
Function Remove-NexposeTagFromObject {
        Removes a tag from an object
        Removes a tag from an object
    .PARAMETER ObjectType
        The type of the object
    .PARAMETER ObjectId
        The identifier of the object
        The identifier of the tag. If none is specified, then all tags are removed from the object
        Remove-NexposeTagFromObject -ObjectType Asset -ObjectId 23 -TagId 3
        Remove-NexposeTagFromObject -ObjectType Site -ObjectId 2
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        DELETE: assets/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        DELETE: asset_groups/{id}/tags
        DELETE: asset_groups/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        DELETE: sites/{id}/tags/{tagId}
        DELETE: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/assets/{assetId}
        DELETE: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/asset_groups
        DELETE: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/asset_groups/{assetGroupId}
        DELETE: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/sites
        DELETE: SKIPPED - tags/{id}/sites/{siteId}

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('assets', 'asset_groups', 'sites')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [int[]]$TagId = 0

    Begin {

    Process {
        [string]$uri = "$ObjectType/$ObjectId/tags"

        If     (($ObjectType -eq 'assets') -and ($TagId[0] -eq 0)) { $TagId = (Get-NexposeTag -Asset $ObjectId).id }
        ElseIf (($ObjectType -eq 'sites' ) -and ($TagId[0] -eq 0)) { $TagId = (Get-NexposeTag -Site  $ObjectId).id }

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ObjectId)) {
            If ($TagId[0] -gt 0) {
                ForEach ($tag In $TagId) {
                    Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "$uri/$tag" -RestMethod Delete)
            Else {
                Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction $uri -RestMethod Delete)

    End {