
function New-SPMigrationValidationReportPackage
    [parameter(Mandatory=$True, position=0, HelpMessage="This should be a JSON file that was generated using New-SPMigrationManifestValidationSummary cmdlet")]
        if($_.localpath.endswith("json")){$True}else{throw "`r`n`'InputFile`' must be a JSON file"}
        if(test-path $_.localpath){$True}else{throw "`r`nFile $($_.localpath) does not exist"}
    [parameter(Mandatory=$False, position=1, HelpMessage="Use this switch to force overwriting existing summary package")]
    if(!($Force) -and ((Test-Path ($SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "_Sites.csv"))) -or (Test-Path ($SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "Lists.csv"))) -or (Test-Path ($SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "_Webs.csv")))))
        Write-Host "Report Package already exists`r`nUse the `'-Force`' switch to overwrite existing files" -ForegroundColor Red
        $ValidationSummary = (Get-Content $SourceManifest.LocalPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json)
        $Mode = $ValidationSummary | where-object {$_.'Type of Entry' -eq "ReportInfo"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Mode
        Write-Host "Report mode is $($Mode)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        if(($Mode = "FullReport") -or ($Mode = "Structure"))
            $ValidationSummary | Where-Object {$_."Type of Entry" -eq "Site"} | Export-Csv -Path $SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "_Sites.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Force
            $ValidationSummary | Where-Object {$_."Type of Entry" -eq "Web"} | Export-Csv -Path $SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "_Webs.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Host "Created Site and Web Report" -ForegroundColor Green
        if(($Mode = "FullReport") -or ($Mode = "ItemCount"))
            $ValidationSummary | Where-Object {$_."Type of Entry" -eq "List"} | Export-Csv -Path $SourceManifest.LocalPath.replace(".json", "_Lists.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Host "Created Lists Report" -ForegroundColor Green
        if(($Mode = "FullReport") -or ($Mode = "Permissions"))
            $ValidationSummary | Where-Object {$_."Type of Entry" -eq "Group"} | Export-Csv -Path $SourceManifest.LocalPath.Replace(".json", "_groups.csv") -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Host "Created Groups Report" -ForegroundColor Green
