
Function Add-NexposeAssetToGroup {
        Adds an asset to a static asset group
        Adds an asset to a static asset group
    .PARAMETER GroupId
        The identifier of the asset group
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The identifier of the asset
        Add-NexposeAssetToGroup -GroupId 2 -AssetId @(12, 24, 48)
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        GET: asset_groups/{id}
        PUT: asset_groups/{id}/assets
        PUT: asset_groups/{id}/assets/{assetId}

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Begin {
        [string]$groupType = ((Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "asset_groups/$GroupId" -RestMethod Get).type)
        If ($groupType -ne 'static') {
            Throw 'Group type is unknown or dynamic and can not be modified in this way'

    Process {
        ForEach ($asset In $AssetId) {
            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($asset)) {
                $asset = (ConvertTo-NexposeId -Name $asset -ObjectType 'Asset')
                Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "asset_groups/$GroupId/assets/$asset" -RestMethod Put)

    End {