        @( @{name="Add"; callback={}}, @{name="Remove"; callback={}})

    $c = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    $options | ForEach-Object{ [void] $c.Items.Add($_) }
    $c.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.label_width + $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $c.width = $Form.control_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    if ($null -ne $callback) { $c.Add_SelectedValueChanged( $callback ) }
    $c.Height = $Form.row_height * $rows
    $l = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $l.text = $label
    $l.AutoSize = $false
    $l.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $l.Width = $Form.label_width - (2*$Form.margin)
    $l.Height = $Form.row_height
    if ($buttons) {
        $x = $Form.label_width + $Form.margin
        $buttons | ForEach-Object{
            $b = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
            $b.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($x, ($Form.row_height * ($Form.slot + $rows)))
            $b.Height = $Form.row_height
            $b.Text = $_.name
            if ($null -ne $_.callback) { $b.Add_Click( $_.callback ) }
            $x += $b.Size.Width
        $rows += 1
    $Form.slot += $rows
    $Form.Form.ClientSize = "$($Form.width), $($Form.Form.ClientSize.height + ($Form.row_height * $rows))"
    return $c

function Add-Action {
        Add OK & Cancel buttons to an existing QuickForm.
        Returns nothing.
        Add-Action -Form $demo -Callback {Write-Host "OK pressed"}
        .PARAMETER Form
        Form to add the controls to.
        .PARAMETER Callback
        Optional Scriptblock to call when the OK button is clicked.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$Form,
    $ok = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $ok.text = "OK"
    $ok.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.width - 120 - ($Form.margin *2)   ), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $cancel = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button
    $cancel.text = "Cancel"
    $cancel.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.width - 60 - $Form.margin), ($Form.row_height * $Form.slot))
    $cancel.Width = $ok.Width = 60
    $cancel.Height = $ok.Height = $Form.row_height
    if ($null -ne $callback) {
    } else {
        # $ok.Add_Click({ $Form.parent.Close() })
        $ok.Add_Click({ $this.parent.Close() })
    # $cancel.Add_Click({ $Form.parent.Close() })
    $cancel.Add_Click({ $this.parent.Close() })