
Function Get-NexposeUser {
        Returns the specified user
        Returns the specified user by id, name, role or privilege
        The identifier of the user
        The name or login identifier of the user
        The user accounts assigned to a specific role
    .PARAMETER Privilege
        The user accounts assigned a specific privilege
    .PARAMETER AuthenticationSource
        The user accounts that use the authentication source to authenticate
        The name or identifier of the site to query
    .PARAMETER ShowAsignedGroups
        Show any asset groups assigned to this user. This is only shown if the user is not assigned to all groups
    .PARAMETER ShowAsignedSites
        Show any sites assigned to this user. This is only shown if the user is not assigned to all sites
        Get-NexposeUser -Id 3
        Get-NexposeUser -Name JoeBlogg
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        GET: users
        GET: users/{id}
        GET: users/{id}/asset_groups
        GET: users/{id}/sites
        GET: roles/{id}/users
        GET: privileges/{id}/users
        GET: authentication_sources/{id}/users
        GET: SKIPPED - users/{id}/privileges
        GET: SKIPPED - assets/{id}/users # Duplicate of above
        GET: SKIPPED - asset_groups/{id}/users # Duplicate of above
        GET: SKIPPED - sites/{id}/users # Duplicate of above

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'byId')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byId')]
        [int]$Id = 0,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byName')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byAuth')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'bySite')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byId')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byName')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byId')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'byName')]

    DynamicParam {
        $dynParam = (New-Object -Type 'System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary')
        New-DynamicParameter -Dictionary $dynParam -Name 'Privilege' -Type 'string' -ParameterSetName 'byPriv' -ValidateSet (Get-NexposePrivilege)
        New-DynamicParameter -Dictionary $dynParam -Name 'Role'      -Type 'string' -ParameterSetName 'byRole' -ValidateSet (@((Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction 'roles' -RestMethod Get).id))
        Return $dynParam

    Begin {
        # Define variables for dynamic parameters
        [string]$Role      = $($PSBoundParameters.Role)
        [string]$Privilege = $($PSBoundParameters.Privilege)

    Process {
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'byId' {
                If ($Id -gt 0) {
                    $userDetails = (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "users/$Id" -RestMethod Get)

                    # Add all asset groups assigned to the user
                    If ($ShowAsignedGroups.IsPresent) {
                        If ($userDetails.role.allAssetGroups -eq $false) {
                            [object[]]$groupIDs = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "users/$Id/asset_groups" -RestMethod Get)
                            If (($groupIDs.Count -gt 0) -and ($groupIDs[0].GetType() -eq [int])) {
                                $userDetails.role | Add-Member -Name 'assetGroups' -Value $groupIDs -MemberType NoteProperty

                    # Add all sites assigned to the user
                    If ($ShowAsignedSites.IsPresent) {
                        If ($userDetails.role.allSites -eq $false) {
                            [object[]]$siteIDs = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "users/$Id/sites" -RestMethod Get)
                            If (($siteIDs.Count -gt 0) -and ($siteIDs[0].GetType() -eq [int])) {
                                $userDetails.role | Add-Member -Name 'sites' -Value $siteIDs -MemberType NoteProperty

                    $userDetails | Add-Member -Name 'lastLogon' -Value (Get-NexposeUserLastLogon -Id $Id) -MemberType NoteProperty
                    Write-Output $userDetails
                Else {
                    $userDetails = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction 'users' -RestMethod Get)
                    ForEach ($user In $userDetails) {
                        $user | Add-Member -Name 'lastLogon' -Value (Get-NexposeUserLastLogon -Id $($ -MemberType NoteProperty
                        Write-Output $user

            'byName' {
                $Name = (ConvertTo-NexposeId -Name $Name -ObjectType 'User')
                If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name) -eq $false) {
                    ForEach ($uid In $Name) {
                        Write-Output (Get-NexposeUser -Id $uid)

            'bySite' {
                If (-not ($Site -as [int]) -eq $site) {
                    $Site = (ConvertTo-NexposeId -Name $Site -ObjectType 'Site')
                If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Site) -eq $false) {
                    Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "sites/$Site/users" -RestMethod Get)

            Default {
                Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                    'byRole' { $users = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "roles/$Role/users"           -RestMethod Get) }
                    'byPriv' { $users = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "privileges/$Privilege/users" -RestMethod Get) }
                    'byAuth' {
                        $authId = (ConvertTo-NexposeId -Name $AuthenticationSource -ObjectType AuthSource)
                        $users  = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "authentication_sources/$authId/users"   -RestMethod Get)

                If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($users) -eq $false) {
                    ForEach ($uid In $users) {
                        Write-Output (Get-NexposeUser -Id $uid)

    End {