
Function New-NexposeUser {
        Creates a new user
        Creates a new user
    .PARAMETER Login
        The login name of the user.
    .PARAMETER FullName
        The full name of the user.
    .PARAMETER SecurePassword
        The password to use for the user.
        The privileges and role to assign the user.
    .PARAMETER AuthType
        The details of the authentication source used to authenticate the user. Defaults to 'normal'
    .PARAMETER Email
        The email address of the user.
    .PARAMETER Disabled
        Whether the user account is enabled. Defaults to 'false'
    .PARAMETER PasswordResetOnLogin
        Whether to require a reset of the user's password upon first login. Defaults to 'false'.
    .PARAMETER SiteAccess
        The name or identifier of one or more sites to assign this user to. This option is ignored if the user is an administrator
    .PARAMETER AssetGroupAccess
        The name or identifier of one or more asset groups to assign this user to. This option is ignored if the user is an administrator
        New-NexposeUser -Login 'JoeB' -FullName 'Joe Bloggs' -SecurePassword $pass -Email '' -Disabled
        New-NexposeUser -Login 'JoeB' -FullName 'Joe Bloggs' -SecurePassword $pass -Email '' -Disabled -SiteAccess ('Site A', 23)
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        GET: roles
        POST: users

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [string]$AuthType = 'normal',



        [ValidateSet('Global Administrator','Security Manager','Site Owner','Asset Owner','User')]
        [string]$Role = 'user',



    Begin {
        # Convert securestring password into plaintext
        [string]$Password = (ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecurePassword)
        [string]$Password = ((New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential('Null', $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password), 'Null')).Password)

        # Convert Role to correct internal name
        Switch ($Role) {
            'Global Administrator' { $intRole = 'global-admin'     }
            'Security Manager'     { $intRole = 'security-manager' }
            'Site Owner'           { $intRole = 'site-admin'       }
            'Asset Owner'          { $intRole = 'system-admin'     }
            'User'                 { $intRole = 'user'             }

        # Make sure correct authentication type is set
        If (($AuthType -eq 'normal') -and ($intRole -eq 'global-admin')) { $AuthType = 'admin' }

        If (($intRole -eq 'site-admin') -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SiteAccess))) {
            Throw 'For site admins, you need to specifiy one or more sites'

        If (($intRole -eq 'site-admin') -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AssetGroupAccess))) {
            Throw 'For site admins, you must not specify any asset groups'

    Process {
        [boolean]$allSites       = $false
        [boolean]$allAssetGroups = $false

        # Ensure correct sites and assets privileges are set
        $privileges = @((Get-NexposeRole -Id $intRole).privileges)

        If (($privileges -contains 'all-permissions') -or
            ($privileges -contains 'manage-dynamic-asset-groups')) {
            $allAssetGroups = $true

        If (($privileges -contains 'all-permissions') -or
            ($privileges -contains 'manage-sites') -or
            ($privileges -contains 'manage-tags')) {
            $allSites = $true

        $apiQuery = @{
            login   =  $Login
            name    =  $FullName
            email   =  $Email.ToLower()
            enabled =  (-not $Disabled.IsPresent)
            role    = @{
                id             = $intRole.ToLower()
                allSites       = $allSites
                allAssetGroups = $allAssetGroups
            authentication = @{ type = $AuthType.ToLower() }

        If (($AuthType -eq 'normal') -or ($AuthType -eq 'admin')) {
            $apiQuery += @{
                password             =  $Password
                passwordResetOnLogin = ($PasswordResetOnLogin.IsPresent)

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Login)) {
            $user = (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction 'users' -ApiQuery $apiQuery -RestMethod Post)
            If ($ -is [int]) {

                If (($allSites -eq $false) -and ($SiteAccess.Count -gt 0)) {
                    Add-NexposeUserToSite -UserId $($ -SiteId $SiteAccess | Out-Null

                If (($allAssetGroups -eq $false) -and ($AssetGroupAccess.Count -gt 0)) {
                    Add-NexposeUserToAssetGroup -UserId ($ -AssetGroupId $AssetGroupAccess | Out-Null

                Get-NexposeUser -Id $($

    End {