
# [Nuget in Powershell](
$debug = $true
$storeParameter = "/SRE/Rally/zsessionid"
$hvalue = aws ssm get-parameter --name "$storeParameter" --with-decryption --query 'Parameter.Value' --output text
$header = @{"zsessionid"=$hvalue}

function dsDataToUUID(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $dsData
function dsDataToName(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $dsData
function dsDataToRefUrl(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $dsData
function getDsDataFromDsId($dsId){
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri " = $dsId)" -Headers $header | Select-Object QueryResult 
function getDsFullFromRefUrl(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $refUrl
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $refUrl -Headers $header | Select-Object DefectSuite
function postDefect(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $defect
        Write-host "Would have posted this defect: $($defect | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "" -Headers $header -Body $defect

function dsFullToDefect(){
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $dsFull
    $ds = $dsFull.DefectSuite
    $ds | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Write-Host
        Name = $ds.Name
        Description = $ds.Description
        c_ApprovedProject = $ds.c_ApprovedProject
        c_FoundinVersion = $ds.c_FoundinVersion
        c_VerifiedinVersion = $ds.c_VerifiedinVersion
        c_Impact = $ds.c_Impact
        c_Likelihood = $ds.c_Likelihood
        Priority = $ds.Priority
        c_Product = $ds.c_Product
        c_Activity = $ds.c_Activity
        c_Workaround = $ds.c_Workaround
        Environment = $ds.Environment
        SalesforceCaseNumber = $ds.SalesforceCaseNumber
        Severity = $ds.Severity
        State = $ds.State
        Project = $ds.Project
        DefectSuites = $ds.DefectSuites
        Expedite = $ds.Expedite
        DisplayColor = $ds.DisplayColor

    Provides SRE-specific handling of Rally Tickets
    Manage Default Suites and defects using the following commands
.PARAMETER defectSuite
    Required default Defect Suite id
.PARAMETER copyUrlToClipboard
    Copy the DS URL to the Windows Clipboard for pasting anywhere
.PARAMETER copyLongLinkToClipboard
    Copy Id and Name to HTML fragment
.PARAMETER copyShortLinkToClipboard
    Copy Id to HTML fragment
.PARAMETER triageHighPriority
.PARAMETER triageHighPriority
.PARAMETER triageLowPriority
.PARAMETER divertToDev
.PARAMETER syncPriorityToDefects
.PARAMETER triageUnshieldedProductDS
.PARAMETER openInBrowser
    Open browser window and navigate to Defect Suite in Rally
.PARAMETER calculateCycleTimes

function Get-DefectSuite {
        [string][alias("ds")] $dsId,
        [switch][alias("cu")] $copyUrlToClipboard,
        [switch][alias("clong")] $copyLongLinkToClipboard,
        [switch][alias("cshort")] $copyShortLinkToClipboard, 
        [switch][alias("thp")] $triageHighPriority,
        [switch][alias("tlp")] $triageLowPriority,
        [switch][alias("dd")] $divertToDev,
        [switch][alias("sync")] $syncPriorityToDefects,
        [switch][alias("tu")] $triageUnshieldedProductDS,
        [switch][alias("web")] $openInBrowser,
        [switch][alias("calc")] $calculateCycleTimes,
        [switch][alias("uuid")] $dsDataToUUID,
        [switch][alias("h")] $help
    $dsId = $dsId.ToUpper()
    if(-not $dsId  -match "DS\d{3,5}"){
        return Write-Host "Defect Suite id must match pattern 'DS\d{3,5}"

    # Lookup Defect Suite
        getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) | dsDataToName
        getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) | dsDataToUUID
        $uuid = getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) | dsDataToUUID
        "$uuid"  | clip
        $uuid = getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) | dsDataToUUID
        Start-Process "$uuid"
        $dsData = getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) 
        $linkUrl = "$($dsData | dsDataToUUID)"
        $linkText = "$dsId - $($dsData | dsDataToName )"
        $linkHtml = "
            <a href='$linkUrl'>$linkText</a>

        $linkHtml | clip
        $dsData = getDsDataFromDsId($dsId) 
        $linkUrl = "$($dsData | dsDataToUUID)"
        $linkHtml = "
            <a href='$linkUrl'>$dsId</a>

        $linkHtml | clip
        | dsDataToRefUrl 
        | getDsFullFromRefUrl 
        | dsFullToDefect 
        | postDefect


        Get-Help rqt