
Function Get-NexposeVulnerabilityCategory {
        Returns all vulnerabilities categories that can be assigned to a vulnerability.
        Returns all vulnerabilities categories that can be assigned to a vulnerability. These categories group and label vulnerabilities by general purpose, affected systems, vendor, etc.
        The identifier of the category
    .PARAMETER IncludeVulnerabilities
        Include the list of vulnerabilities contained within the selected category
        Get-NexposeVulnerabilityCategory -Id 123
        Get-NexposeVulnerabilityCategory -Id 123 -IncludeVulnerabilities
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        GET: vulnerability_categories
        GET: vulnerability_categories/{id}
        GET: vulnerability_categories/{id}/vulnerabilities

    Param (
        [string]$Id = 0,


    If ($Id -gt 0) {
        $vulnCat = (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "vulnerability_categories/$Id" -RestMethod Get)
        If ($IncludeVulnerabilities.IsPresent) {
            $vulns = @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "vulnerability_categories/$Id/vulnerabilities" -RestMethod Get)
            $vulnCat | Add-Member -Name 'vulnerabilities' -Value @() -MemberType NoteProperty
            ForEach ($vuln In $vulns) {
                $vulnCat.vulnerabilities += (Get-NexposeVulnerability -Id $vuln)
        Write-Output $vulnCat
    Else {
        Write-Output @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction 'vulnerability_categories' -RestMethod Get)    # Return All