
configuration ROADispatcher {
        Installs the RES ONE Automation Dispatcher component.
        The Dispatcher MSI needs to be manually extracted from the MSI first! is RES Automation Manager 2014 is RES ONE Automation 2015 is RES ONE Automation 2015 SR1

    param (
        ## RES ONE Automation database server name/instance (equivalient to DBSERVER).
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [System.String] $DatabaseServer,
        ## RES ONE Automation database name (equivalient to DBNAME).
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [System.String] $DatabaseName,
        ## Microsoft SQL username/password to connect to the database (equivalent to DBUSER/DBPASSWORD).
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,
        ## File path containing the RES ONE Automation MSIs or the literal path to the Dispatcher MSI.
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [System.String] $Path,

        ## RES ONE Automation component version to be installed, i.e.
        [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        [System.String] $Version,
        ## The specified Path is a literal file reference (bypasses the $Version and $Architecture checks).
        [System.Boolean] $IsLiteralPath,
        ## The target node's architecture.
        [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('x64','x86')]
        [System.String] $Architecture = 'x64',

        [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')]
        [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present'

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration;

    $resourceName = 'ROADispatcher';
    if (([System.String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($Version)) -and (-not $IsLiteralPath)) {
        throw "$resourceName : Version number is required when not using a literal path.";
    elseif ($IsLiteralPath) {
        if ($Path -notmatch '\.msi$') {
            throw "$resourceName : Specified path '$Path' does not point to an MSI file.";
    elseif ($Version -notmatch '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$') {
        throw "$resourceName : The specified version '$Version' does not match '' format.";

    if (-not $IsLiteralPath) {
        [System.Version] $Version = $Version;
        switch ($Version.Major) {
            7 {
                if ($Version.Minor -eq 0) {
                    $setup = 'RES-AM-Dispatcher+({0})-{1}.msi' -f $Architecture, $Version.ToString();
                    $msiProductName = 'RES Automation Manager 2014';
                elseif ($Version.Minor -eq 5) {
                    $setup = 'RES-ONE-Automation-Dispatcher+({0})-{1}.msi' -f $Architecture, $Version.ToString();
                    $msiProductName = 'RES ONE Automation 2015';
            Default {
                throw "$resourceName : Version '$($Version.Tostring())' is not currently supported :(.";

        ## Determine whether we're on the RTM release
        if ($Version.Build -eq 0) { $msiProductName = '{0} Dispatcher+' -f $msiProductName; }
        else { $msiProductName = '{0} SR{1} Dispatcher+' -f $msiProductName, $Version.Build; }
        $Path = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $setup;

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') {
        xPackage $resourceName {
            Name = $msiProductName;
            ProductId = '';
            Path = $Path;
            Arguments = 'DBSERVER="{0}" DBNAME="{1}" DBUSER="{2}" DBPASSWORD="{3}" DBTYPE="MSSQL"' -f $DatabaseServer, $DatabaseName, $Credential.Username, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password;
            ReturnCode = 0;
    elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') {
        xPackage $resourceName {
            Name = $msiProductName;
            ProductId = '';
            Path = $Path;
            ReturnCode = 0;
            Ensure = 'Absent';

} #end configuration ROADispatcher