
   Registers RabbitMQ server.
   Register-RabbitMQ server cmdlet allows to add RabbitMQ server to the tab completition list for HostName.
   Register-RabbitMQServer ''
   Adds server to auto completition list for HostName parameter.
   Register-RabbitMQServer '' 'My local PC'
   Adds server to auto completition list for HostName parameter. The text 'My local PC' will be used as a tooltip.

function Register-RabbitMQServer
        # Name of the RabbitMQ server to be registered.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]

        # Description to be used in tooltip. If not provided then computer name will be used.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)]

        if (-not $global:RabbitMQServers)
            $global:RabbitMQServers = @() 
        $obj += $global:RabbitMQServers | ? ListItemText -eq $BaseUri
        if (-not $obj)
            if (-not $Description) { $Description = $BaseUri }
            $escapedHostName = $BaseUri -replace '\[', '``[' -replace '\]', '``]'
            $global:RabbitMQServers += New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult $escapedHostName, $BaseUri, 'ParameterValue', $Description
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Server $BaseUri is already registered. If you want to update the entry you need to unregister the server and register it again"