
Function Update-NexposeScanEnginePool {
        Updates an existing scan engine pool
        Updates an existing scan engine pool
        The identifier of the engine pool
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name of the scan engine pool
    .PARAMETER ScanEngine
        The identifiers or names of the scan engines in the engine pool. This will replace all existing scan engines with the provided list
        The identifiers or names of the sites in the engine pool. This will replace all existing scan engines with the provided list
        Update-NexposeScanEnginePool -Id 3 -NewName 'UK West'
        Update-NexposeScanEnginePool -Id 6 -ScanEngine @('uk-west-engine-01','uk-west-engine-02')
        Update-NexposeScanEnginePool -Id 4 -Site 'uk-west-01'
        For additional information please see my GitHub wiki page
        PUT: scan_engine_pools/{id}
        PUT: SKIPPED - scan_engine_pools/{id}/engines # Covered in this script

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    Begin {
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NewName) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScanEngine)) {
            Throw 'At least one parameter must be supplied'

        # Get current values
        $pool = (Get-NexposeScanEnginePool -Id $id)
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NewName)    -eq $true) { $NewName    = $    }
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScanEngine) -eq $true) { $ScanEngine = $pool.engines }
        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Site)       -eq $true) { $Site       = $pool.sites   }

        # Create ENGINE list
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScanEngine)) {
            [int[]]$ScanEngineIds = @()
            ForEach ($seId In $ScanEngineIds) {
                If ((($seId -as [int]) -eq $seId) -and ($seId -gt 0)) {
                    $ScanEngineIds += $seId
                Else {
                    $seId = ((Get-NexposeScanEngine -Name $seId).id)
                    If (($seId -is [int]) -and ($seId -gt 0)) {
                        $ScanEngineIds += $seId

        # Create SITE list
        If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Site)) {
            [int[]]$SiteIds = @()
            ForEach ($sId In $SiteIds) {
                If ((($sId -as [int]) -eq $sId) -and ($sId -gt 0)) {
                    $ScanEngineIds += $sId
                Else {
                    $sId = ((Get-NexposeSite -Name $sId).id)
                    If (($sId -is [int]) -and ($sId -gt 0)) {
                        $SiteIds += $sId

    Process {
        $apiQuery = @{
            id      =   $Id
            name    =   $NewName
            engines = @($ScanEngineIds)
            sites   = @($SiteIds)

        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) {
            Write-Output (Invoke-NexposeQuery -UrlFunction "scan_engine_pools/$Id" -ApiQuery $apiQuery -RestMethod Put)

    End {