
Function Invoke-NexposeRestMethod {
        Wrapper for built-in Invoke-RestMethod

        Wrapper for built-in Invoke-RestMethod to cut down on code duplication

        Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the internet resource to which the web request is sent

    .PARAMETER Method
        Specifies the method used for the web request

    .PARAMETER ContentType
        Specifies the content type of the web request

    .PARAMETER TimeOut
        Specifies how long the request can be pending before it times out. Enter a value in seconds

        Specifies the body of the request. The body is the content of the request that follows the headers

    .PARAMETER OutFile
        Saves the response body in the specified output file. Enter a path and file name. If you omit the path, the default is the current location

        Invoke-NexposeRestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method 'Post' -ContentType $Content -TimeOut 600 -Body $body

        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page



    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '', Scope = 'Function')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [int]$TimeOut = 15,


    Begin {
        [string]$HostName = $($global:NexposeSession.Headers['HostName'])
        [int]   $Port     = $($global:NexposeSession.Headers['Port'    ])

        [hashtable]$invokeRestMethod = @{
            Uri                  = ("https://{0}:{1}$Uri" -f $HostName, $Port)
            Method               =   $Method
            WebSession           =   $global:NexposeSession
            TimeOut              =   $TimeOut
            UseBasicParsing      =   $true
            ErrorAction          =  'Stop'

        If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
            $invokeRestMethod += @{
                SkipCertificateCheck = $($global:NexposeSession.Headers['SkipSSL' ] -as [boolean])

    Process {
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Body       )) { $invokeRestMethod += @{ Body        = $Body        }}
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutFile    )) { $invokeRestMethod += @{ OutFile     = $OutFile     }}
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ContentType)) { $invokeRestMethod += @{ ContentType = $ContentType }}

        Return (Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethod)

    End {