
Edits the User-Defined configuration in the QuickPackage Module.
Edits the User-Defined configuration in the QuickPackage Module to later be used globally.
The configuration is part of the QuickPackage Module, it will be imported every time
you open a new PowerShell Session.
A configuration may be an override to an existing function, or it may be the addition of a profile variable.
Because configuration is not easy to name, and therefore separate into files, it his highly recommended you
keep your configuration organized in case you need to remove or alter it. A good example of a modification
to the configuration is overwriting the prompt to add the Date/Time to it.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Edit-QuickConfiguration.
None. Edit-QuickConfiguration creates a new configuration that you can later use.
PS> Edit-QuickConfiguration

function global:Edit-QuickConfiguration {
    Invoke-Expression ". '$PSScriptRoot\Reserved\Get-QuickEnvironment.ps1'"

    if (Exit-AfterImport) {

    if (!(Test-Path $QuickConfigurationsFile)) {
        New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $QuickConfigurationsFile | Out-null

    Invoke-Expression ". powershell_ise.exe '$QuickConfigurationsFile'"