
Function Test-FrequencyString {
        Tests a natural language text input for time intervals
        Tests a natural language text input for time intervals. This returns a regex match object with the results, $false boolean value
    .PARAMETER Frequency
        Natural language text of the interval to test
        Test-FrequencyString -Frequency 'Every first wednesay of the month'
        Test-FrequencyString -Frequency 'Every 31st of the month repeated every 3 months'
        Test-FrequencyString -Frequency 'Every 3rd of the month repeat every 2 months'
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page

    Param (

    # Define the interval regex
    [System.Text.StringBuilder]$regexString = ''

    # Capture groups used in 'Convert-IntervalString'
    [void]($regexString.Append('^(?:once|every (?:(?:(?:1 )?(hour|day|week)|([2-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]?) (hours|days|weeks))|'))                               # Capture groups 1, 2 and 3
    [void]($regexString.Append('(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday)|'))                                                             # Capture group 4
    [void]($regexString.Append('(?:(1st|first|2nd|second|3rd|third|4th|fourth|5th|fifth) (monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday)|'))    # Capture groups 5 and 6
    [void]($regexString.Append('((?:[23]?(?<!1)1st|2?(?<!1)2nd|2?(?<!1)3rd)|(?:(?:[4-9]|[1-2][04-9])|11|12|13|30)th))'))                                   # Capture group 7
    [void]($regexString.Append('(?: of the month(?: repeat(?:ed)? every ([2-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]?) months)?)))$'))                                           # Capture group 8
    Write-Verbose -Message $regexString

    # Validate input string
    Return ([regex]::Match($Frequency.ToLower(), $regexString.ToString(), 'IgnoreCase'))