
   Gets Connections to the server.

   The Get-RabbitMQConnection cmdlet gets connections to the RabbitMQ server.

   The cmdlet allows you to show all Connections or filter them by name using wildcards.
   The result may be zero, one or many RabbitMQ.Connection objects.

   To get Connections from remote server you need to provide -HostName parameter.

   The cmdlet is using REST Api provided by RabbitMQ Management Plugin. For more information go to:


   This command gets a list of all connections to local RabbitMQ server.

   Get-RabbitMQConnection -HostName

   This command gets a list of all connections server.

   Get-RabbitMQConnection con1*

   This command gets a list of all Connections with name starting with "con1".

   Get-RabbitMQConnection private*, public*

   This command gets a list of all Connections with name starting with either "private" or "public".

   @("private*", "*public") | Get-RabbitMQConnection

   This command pipes name filters to Get-RabbitMQConnection cmdlet.

   You can pipe Name to filter the results.

   By default, the cmdlet returns list of RabbitMQ.Connection objects which describe connections.

.LINK - information about RabbitMQ management plugin.

function Get-RabbitMQConnection
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='None')]
        # Name of RabbitMQ Connection.
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Alias("Connection", "ConnectionName")]
        [string[]]$Name = "",
        # Name of the computer hosting RabbitMQ server. Defalut value is localhost.
        [Alias("HostName", "hn", "cn")]
        [string]$BaseUri = $defaultComputerName,

        # Credentials to use when logging to RabbitMQ server.
        [PSCredential]$Credentials = $defaultCredentials

        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("server $BaseUri", "Get connection(s): $(NamesToString $Name '(all)')"))
            $result = GetItemsFromRabbitMQApi -BaseUri $BaseUri $Credentials "connections"
            $result = ApplyFilter $result 'name' $Name

            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "HostName" -NotePropertyValue $BaseUri

            SendItemsToOutput $result "RabbitMQ.Connection"