
Function Add-NexposeTagToObject {
        Adds an asset, group, or site to a tag
        Adds an asset, group, or site to a tag
        The identifier of the tag
    .PARAMETER ObjectId
        The identifier of the object
    .PARAMETER ObjectType
        The type of the object
        Add-NexposeTagToObject -TagId 3 -ObjectId 23 -ObjectType Asset
        Add-NexposeTagToObject -TagId 3 -ObjectId 2 -ObjectType Site
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        PUT: tags/{id}/assets/{assetId}
        PUT: tags/{id}/asset_groups/{assetGroupId}
        PUT: tags/{id}/sites/{siteId}
        PUT: SKIPPED - assets/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        PUT: SKIPPED - asset_groups/{id}/tags
        PUT: SKIPPED - asset_groups/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        PUT: SKIPPED - sites/{id}/tags
        PUT: SKIPPED - sites/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        PUT: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/asset_groups
        PUT: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/sites

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('assets', 'asset_groups', 'sites')]

    Begin {

    Process {
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ObjectId)) {
            Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "tags/$TagId/$ObjectType/$ObjectId" -RestMethod Put)

    End {