
Function Add-NexposeScanEngineToPool {
        Add and existing scan engine into an existing scan engine pool
        Add and existing scan engine into an existing scan engine pool
        The identifier of the scan enginepool
    .PARAMETER EngineId
        The identifier of the scan engine
        Add-NexposeScanEngineToPool -PoolId 42 -EngineId (100, 101, 102)
        Add-NexposeScanEngineToPool -PoolId 42 -EngineId (100, 101) -ReplaceExisting
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        PUT: scan_engine_pools/{id}/engines/{engineId}
        DELETE: scan_engine_pools/{id}/engines/{engineId}

    Param (


    Begin {
        # Check that everything exists
        [object]$currPool = (Get-NexposeScanEnginePool -Id $PoolId -ErrorAction Stop)
        ForEach ($id In $EngineId) {
            [void](Get-NexposeScanEngine -Id $id -ErrorAction Stop)

    Process {
        $EngineId += $($currPool.engines)

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PoolId)) {
            ForEach ($Engine In $EngineId) {
                Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "scan_engine_pools/$PoolId/engines/$Engine" -RestMethod Put

    End {