
Function New-NexposeSiteAlert {
        Creates a new SMTP, SNMP or Syslog alert for the specified site
        Creates a new SMTP, SNMP or Syslog alert for the specified site
        The identifier of the site
        The name of the alert
    .PARAMETER Enabled
        Flag indicating the alert is enabled
    .PARAMETER MaxAlertsToSend
        The maximum number of alerts that will be issued
    .PARAMETER ScanStarted
        Generates an alert when a scan starts. Default value is false
    .PARAMETER ScanStopped
        Generates an alert when a scan stops. Default value is false
    .PARAMETER ScanFailed
        Generates an alert when a scan fails. Default value is false
    .PARAMETER ScanPaused
        Generates an alert when a scan pauses. Default value is false
    .PARAMETER ScanResumed
        Generates an alert when a scan resumes. Default value is false
    .PARAMETER VulnerabilitySeverity
        Generates an alert for vulnerability results of the selected vulnerability severity. Default value is "any_severity"
    .PARAMETER VulnNotConfirmed
        Generates an alert for vulnerability results of confirmed vulnerabilties. A vulnerability is "confirmed" when asset-specific vulnerability tests, such as exploits, produce positive results. Default value is true
    .PARAMETER VulnNotUnconfirmed
        Generates an alert for vulnerability results of unconfirmed vulnerabilties. A vulnerability is "unconfirmed" when a version of a scanned service or software is known to be vulnerable, but there is no positive verification. Default value is true
    .PARAMETER VulnNotPotential
        Generates an alert for vulnerability results of potential vulnerabilties. A vulnerability is "potential" if a check for a potential vulnerabilty is positive. Default value is true
    .PARAMETER NotificationType
        The type of alert
    .PARAMETER SyslogServer
        The Syslog server to send messages to
    .PARAMETER EmailServer
        The SMTP server/relay to send messages through
    .PARAMETER SMTPRecipients
        The recipient list. At least one recipient must be specified. Each recipient must be a valid e-mail address
    .PARAMETER SenderEmailAddress
        The sender e-mail address that will appear in the from field
    .PARAMETER LimitAlertText
        Reports basic information in the alert, if enabled
        The SNMP management server
    .PARAMETER CommunityString
        The SNMP community name
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        POST: sites/{id}/alerts/smtp
        POST: sites/{id}/alerts/snmp
        POST: sites/{id}/alerts/syslog

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [int]$MaxAlertsToSend = -1,






        [string]$VulnerabilitySeverity = 'any_severity',




        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySyslog')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySMTP')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySMTP')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySMTP')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySNMP')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'bySNMP')]

    Begin {

    Process {
        # Build query
        $apiQuery = @{
            enabled = $Enabled.IsPresent
            enabledScanEvents = @{
                started = $ScanStarted.IsPresent
                stopped = $ScanStopped.IsPresent
                failed  = $ScanFailed.IsPresent
                paused  = $ScanPaused.IsPresent
                resumed = $ScanResumed.IsPresent
            enabledVulnerabilityEvents = @{
                vulnerabilitySeverity      = $VulnerabilitySeverity
                confirmedVulnerabilities   = -not ($VulnNotConfirmed.IsPresent)
                potentialVulnerabilities   = -not ($VulnNotPotential.IsPresent)
                unconfirmedVulnerabilities = -not ($VulnNotUnconfirmed.IsPresent)
            name         = $Name
            notification = $NotificationType

        If ($MaxAlertsToSend -gt 0) {
            $apiQuery += @{
                maximumAlerts = $MaxAlertsToSend

        Switch ($NotificationType) {
            'SMTP' {
                $apiQuery += @{
                    relayServer = $EmailServer
                    senderEmailAddress = $SenderEmailAddress
                    recipients  = @(

            'SNMP' {
                $apiQuery += @{
                    server    = $SNMPServer
                    community = $CommunityString

            'Syslog' {
                $apiQuery += @{
                    server = $SyslogServer

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SiteId)) {
            Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "sites/$SiteId/alerts/$($NotificationType.ToLower())" -ApiQuery $apiQuery -RestMethod Post)

    End {