
   Gets messages from RabbitMQ Queue.
   The Get-RabbitMQMessage cmdlet gets messages from RabbitMQ queue.
   The result may be zero, one or many RabbitMQ.Message objects.
   To get Connections from remote server you need to provide -HostName parameter.
   The cmdlet is using REST Api provided by RabbitMQ Management Plugin. For more information go to:
   Get-RabbitMQMessage vh1 q1
   This command gets first message from queue "q1" on virtual host "vh1".
   Get-RabbitMQMessage test q1 -Count 10
   This command gets first 10 messages from queue "q1" on virtual host "vh1".
   Get-RabbitMQMessage test q1
   This command gets first message from queue "q1" on virtual host "vh1", server
   By default, the cmdlet returns list of RabbitMQ.QueueMessage objects which describe connections.
.LINK - information about RabbitMQ management plugin.

function Get-RabbitMQMessage
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='None')]
        # Name of RabbitMQ Queue.
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
        [Alias("queue", "QueueName")]
        [string]$Name = "",

        # Name of the virtual host to filter channels by.
        [Alias("vh", "vhost")]
        # Name of the computer hosting RabbitMQ server. Defalut value is localhost.
        [Alias("HostName", "hn", "cn")]
        [string]$BaseUri = $defaultComputerName,

        # Number of messages to get. Default value is 1.
        [int]$Count = 1,

        # Indicates whether messages should be removed from the queue. Default setting is to not remove messages.

        # Determines message body encoding.
        [ValidateSet("auto", "base64")]
        [string]$Encoding = "auto",

        # Indicates whether messages body should be truncated to given size (in bytes).

        # Indicates what view should be used to present the data.
        [ValidateSet("Default", "Payload", "Details")]
        [string]$View = "Default",

        # Credentials to use when logging to RabbitMQ server.
        [PSCredential]$Credentials = $defaultCredentials

        $cnt = 0
        if (-not $VirtualHost)
            # figure out the Virtual Host value
            $p = @{}
            $p.Add("Credentials", $Credentials)
            if ($BaseUri) { $p.Add("BaseUri", $BaseUri) }
            $queues = Get-RabbitMQQueue @p | ? Name -eq $Name

            if (-not $queues) { return; }

            if (-not $queues.GetType().IsArray)
                $VirtualHost = $queues.vhost
            } else {
                $vhosts = $queues | select vhost
                $s = $vhosts -join ','
                Write-Error "Queue $Name exists in multiple Virtual Hosts: $($queues.vhost -join ', '). Please specify Virtual Host to use."

        [string]$s = ""
        if ([bool]$Remove) { $s = "Messages will be removed from the queue." } else {$s = "Messages will be requeued."}
        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server: $BaseUri/$VirtualHost", "Get $Count message(s) from queue $Name. $s"))
            $url = Join-Parts $BaseUri "/api/queues/$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($VirtualHost))/$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Name))/get"
            Write-Verbose "Invoking REST API: $url"

            $body = @{
                "count" = $Count
                "requeue" = -not [bool]$Remove
                "encoding" = $Encoding
            if ($Truncate) { $body.Add("truncate", $Truncate) }

            $bodyJson = $body | ConvertTo-Json

            Write-Debug "body: $bodyJson"

            $result = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Credential $Credentials -AllowEscapedDotsAndSlashes -DisableKeepAlive -ErrorAction Continue -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $bodyJson

            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "QueueName" -NotePropertyValue $Name

            foreach ($item in $result)
                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "no" -NotePropertyValue $cnt
                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "HostName" -NotePropertyValue $BaseUri
                $item | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "VirtualHost" -NotePropertyValue $VirtualHost

            if ($View)
                switch ($View.ToLower())
                        SendItemsToOutput $result "RabbitMQ.QueueMessage" | fc

                        SendItemsToOutput $result "RabbitMQ.QueueMessage" | ft -View Details
                    Default { SendItemsToOutput $result "RabbitMQ.QueueMessage" }
        Write-Verbose "`r`nGot $cnt messages from queue $Name, vhost $VirtualHost, server: $BaseUri."