
Function Get-NexposeSolution {
        Returns the details for a solution that can remediate one or more vulnerabilities
        Returns the details for a solution that can remediate one or more vulnerabilities
        The identifier of the solution
    .PARAMETER IncludePrerequisites
        Returns the solutions that must be executed in order for a solution to resolve a vulnerability
    .PARAMETER IncludeSupersedes
        Returns the solutions that are superseded by this solution
    .PARAMETER IncludeSuperseding
        Returns the solutions that supersede this solution
        Get-NexposeSolution -Id 'xp-unsafe-security-center-settings'
        Get-NexposeSolution -Id 'xp-unsafe-security-center-settings' -IncludePrerequisites -IncludeSupersedes
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        GET: solutions
        GET: solutions/{id}
        GET: solutions/{id}/prerequisites
        GET: solutions/{id}/supersedes
        GET: solutions/{id}/superseding

    Param (




    If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Id) -eq $true) {
        Write-Output @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction 'solutions' -RestMethod Get)    # Return All
    Else {
        [string]$uri = "solutions/$Id"
        $solu = (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction $uri -RestMethod Get -ErrorAction Stop)

        # Include the additional properties if required...
        If ($IncludePrerequisites.IsPresent) {
            $solu | Add-Member -Name 'prerequisites' -Value @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "$uri/prerequisites" -RestMethod Get) -MemberType NoteProperty

        If ($IncludeSupersedes.IsPresent) {
            $solu | Add-Member -Name 'supersedes'    -Value @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "$uri/supersedes"    -RestMethod Get) -MemberType NoteProperty

        If ($IncludeSuperseding.IsPresent) {
            $solu | Add-Member -Name 'superseding'   -Value @(Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "$uri/superseding"   -RestMethod Get) -MemberType NoteProperty

        Write-Output $solu