
Function Repair-NexposeScanEngine {
        Remove and re-add any failed scan engine servers
        Remove and re-add any failed scan engine servers.
        Will remove one or more scan engines, then re-add them, assigning back into their original scan engine pools
    .PARAMETER ScanEngineId
        One or more identifiers for a scan engine
    .PARAMETER IgnoreOnlineStatus
        Ignore the status of a scan engine. By default only offline scan engines are restored
        Repair-NexposeScanEngine -ScanEngineId 42 -IgnoreOnlineStatus
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page

    Param (


    Begin {
        $scanPools   = @(Get-NexposeScanEnginePool)
        $scanEngines = @()
        If ($ScanEngineId) {
            ForEach ($id In $ScanEngineId) {
                $scanEngines += (Get-NexposeScanEngine -Id $id)
        Else {
            $ScanEngines = @(Get-NexposeScanEngine | Where-Object { ($ -gt 3) })

    Process {
        ForEach ($engine In $ScanEngines) {
            If (($engine.status -notmatch 'Not-Responding|Unknown') -and (-not $IgnoreOnlineStatus.IsPresent)) { Continue }
            If (($engine.lastUpdatedDate -as [datetime]) -lt (Get-Date).AddHours(-2))    { Continue }

            Write-Verbose -Message "Processing '$($' ($($engine.status)) ..."
            [int]$poolCount = 0
            ForEach ($pool In $scanPools) {
                If ($pool.engines -eq $ {
                    If ($poolCount -eq 0) {
                        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($, 'Removing scan engine')) {
                            [void](Remove-NexposeScanEngine -Id $($ -WhatIf:($WhatIfPreference -eq $true))

                        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ ($($engine.address):$($engine.port))", 'Adding Scan Engine')) {
                            $id = ((New-NexposeScanEngine -Name $($ -IPAddress $($engine.address) -Port $($engine.port) -WhatIf:($WhatIfPreference -eq $true)).id)

                    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($($, 'Adding Scan Engine To Pool')) {
                        [void](Add-NexposeScanEngineToPool -PoolId $($ -EngineId $id -WhatIf:($WhatIfPreference -eq $true))

    End {