
Function Expand-URLRedirect {
    $ErrorActionPreferenceTemp = $ErrorActionPreference
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -MaximumRedirection 0 -SkipHttpErrorCheck |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Headers |
    ForEach-Object {$_["Location"]}
    $ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreferenceTemp

Function Get-RCPSGalleryPackageRegistryUri {
    Expand-URLRedirect -Uri http://psgallery.rightcloud.info
Function Register-RCPSRepository {

    # Install Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet if not installed
    "Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet" |
    Where-Object { -not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $_ )} |
    ForEach-Object { Install-Module -Name $_ -Force }

    # Get the Repo URI
    $rcGalleryURI= Get-RCPSGalleryPackageRegistryUri
    $rcGalleryRegistred = Get-PSResourceRepository | Where-Object {$_.Uri -eq $rcGalleryURI}
    # Register package repository if not registred
    If (-not ($rcGalleryRegistred)) {
        Register-PSResourceRepository -Name RCPSGallery -Uri $rcGalleryURI -Trusted
        $rcGalleryRegistred = Get-PSResourceRepository | Where-Object {$_.Uri -eq $rcGalleryURI}
    Return $rcGalleryRegistred

Function Import-RCGitLabAPIConfiguration {
       Check for configuration and output the information.
       Check for configuration and output the information. Goes into the $env:appdata for the configuration file.


    if ( $IsWindows -or ( [version]$PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [version]"5.99.0" ) ) {
        $ConfigFile = "{0}\PSGitLab\PSGitLabConfiguration.xml" -f $env:appdata
    } elseif ( $IsLinux -or $IsMacOS ) {
        $ConfigFile = "{0}/.psgitlab/PSGitLabConfiguration.xml" -f $HOME
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unknown Platform"
    if (Test-Path $ConfigFile) {
        Import-Clixml $ConfigFile
    } else {
        Write-Warning 'No saved configuration information. Run Save-GitLabAPIConfiguration.'

Function Find-RCPSResource {
    param (
        # Name of module
        $Name = "*",
        # APIKey for Gitlab API, by default it will try to find locally saved key
        # Retrive detailed information for Resource
    if(-not $APIKey) {
        $apiConfig = Import-RCGitLabAPIConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop
        $APIKey = ConvertFrom-SecureString $apiConfig.Token -AsPlainText  -ErrorAction Stop
    $rcPSGalleryUri = Get-PSResourceRepository -Name RCPSGallery |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Uri |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty AbsoluteUri
    $packageAPIURI = $rcPSGalleryUri -replace "/nuget/index.json"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $packageAPIURI -Headers @{"PRIVATE-TOKEN" = $APIKey} |
    ForEach-Object { $_ } |
    Where-Object {$_.package_type -eq "nuget"} |
    Select-Object @{n="Name";e={$_.name}}, @{n="Version";e={[version]$_.Version}} |
    Group-Object -Property Name |
    ForEach-Object {
        $_.Group |
        Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending |
        Select-Object -First 1
    } |
    Where-Object {$_.Name -like $Name} |
    ForEach-Object {
        If ($Detailed) {
            Find-PSResource -Name $_.Name -Repository RCPSGallery
        } Else {


Function Get-RCNugetServiceIndex {
        $Uri = (Get-RCPSGalleryPackageRegistryUri)
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content |
    ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20 |
    Where-Object {$_.version -eq "3.0.0"} |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty resources


Function Get-RCNugetPackageBaseAddress {
        $Uri = (Get-RCPSGalleryPackageRegistryUri)
    $rcGalleryServiceIndex = Get-RCNugetServiceIndex -Uri $Uri
    $rcPackageBaseAddress = $rcGalleryServiceIndex |
    Where-Object {$_.'@type' -eq 'PackageBaseAddress/3.0.0' } |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty '@id'


Function Get-RCNugetPackageVersion {
        $PackageBaseAddressUri = (Get-RCNugetPackageBaseAddress),

    try {
        $versions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$PackageBaseAddressUri/$ModuleName/index.json" -ErrorAction Stop |
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty versions
    catch {
        throw "Could not retrive versions for module $ModuleName at $PackageBaseAddressUri/$ModuleName/index.json, error: $_"
    If (-not $Latest) {
    } Else {
        $versions |
        ForEach-Object { [version]$_ } |
        Sort-Object |
        Select-Object -Last 1 |
        ForEach-Object {$_.ToString()}

Function Get-RCNugetPackageDownloadUri {
        $PackageBaseAddressUri = (Get-RCNugetPackageBaseAddress -ErrorAction Stop)
    If (-not $Version) {
        $Version = Get-RCNugetPackageVersion -ModuleName $ModuleName -Latest -ErrorAction Stop