
$global:RapidCloneVmwareSession = ""
$postVmScriptBlock = {

    $result = @{}
    $result.message = @()
    $result.messagesuccess = @()
    $result.state = "Success"
    $obj = $args[0]
    $vm = $obj.vm
            $out = import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Core
            $out = import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Common
            $out = import-module VMware.VimAutomation.Vds
            $result.state = "Failed"
            $result.message += "Failed to import module Vmware.VimAutomation.Core"
        sleep $obj.delay
            $vcenter = Connect-VIServer -Server $obj.vcenter -Session $obj.session
            $result.message += ("Failed to connect to vcenter {0}" -f $obj.vcenter)
            $result.state = "Failed"
            $resources = $obj.resources
            $mem = $resources.memorymb
            $cpu = $resources.numcpu
            $cores = $resources.cores
            $uuid = $obj.uuid
            $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
            $spec.Uuid = $uuid
            $vmobj = get-vm $vm
            $result.message += ("Reconfigured vm {0} Uuid to {1}" -f $vm,$uuid)
            $result.messagesuccess += ("Reconfigured vm {0} Uuid to {1}" -f $vm,$uuid)
            $cores = $resources.corespersocket
            if($obj.resourcechanged -and $mem -and $cpu -and $cores){
                $setvm = Set-VM -VM $vm -MemoryMB $mem -NumCpu $cpu -CoresPerSocket $cores -Confirm:$false
                while($tasksetvm.state -in "Running","Queued"){
                    $tasksetvm = get-task -id $setvm.id -ErrorAction stop
                $result.message += ("Reconfigured vm {0} [{1}MB][{2} cpus][{3} cores]" -f $vm,$mem,$cpu,$cores)
                $result.messagesuccess += ("Reconfigured vm {0} [{1}MB][{2} cpus][{3} cores]" -f $vm,$mem,$cpu,$cores)
            $result.message += ("Failed to reconfigure vm {0} {1}" -f $vm,$_.Exception.Message)
            $result.state = "Failed"
                $nics = $obj.networkadapters
                $vmhost = (get-vm -Name $vm).VMHost
                $realnics = Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm

                # collect portgroups
                $portgroups = @{}
                $vdportgroups = @{}
                Get-VirtualPortGroup -Standard -VMHost $vmhost | %{$portgroups[$_.Name]=$_}
                Get-VDPortgroup | %{$vdportgroups[$_.Name]=$_}

                # nic count matches ?
                if($realnics.Count -eq $nics.keys.count){

                    # loop nics
                    foreach($k in $nics.keys){

                        $pgname = $nics[$k]
                        $nic = $realnics | ?{$_.Name -eq $k}

                        # if the nic exists

                            # different ?
                            if($nic.NetworkName -ne $nics[$k]){

                                # regular portgroup ?
                                    $setnic = Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter $nic -Portgroup $portgroups[$pgname] -Confirm:$false
                                    while($setnic.state -in "Running","Queued"){
                                        $setnic = get-task -Id $setnic.id -ErrorAction stop
                                    $result.message += ("Changed portgroup on $k to {0}" -f $pgname)  
                                    $result.messagesuccess += ("Changed portgroup on $k to {0}" -f $pgname)  

                                # distributed switch portgroup ?
                                    $setnic = Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkAdapter $nic -Portgroup $vdportgroups[$pgname] -Confirm:$false
                                    while($setnic.state -in "Running","Queued"){
                                        $setnic = get-task -Id $setnic.id -ErrorAction stop
                                    $result.message += ("Changed vds portgroup on $k to {0}" -f $pgname) 
                                    $result.messagesuccess += ("Changed vds portgroup on $k to {0}" -f $pgname)   
                                    $result.message += "Unknown portgroup $pgname on $k"
                                    $result.state = "Failed"
                                $result.message += ("Network on $k is already {0}" -f $pgname) 
                            $result.message += "Nic $nic not found on $vm"
                            $result.state = "Failed"
                   $result.message += ("Nic count mismatch on {0} [{1}]<->[{2}]" -f $vm,$realnics.Count,$nics.keys.count)
                   $result.state = "Failed"            
            $result.message += ("Failed to reconfigure networkadapters on vm {0} {1}" -f $vm,$_.Exception.Message)
            $result.state = "Failed"
                $startvm = Start-VM -RunAsync -VM $vm
                while($taskstartvm.state -in "Running","Queued"){
                    $taskstartvm = get-task -Id $startvm.id -ErrorAction stop
                $result.message += ("Started vm {0}" -f $vm,$taskstartvm.state)
                $result.messagesuccess += ("Started vm {0}" -f $vm,$taskstartvm.state)
           $result.message += ("Failed to start vm {0} {1}" -f $vm,$_.Exception.Message)
           $result.state = "Failed"
    return $result

function Compare-Hashtable {
Compare two Hashtable and returns an array of differences.
The Compare-Hashtable function computes differences between two Hashtables. Results are returned as
an array of objects with the properties: "key" (the name of the key that caused a difference),
"side" (one of "<=", "!=" or "=>"), "lvalue" an "rvalue" (resp. the left and right value
associated with the key).
The left hand side Hashtable to compare.
The right hand side Hashtable to compare.
Returns a difference for ("3 <="), c (3 "!=" 4) and e ("=>" 5).
Compare-Hashtable @{ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3 } @{ b = 2; c = 4; e = 5}
Returns a difference for a ("3 <="), c (3 "!=" 4), e ("=>" 5) and g (6 "<=").
$left = @{ a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; f = $Null; g = 6 }
$right = @{ b = 2; c = 4; e = 5; f = $Null; g = $Null }
Compare-Hashtable $left $right
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    function New-Result($Key, $LValue, $Side, $RValue) {
        New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
                    key    = $Key
                    lvalue = $LValue
                    rvalue = $RValue
                    side   = $Side
    [Object[]]$Results = $Left.Keys | % {
        if ($Left.ContainsKey($_) -and !$Right.ContainsKey($_)) {
            New-Result $_ $Left[$_] "<=" $Null
        } else {
            if ($Left[$_] -is [hashtable] -and $Right[$_] -is [hashtable] ) {
                Compare-Hashtable $Left[$_] $Right[$_]
            else {
                $LValue, $RValue = $Left[$_], $Right[$_]
                if ($LValue -ne $RValue) {
                    New-Result $_ $LValue "!=" $RValue
    $Results += $Right.Keys | % {
        if (!$Left.ContainsKey($_) -and $Right.ContainsKey($_)) {
            New-Result $_ $Null "=>" $Right[$_]
    if ($Results -ne $null) { $Results }
function WriteWithColor($text,$state,$color){
# -----------------------------
# fancy output with color and state
# -----------------------------
    Write-Host "[" -NoNewline
    Write-Host $state -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color
    Write-Host ("] {0}" -f $text)
function ProcessVmTasks($tasks,$description,[switch]$loop,[switch]$startvm,[switch]$reconfigurevm,$postvmjobs,[switch]$ignoreCustomAttributes,[switch]$nooutput,$outputhash,[switch]$isTemplate,[switch]$setNetworkToAuto){
# -----------------------------
# a vm task processor
# -----------------------------
    Write-Verbose "Processvmtasks : start $description"
    Write-Verbose ("{0} tasks ; startvm $startvm ; reconfigurevm $reconfigurevm ; {1} postvmjobs" -f $tasks.Count,$postvmjobs.Count)
    while(($tasks.Count -ne 0) -or (($startvm -or $reconfigurevm) -and ($postvmjobs.Count -ne 0))){

        # define a list of tasks to be remove in case of completed
        $todelete = @()

        # loop all vm tasks names
        foreach($t in $tasks.Keys){

            Write-Verbose "Task $t : start"


                if(-not $tasks[$t]){
                # get vm task
                $task = get-task -id $tasks[$t].id -ErrorAction stop

                Write-Verbose "Task $t : found"

                # if success
                if($task.State -eq "Success"){

                    Write-Verbose "Task $t : success"

                    if(-not $nooutput){
                        $outputhash[$t].state = "Success"

                    # do we need to start or reconfigure the vm ?
                    if($startvm -or $reconfigurevm){

                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : start postvmjob in background"

                        # postprocess the vm in the background using a start-job
                        # we add a random delay to not stress the vm environment
                        $delay = random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $RandomBootDelaySeconds
                        $postvmjobs[$t] = start-job -Name "Postscript $t" `
                                                    -ScriptBlock $postVmScriptBlock `
                                                    -ArgumentList `
                                                        @{delay = $delay;
                                                          vm = $t;
                                                          vcenter = $Vcenter;
                                                          session = $global:RapidCloneVmwareSession;
                                                          uuid = $outputhash[$t].uuid
                                                          resources = $outputhash[$t]["resources"];
                                                          networkadapters = $outputhash[$t]["networkadapters"];
                                                          resourcechanged = ($reconfigurevm -and $outputhash[$t].resourcechanged);
                                                          networkchanged = ($reconfigurevm -and $outputhash[$t].networkchanged);
                                                          startvm = $startvm}    
                        # set as cloned
                        WriteWithColor -text ("{0} {1} [postprocessing with delay of $delay]" -f $description,$t) -state "Cloned" -color yellow

                    # is postprocessing on template required ?
                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : no postvmbjob required"

                        # if not, we are done, set as success
                        WriteWithColor -text ("{0} {1}" -f $description,$t) -state "Success" -color green
                    Write-Verbose "Task $t : getting vm"

                    $vm = get-vm $t

                    if($isTemplate -and $setNetworkToAuto){

                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : setting network to auto"

                            $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
                            $dev = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualDeviceConfigSpec 
                            $dev.operation = "edit" 
                            write-verbose "vm $vm : checking network adapters"
                            $vm.ExtensionData.Config.Hardware.Device | where {$_.DeviceInfo.Label -like "Network adapter*" -and $_.addressType -ne "assigned"} | %{
                                $dev.device = $_    
                                $dev.device.addressType = "assigned"
                                $dev.Device.MacAddress = $null  
                                $devicelabel = $_.DeviceInfo.Label  
                                WriteWithColor -text ("Setting vm {0} [{1}] to assigned" -f $vm,$devicelabel) -state "Info" -color cyan
                                $spec.DeviceChange += $dev
                                Write-Verbose "vm $vm : reconfiguring nics"
                                write-verbose "vm $vm : no nics to be reconfigured"
                            WriteWithColor -text ("Failed at vm {0} [{1}] to assigned" -f $vm,$devicelabel) -state "Error" -color red
                            Write-host $_

                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : network is set auto"

                    # if creating clones, we might register tags
                    if(-not $ignoreCustomAttributes){

                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : registering tags"

                        foreach($k in $outputhash[$t].customAttributes.Keys){
                                    $ca = Get-CustomAttribute -Name $k -TargetType VirtualMachine
                                    $ca = New-CustomAttribute -Name $k -TargetType VirtualMachine
                                $out = Set-Annotation -Entity $vm -CustomAttribute $ca -Value $outputhash[$t].customAttributes[$k]
                                WriteWithColor -text "Failed to set customAttribute $k" -state "Error" -color red

                        Write-Verbose "Task $t : tags registered"

                    # mark to remove from task list, cloning is done
                    Write-Verbose "Task $t : mark completed"

                }elseif($task.State -ne "Running" -and $task.State -ne "Queued"){

                    # something went wrong here, it's not success nor running
                    WriteWithColor -text $t -state $task.State -color red
                    if(-not $nooutput){
                        $outputhash[$t].state = $task.State
                    # mark to remove
                    Write-Verbose "Task $t : still running"

            } catch{$todelete+=$t}

        # process remove tasks
        Write-Verbose "Task $t : remove processed tasks"
        $todelete | %{$tasks.Remove($_)} 

        # checking start jobs status
        $todelete = @()

        Write-Verbose "Postvmjobs : start processing"

        # we loop all started jobs
        foreach($j in $postvmjobs.Keys){

            Write-Verbose "Postvmjob $j : start"


                Write-Verbose "Postvmjob $j : getting job"

                # get the job status
                $job = get-job -id $postvmjobs[$j].id -ErrorAction stop

                Write-Verbose "Postvmjob $j : job found"

                # if completed
                if($job.State -eq "Completed"){

                        Write-Verbose "Postvmjob $j : completed"

                        # get the actual result
                        $result = $job | receive-job
                        if($result.State -eq "Success"){
                            WriteWithColor -text ("{0} {1}" -f $description,$j) -state "Success" -color green
                            WriteWithColor ($result.messagesuccess -join " , ") -state "Info" -color cyan
                            WriteWithColor -text ("{0} {1}" -f $description,$j) -state $result.State -color red
                            WriteWithColor ($result.message -join " , ") -state "Error" -color red

                        # mark to delete from jobs

                }elseif($job.State -ne "Running" -and $job.State -ne "Queued"){

                    # something went wrong, nor completed, nor running
                    WriteWithColor -text $j -state $job.State -color red

                    Write-Verbose "Postvmjob $j : still running"

            } catch{
                WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.Message -state "Warning" -color yellow

        # remove jobs
        Write-Verbose "Postvmjobs : cleaning up"

        $todelete | %{$postvmjobs.Remove($_)} 

        # do we go in a loop or not ?
            sleep 1
    Write-Verbose "Processvmtasks : end"
function CheckPlugin($hostname,$hostId){
# -----------------------------
# checks if the nas plugin is installed
# -----------------------------
    $list = @()
        $vmHost = Get-VMHost -Id $hostId
        $vmHost = Get-VMHost -Name $hostname
        $vmHostName = $vmhost.Name
        $esxcli = $vmHost | Get-EsxCli -V2
        $list = $esxcli.software.vib.list.Invoke()
        $plugin = $list| ?{$_.Name -match "NetappNasPlugin"}
            WriteWithColor -text ("[{0}] {1} version {2}" -f $vmHostName,$plugin.Name,$plugin.Version) -state "Installed" -color green
            Throw "[$vmHostName] The NetAppNasPlugin is not installed"

function GetResourcePoolHosts($resourcepool){
        $rp = Get-ResourcePool -Name $resourcepool
        $cluster = Get-Cluster -Id $rp.ExtensionData.Owner
        return $cluster.ExtensionData.Host
        Throw "ResourcePool [$resourcepool] is not in a vmware cluster"
function getNewCloneNames($nametemplate,$count,$fillGaps){

    $nametemplateNrPlaceholder = ""
    if($nametemplate -match "(#+)"){
        $nametemplateNrPlaceholder = $Matches[1]
        WriteWithColor -text "Name template [$NameTemplate]" -state "Validated" -color green
    }elseif($count -eq 1){
        WriteWithColor -text "Name template [$NameTemplate] - single instance" -state "Validated" -color green
        throw "No proper name template [$NameTemplate], it must contain 1 or more hashtags (#) as number placeholders to make the clones unique."

    if(($count -gt 1) -or $nametemplateNrPlaceholder){
        $vmSearchPattern = $nametemplate -replace $nametemplateNrPlaceholder,"*"
        $vmNumberRegex =  $nametemplate -replace $nametemplateNrPlaceholder,"([0-9]+)"

        $currentVms = @(get-vm $vmSearchPattern) | %{$_.Name}
        $freeNumbers = @()
        $takenNumbers = @()

        foreach($vm in $currentVms){
            if($vm -match $vmNumberRegex){
        $freeNumbers = @(1..10000) | ?{$_ -notin $takenNumbers}
        $lastNumber = 0
        if($takenNumbers.Count -gt 0){
            $lastNumber = ($takenNumbers | Sort-Object)[-1]

            $newNumbers = $freeNumbers | Sort-Object | select -first $count
            $newNumbers = ($lastNumber+1)..($lastNumber+$count)

        return $newNumbers | %{ $nametemplate -replace $nametemplateNrPlaceholder,([string]($_)).PadLeft($nametemplateNrPlaceholder.Length,"0") }
        return @(,$nametemplate)
function vmExists($name,[switch]$passthru){
    $check = $null
        $check = get-vm -Name $name
    if(-not $passthru){
        return [bool]$check
        return $check
function vmHostExists($name,[switch]$passthru){
    $check = $null
        $check = Get-VMHost -Name $name
    if(-not $passthru){
        return [bool]$check
        return $check
function resourcePoolExists($name,[switch]$passthru){
    $check = $null
        $check = Get-ResourcePool -Name $name
    if(-not $passthru){
        return [bool]$check
        return $check
function datastoreExists($name,[switch]$passthru){
    $check = $null
        $check = Get-Datastore -Name $name
    if(-not $passthru){
        return [bool]$check
        return $check
function osCustomizationSpecExists($name,[switch]$passthru){
    $check = $null
        $check = Get-OSCustomizationSpec -Name $name
    if(-not $passthru){
        return [bool]$check
        return $check
function isClone($vm){
    $source = ""
        $source = $vm.CustomFields["PnC.Source"]

function parseVm($vm,[switch]$ignoreErrors,[switch]$silent,[switch]$noTemplateCheck,[string]$swapDatastoreRegex=""){
# -----------------------------
# checks a vm and returns a hash with common info
# -----------------------------
    $return = @{}
    $parsedvm = $null
    if(-not $noTemplateCheck){
            # is template ?
            $parsedvm = get-template -Name $vm
            $return["vmhost"] = (Get-VMHost -id ($parsedvm.HostId)).Name
            if(-not $silent){
                WriteWithColor -text "template [$vm]" -state "Exists" -color green
    if(-not $parsedvm){
            # is normal vm
            $parsedvm = get-vm -name $vm
            if(-not $silent){
                WriteWithColor -text "Source vm [$vm]" -state "Exists" -color green
            $return["vmhost"] = $parsedvm.VMHost.Name
            $return["istemplate"] = $false
            if(-not $ignoreErrors){
                Throw ("VM or Template [$vm] not found. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
        # if found
        $return["name"] = $parsedvm.Name
        $return["resources"] = @{}
        $return["resources"]["memoryMb"] = $parsedvm.MemoryMB
        $return["resources"]["numCpu"] = $parsedvm.NumCpu
        $return["resources"]["coresPerSocket"] = $parsedvm.CoresPerSocket
        $return["folderId"] = $parsedvm.FolderId
        $return["folder"] = $parsedvm.Folder
        $return["powerstate"] = $parsedvm.PowerState
        $return["customAttributes"] = @{}
        $return["networkadapters"] = @{}
            $nics = $parsedvm | Get-NetworkAdapter
            WriteWithColor -text ("Failed to get network adapter for $vm. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -state "Error" -color red
            $datacenter = $parsedvm | Get-Datacenter
            WriteWithColor -text ("Failed to get datacenter for $vm. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -state "Error" -color red
        foreach($n in $nics){
            $return["networkadapters"][$n.name] = $n.NetworkName
        $return["cluster"] = $parsedvm.VMHost.Parent
        $return["datastore"] = ""
        $return["resourcepool"] = ""
        $return["isclone"] = $false
        $return["uuid"] = $parsedvm.ExtensionData.Config.InstanceUuid
        $return["vmuuid"] = $parsedvm.ExtensionData.Config.Uuid
            $currentDatastores = @($parsedvm.ExtensionData.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage)
            $datastoreNames = @()
            foreach($d in $currentDatastores){
                $datastoreName = (Get-Datastore -id ($d.Datastore)).Name
                if(-not $swapDatastoreRegex){
                }elseif($datastoreName -notmatch $swapDatastoreRegex){
                    Write-Verbose "Adding datastore $datastoreName (no swap datastore match)"
                    Write-Verbose "Ignoring datastore $datastoreName (swap datastore match)"
            if(($datastoreNames.Count -gt 1) -and (-not $ignoreErrors)){
                Throw ("The source vm has more than 1 datastore ({0}), rapid cloning not possible" -f ($datastoreNames -join ","))
                $return["datastore"] = $datastoreNames[0]
                WriteWithColor -text ("Failed get the datastore for $vm. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -state "Error" -color red
            Throw "No source datastore present"
        if($parsedvm.ResourcePool.Name -ne "Resources"){
            $return["resourcepool"] = $parsedvm.ResourcePool.Name
        $return["customAttributes"] = @{}
        foreach($f in $parsedvm.customFields.Keys){
            $return["isclone"] = $true

    return $return
function stopVms($vms,$maxqueue,[switch]$silent,[switch]$checkClone){
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    $stoptasks = @{}
    $total = @($vms.Keys).count
    $queuefull = $false
    while($i -lt $total){
        if($stoptasks.keys.Count -le $MaxQueue){
            $queuefull = $false
            $v = @($vms.Keys)[$i]

                $vm = $vms[$v]

                if(-not $checkClone -or $vm.isclone){
                    if($vm.powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"){
                        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($v,"Stop vm")) {
                            $stoptasks["$v"] = Stop-VM -VM $v -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
                        WriteWithColor -text "Clone $v not running" -state $vm.powerstate -color green
                    WriteWithColor -text "Aborting stopping $v - not a clone - no source found" -state "Ignoring" -color yellow
                if(-not $silent){
                    WriteWithColor -text "Aborting stopping Clone $v" -state "Unknown vm" -color red
            if(-not $queuefull){
                WriteWithColor -text "Queue is full [$MaxQueue]" -state "Waiting" -color cyan
            $queuefull = $true
            sleep 1
        ProcessVmTasks -tasks $stoptasks -description "Stopping clone" -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput
    ProcessVmTasks -tasks $stoptasks  -description "Stopping clone" -loop -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput
function removeVms($vms,$maxqueue,[switch]$silent,[switch]$checkClone){
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    $removetasks = @{}
    $total = @($vms.Keys).count
    $queuefull = $false
    write-verbose "Removevms : start"
    while($i -lt $total){

        write-verbose "Removevm $i : start"
        if($removetasks.keys.Count -le $MaxQueue){
            $queuefull = $false
            $v = @($vms.Keys)[$i]
            write-verbose "Removevm $i : queue is free"
                $vm = $vms[$v]
                if(-not $checkClone -or $vm.isclone){
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($v,"Remove vm")) {
                        write-verbose "Removevm $i : invoke remove"
                        $removetasks["$v"] = Remove-VM -VM $v -DeletePermanently -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
                    WriteWithColor -text "Aborting removing $v - not a clone - no source found" -state "Ignoring" -color yellow
                if(-not $silent){
                    WriteWithColor -text "Aborting removing clone $v" -state "Unknown vm" -color red
            if(-not $queuefull){
                WriteWithColor -text "Queue is full [$MaxQueue]" -state "Waiting" -color cyan
            $queuefull = $true
            sleep 1
        ProcessVmTasks -tasks $removetasks -description "Removing clone" -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput
    ProcessVmTasks -tasks $removetasks  -description "Removing clone" -loop -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput
function initTempTemplates($templateshash,$maxqueue){
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    # -----------------------------
    # creates datastore-local templates for rapid cloning
    # -----------------------------
    $returnhash = @{}
    $templatetasks = @{}

        $total = $templateshash.Keys.count
        $queuefull = $false
        while($i -lt $total){
            if($templatetasks.Count -le $maxqueue){
                $queuefull = $false
                $sourcevmhash = $templateshash[@($templateshash.Keys)[$i]].data
                $datastores = $templateshash[@($templateshash.Keys)[$i]].datastores

                $cDatastore = $sourcevmhash.datastore
                $cHost = $sourcevmhash.vmhost
                $cIstemplate = $sourcevmhash.istemplate

                foreach($datastore in $datastores){

                    if($datastore -eq $cDatastore){
                        WriteWithColor -text "[$datastore] is the source datastore, rapid cloning" -state "Info" -color green
                        WriteWithColor -text "[$datastore] is not the source datastore, a slow copy is needed first" -state "Info" -color yellow
                    $copyName = "{0}__{1}__{2}" -f $datastore,$sourcevmhash.name,(get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd")

                    if((vmExists -name $copyName) -and $ReuseExistingTemporaryTemplates){
                        WriteWithColor -text "Re-using existing temporary template [$copyName]" -state "Success" -color green
                        removeVms -vms @{$copyName=$copyName} -maxqueue 50 -silent -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($cHost,"Create vm $copyname")) {
                                $templatetasks[$copyName] += New-Vm -VMHost $cHost -Datastore $datastore -Template $sourcevmhash.name -Name $copyName -RunAsync
                            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($cHost,"Create vm $copyname")) {
                                $templatetasks[$copyName] += New-Vm -VMHost $cHost -Datastore $datastore -VM $sourcevmhash.name -Name $copyName -RunAsync
                if(-not $queuefull){
                    WriteWithColor -text "Template copy queue is full [$maxqueue]" -state "Waiting" -color cyan
                $queuefull = $true
                sleep 1
             # process completed tasks
             ProcessVmTasks -tasks $templatetasks -description "Create template" -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput -isTemplate -setNetworkToAuto:$setNetworkToAuto

        # process final tasks
        Write-Progress -Activity "Create template task" -Status "Done" -Completed
        ProcessVmTasks -tasks $templatetasks -description "Create template" -ignoreCustomAttributes -nooutput -isTemplate -setNetworkToAuto:$setNetworkToAuto -loop

        WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.Message -state "Error" -color red
        WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -state "Error" -color red
            removeVms -vms $returnhash -maxqueue 50 -silent -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
        Throw "Something went wrong in preparing templates"
    return $returnhash
function cloneVm($name,$vmhost,$resourcepool,$oscustomizationspec,$sourcevm,$datastore,$istemplate){
    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    $expression = "New-VM -Name $name "

        $expression += " -Template"
        $expression += " -VM"
    $expression += " $sourcevm -Datastore $datastore -RunAsync"

        $expression += " -ResourcePool $resourcepool"
        $expression += " -VMHost $vmhost"

        $expression += " -OsCustomizationSpec $oscustomizationspec"
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(("{0}{1}" -f $resourcepool,$vmhost),"Create vm $name")) {
        Write-Verbose "Invoking : $expression" 
        return Invoke-Expression -Command $expression
        return $null
function connectVcenter($vcenter,$credentials,$session){
        $VcenterServer = Connect-VIServer $vcenter -Session $session
        WriteWithColor -text "Vcenter Connection [$vcenter] (with session)" -state "Connected" -color green
        $VcenterServer = Connect-VIServer $vcenter -Credential $Credentials
        WriteWithColor -text "Vcenter Connection [$vcenter] (with credentials)" -state "Connected" -color green
        $VcenterServer = Connect-VIServer $vcenter
        WriteWithColor -text "Vcenter Connection [$vcenter] (SSO)" -state "Connected" -color green
        $global:RapidCloneVmwareSession = $session
        $global:RapidCloneVmwareSession = $VcenterServer.SessionId
function disconnectVcenter($Vcenter,$session){
    if(-not $Session){
        $out = Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -Confirm:$false
        WriteWithColor -text "Vcenter Connection [$Vcenter]" -state "Disconnected" -color green

   Rapidly clones multiple vm's by leveraging VAAI and the NetApp Nas Plugin.
   Using NetApps Nas Plugin and the vmware VAAI technology,
   vmware can leverage NetApp file cloning technology
   and thus rapidly (in seconds) clone vm's.
   This cmdlet allows you to easily clone a source vm or a source template.
   When rapid cloning is not possible (for example template not on
   then same datastore), this cmdlet will optimize the cloning process
   by distributing the source template to each datastore and then
   use rapid cloning withing the same datastore.
    New-RapidClone -Vcenter jabba.slash.local -Credentials $credentials -SourceVm centostemplate -NameTemplate "test_##" -Count 3 -StartVM -ResourcePool RP1 -NoNetappNasPluginCheck
    [Connected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]
    [Exists] Source vm [centostemplate]
    [Exists] ResourcePool is provided [RP1]
    [Validated] Name template [test_##]
    [Info] Inheriting datastore from source [r2d2-ds01]
    [Info] [r2d2-ds01] is the source datastore, rapid cloning
    [Success] Temporary template [r2d2-ds01__centostemplate__20200518]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_01 [starting with delay of 11]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_02 [starting with delay of 3]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_03 [starting with delay of 50]
    [Started] test_02
    [Started] test_01
    [Started] test_03
    [Success] Removing clone r2d2-ds01__centostemplate__20200518
    [Disconnected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]
   The output is a list objects with the clone information. Pipe it for example to convertto-csv
   and out-file to save the results in a CSV-file.

function New-RapidClone{
    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Using Credentials',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]

        # Vcenter server

        # PSCredentials, if non given, we assume the current user has direct access.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Using Credentials")]

        # An existing vmware session (instead of credentials)
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Using Session")]

        # The source vm name or template name

        # The naming convention template. Add hashtags (#) where you want auto numbering.
        # You can omit hashtags if you only deploy 1 clone

        # Number of clones to create

        # Maximum vm tasks that can run at the same time
        [int]$MaxQueue = 50,

        # Maximum vm slow copy tasks that can run at the same time
        [int]$MaxTemplateCopyQueue = 5,

        # Set networkcards to auto

        # The networkname for the first network card of the vm

        # Indicates if the clones need to be booted.
        # Booting happens in the background and a random delay is added to not boot all clones at once

        # This will not re-create temorary templates, but re-use existing ones if they exist
        # When running tests, they might gain time, as you slow copied templates can be re-used.
        # Use in combination with switch RemoveTemporaryTemplates, by setting it to $false.

        # Remove temporary template after execution
        # When running tests, you may turn these off to avoid re-copying templates
        # Use the ReuseExistingTemporaryTemplates flag to re-use them

        # The maximum random boot delay in seconds. If you create more clones, you could make this higher to spread the boot processes.

        # The script will automatically search for the last number and continue from there.
        # This switch will start from 1 instead and start filling gaps.

        # The script does a Netapp Nas Plugin check. With this flag you can omit this check
        # If you pass a resourcepool, we assume the resourcepool is on a vmware cluster and we will check every host in the cluster
        # A list of datastore over which the script should spread the clones.
        # If non are given. The datastore where the source vm lives is used.

        # The destination VMHost
        # You can also choose for a resource pool
        # If both are missing, the VMHost of the source VM is used.

        # The destination ResourcePool
        # You can also choose for a single VMHost
        # If both are missing, the VMHost of the source VM is used.

        # OSCustomizationSpec

        $customAttributesHash = @{} 
        $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

        # ----------------------------------
        # Connecting to vcenter
        # ----------------------------------
            Write-Verbose "New-RapidClone : start"
            write-verbose "Connecting to vcenter"
            connectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -Credentials $Credentials -Session $Session
            write-verbose "Connected to vcenter"
            Throw "Failed to connect to vcenter $Vcenter"
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) {
            $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference')
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) {
            $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference')


            $currentHost = ""
            $currentDatastore = ""

            # ----------------------------------
            # Checking source vm
            # ----------------------------------
            $vmhash = parseVm -vm $SourceVm
            $currentHost = $vmhash.vmhost
            $currentDatastore = $vmhash.datastore
            $sourceVmIsTemplate = $vmhash.istemplate

            # ----------------------------------
            # check vm host
            # ----------------------------------
                if(vmHostExists -name $VMHost){
                    WriteWithColor -text "VMHost is provided [$VMHost]" -state "Exists" -color green
                    Throw "The provided VMHost [$VMHost] is not found."
            # ----------------------------------
            # check resource pool
            # ----------------------------------
                if(resourcePoolExists -name $ResourcePool){
                    WriteWithColor -text "ResourcePool is provided [$ResourcePool]" -state "Exists" -color green
                    Throw "The provided ResourcePool [$ResourcePool] is not found."
            # ----------------------------------
            # fall back to template resources
            # ----------------------------------
            if(-not $VMHost -and -not $ResourcePool){
                WriteWithColor -text "Inheriting destination from source [$currentHost]" -state "Info" -color cyan
                $VMHost = $currentHost

            # ----------------------------------
            # check if Netapp Nas Plugin installed
            # ----------------------------------
            if(-not $NoNetappNasPluginCheck -and $VMHost){
                CheckPlugin -hostname $VMHost
            if(-not $NoNetappNasPluginCheck -and $ResourcePool){
                $rpHosts = GetResourcePoolHosts -resourcepool $ResourcePool
                $rpHosts | %{CheckPlugin -hostid $_}
            # ----------------------------------
            # check OSCustomizationSpec
            # ----------------------------------
                if(osCustomizationSpecExists -name $OSCustomizationSpec){
                    WriteWithColor -text "OSCustomizationSpec is provided [$OSCustomizationSpec]" -state "Exists" -color green
                    Throw "The provided OSCustomizationSpec [$OSCustomizationSpec] is not found."

            # ----------------------------------
            # Getting new free auto increment names
            # ----------------------------------
            write-verbose "Getting clone names"
            $cloneNames = @(getNewCloneNames -nametemplate $NameTemplate -count $Count -fillGaps $FillGaps)
            write-verbose "CloneNames ok"

            # ----------------------------------
            # searching and checking datastores
            # ----------------------------------
                foreach($datastore in $Datastores){
                    if(datastoreExists -name $datastore){
                        WriteWithColor -text "Datastore [$datastore]" -state "Exists" -color green
                        Throw "Datastore [$datastore] not found"

                WriteWithColor -text "Inheriting datastore from source [$currentDatastore]" -state "Info" -color cyan
                $Datastores = @($currentDatastore)

            # DATASTORE HAS A COPY
            $tempTemplates = @{}
            $templateshash = @{}
            $templateshash[$vmhash.name] = @{}
            $templateshash[$vmhash.name].data = $vmhash
            $templateshash[$vmhash.name].datastores = $Datastores
            $tempTemplates=initTempTemplates -templateshash $templateshash -maxqueue $MaxTemplateCopyQueue -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference

            # ----------------------------------
            # Start cloning
            # ----------------------------------
            $clonetasks = @{}
            $postvmjobs = @{}
            $outputhash = @{}

            # Getting custom attributes
            $customAttributes = @{}
            $customAttributes["PnC.Source"] = $vmhash.uuid
            $customAttributes["PnC.NameTemplate"] = $NameTemplate
            $customAttributes["PnC.Deployed"] = get-date
            $customAttributes["PnC.CustSpec"] = $OSCustomizationSpec
            $total = $cloneNames.count
            $queuefull = $false
            $reconfigurevm = $false

            write-verbose "Start creating clones"

            # create all clones
            while($i -lt $total){
                write-verbose "Clone $i : start"
                if($clonetasks.Keys.Count -le $MaxQueue){
                    write-verbose "Clone $i : queue is free"
                    $queuefull = $false
                    $clonename = $cloneNames[$i]
                    write-verbose "Clone $i = $clonename"
                    $pct = [int]($i/$total*100)
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Cloning" -Status "Adding $clonename" -PercentComplete $pct

                    # round robin get template & datastore
                    write-verbose "Clone $clonename : find datastore"
                    $thisdatastore = $Datastores[$roundrobin]
                    $thistemplate = @($tempTemplates.Keys) |?{([string]$_).StartsWith("{0}__" -f $thisdatastore)}
                    if($roundrobin -ge $Datastores.Count){

                    # set outputhash
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["vm"] = $clonename
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["vmhost"] = $VMHost
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["datastore"] = $thisdatastore
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["parenttemplate"] = $SourceVm
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["nametemplate"] = $NameTemplate
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["oscustomizationspec"] = $OSCustomizationSpec
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["resourcepool"] = $ResourcePool
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["customattributes"] = $customAttributes
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["datacenter"] = $vmhash.datacenter
                    $outputhash[$clonename]["cluster"] = $vmhash.cluster
                        $firstnic = @($vmhash.networkadapters.Keys) | sort-object | select -First 1
                        $outputhash[$clonename].networkchanged = $true
                        $reconfigurevm = $true

                    # invoke the clone
                    write-verbose "Clone $clonename : invoke clonetask"
                    $clonetasks["$clonename"] = cloneVm -name $clonename -vmhost $VMHost -resourcepool $ResourcePool -oscustomizationspec $OSCustomizationSpec -sourcevm $thistemplate -datastore $thisdatastore -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                    if(-not $queuefull){
                        WriteWithColor -text "Queue is full [$MaxQueue]" -state "Waiting" -color cyan
                    $queuefull = $true
                    sleep 1

                # process completed tasks
                ProcessVmTasks -tasks $clonetasks -description "Adding clone" -postvmjobs $postvmjobs -startvm:$StartVM  -outputhash $outputhash -reconfigurevm:$reconfigurevm
            # process final tasks
            write-verbose "Clonetasks : process final running tasks"
            Write-Progress -Activity "Adding clone task" -Status "Done" -Completed
            ProcessVmTasks -tasks $clonetasks -description "Adding clone" -postvmjobs $postvmjobs -startvm:$StartVM -loop  -outputhash $outputhash -reconfigurevm:$reconfigurevm
            write-verbose "Clonetasks : finished"
            WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.Message -state "Error" -color red
                WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -state "Error" -color red

            # remove templates if required

                Write-Verbose "Removing temp templates"
                removeVms -vms $tempTemplates -maxqueue $MaxQueue -silent -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                Write-Verbose "Temp templates removed"

            # disconnect
            Write-Verbose "Disconnecting vcenter"
            disconnectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -session $Session

        Write-Verbose "Write output"
        # send to output stream for further piping
        foreach($h in $outputhash.Keys){
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $outputhash[$h]
        write-verbose "Rew-RapidClone : end"

   Rapidly re-clones multiple vm-clones by leveraging VAAI and the NetApp Nas Plugin.
   Using NetApps Nas Plugin and the vmware VAAI technology,
   vmware can leverage NetApp file cloning technology
   and thus rapidly (in seconds) clone vm's.
   This cmdlet allows you to easily re-clone previously clones vm's.
   Using tags on the vm's, we remember the original template
   and re-deploy it with the same name.
   When rapid cloning is not possible (for example template not on
   then same datastore), this cmdlet will optimize the cloning process
   by distributing the source template to each datastore and then
   use rapid cloning withing the same datastore.
    Update-RapidClone -Vcenter jabba.slash.local -Credentials $credentials -StartVM -Names (get-vm test*).Name
    [Connected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]
    [Success] Stopping clone test_01
    [Success] Stopping clone test_02
    [Success] Stopping clone test_03
    [Success] Removing clone test_01
    [Success] Removing clone test_02
    [Success] Removing clone test_03
    [Exists] Source vm [centostemplate]
    [Info] [r2d2-ds01] is the source datastore, rapid cloning
    [Success] Temporary template [r2d2-ds01__centostemplate__20200518]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_01 [starting with delay of 12]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_02 [starting with delay of 34]
    [Cloned] Adding clone test_03 [starting with delay of 15]
    [Started] test_01
    [Started] test_03
    [Started] test_02
    [Success] Removing clone r2d2-ds01__centostemplate__20200518
    [Disconnected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]
   The output is a list objects with the clone information. Pipe it for example to convertto-csv
   and out-file to save the results in a CSV-file.

function Update-RapidClone{

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Using Credentials',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]

        # Vcenter server

        # PSCredentials, if non given, we assume the current user has direct access.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Using Credentials")]

        # An existing vmware session (instead of credentials)
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Using Session")]

        # Indicates if the clones need to be booted.
        # Booting happens in the background and a random delay is added to not boot all clones at once

        # Indicates if the clones need to be reconfigured to match cpu & memory of the previous clone.
        # You should also set this if you want the original UUID to be re-applied
        # Reconfiguring happens in the background and a random delay is added to not reconfigure all clones at once.

        # Maximum vm tasks can run at the same time
        [int]$MaxQueue = 50,

        # Maximum vm slow copy tasks that can run at the same time
        [int]$MaxTemplateCopyQueue = 5,


        # This will not re-create temorary templates, but re-use existing ones if they exist
        # When running tests, they might gain time, as you slow copied templates can be re-used.
        # Use in combination with switch RemoveTemporaryTemplates, by setting it to $false.

        # Remove temporary template after execution
        # When running tests, you may turn these off to avoid re-copying templates
        # Use the ReuseExistingTemporaryTemplates flag to re-use them

        # The maximum random boot delay in seconds. If you create more clones, you could make this higher to spread the boot processes.

        # An array of vm names to be re-deployed

        # A regular expression to identify swapdatastores, which need to be excluded during redeploy


        Write-Verbose "Update-RapidClone : start"

        $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

        # ----------------------------------
        # Connecting to vcenter
        # ----------------------------------
            Write-Verbose "Connecting to vcenter"
            ConnectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -Credentials $Credentials -session $Session
            Write-Verbose "Connected to vcenter"
            Throw "Failed to connect to vcenter $Vcenter"
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) {
            $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference')
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) {
            $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference')


            $postvmjobs = @{}
            $clonetasks = @{}
            $templateshash = @{}
            $vmlistbyuuid = @{}
            $vmhashlist = @{}
            $dateStamp = (get-date -Format "yyyyMMdd")

            # we analyze all passed vm's
            WriteWithColor -text "Analyzing passed vm's" -state "Info" -color cyan
            $Names | %{$vmhashlist[$_] = parseVm -vm $_ -ignoreErrors -silent -noTemplateCheck -swapDatastoreRegex $SwapDatastoreRegex}

            $tempTemplates = @{}
            $sourcevmhashes = @{}
            $outputhash = @{}

            # get a list of all vm names by uuid
            WriteWithColor -text "Making inventory of all vm's" -state "Info" -color cyan
            get-vm | %{$uuid = $_.ExtensionData.Config.InstanceUuid ; $vmlistbyuuid[$uuid]=$_.Name}
            get-template | %{$uuid = $_.ExtensionData.Config.InstanceUuid ; $vmlistbyuuid[$uuid]=$_.Name}

            # remove bad templates
            WriteWithColor -text "Checking valid source information" -state "Info" -color cyan

            $todelete = @()
            foreach($v in $vmhashlist.Keys){
                $vmhash = $vmhashlist[$v]
                if(-not $vmhash.name){
                    WriteWithColor -text ("{0} does not exist" -f $v) -state "Warning" -color yellow
                    $todelete+= $v                    
                    $parenttemplate = $vmlistbyuuid[$vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.Source"]]
                    if(-not $parenttemplate){
                        WriteWithColor ("{0} has a bad source guid" -f $v) -state "Error" -color red
                        $todelete+= $v
                    WriteWithColor -text ("{0} is not a clone - no source found" -f $v) -state "Warning" -color yellow
                    $todelete+= $v
            $todelete | %{$vmhashlist.Remove($_)} 

            # find all template-datastore combinations
            if($vmhashlist.Keys.Count -gt 0){
                foreach($v in $vmhashlist.Keys){
                    $vmhash = $vmhashlist[$v]
                    $parenttemplate = $vmlistbyuuid[$vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.Source"]]
                    $datastore = $vmhash.datastore

                    if(-not $templateshash.ContainsKey($parenttemplate)){
                        WriteWithColor -text "Found template $parenttemplate" -state "Info" -color cyan
                        $templateshash[$parenttemplate] = @{}
                        $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["data"] = parseVm -vm $parenttemplate -swapDatastoreRegex $SwapDatastoreRegex
                        $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["datastores"] = @()

                    if($datastore -notin $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["datastores"]){
                        WriteWithColor -text "Found Datastore $datastore" -state "Info" -color cyan
                        $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["datastores"] += $datastore


                Write-Verbose "Initializing temp templates"
                # prep all template-datastore combinations for rapid cloning
                $tempTemplates=initTempTemplates -templateshash $templateshash -maxqueue $MaxTemplateCopyQueue -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                Write-Verbose "Temp templates initialized"

                # remove the old clones
                Write-Verbose "Stop vms"
                stopVms -vms $vmhashlist -maxqueue $MaxQueue -checkClone -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                Write-Verbose "Removed vms"
                removeVms -vms $vmhashlist -maxqueue $MaxQueue -checkClone -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference

                Write-Verbose "Start processing recreation"
                # we loop the list of
                $total = $vmhashlist.Keys.count
                $queuefull = $false
                while($i -lt $total){

                    Write-Verbose "Clone $i : start"
                    if($clonetasks.Keys.Count -le $MaxQueue){

                        Write-Verbose "Clone $i : queue is free"
                            $queuefull = $false
                            $vmhash = $vmhashlist[@($vmhashlist.Keys)[$i]]
                            $vmname = $vmhash.name

                            Write-Verbose "Clone $i = $vmname"

                            # progress bar
                            $pct = [int]($i/$total*100)
                            Write-Progress -Activity "Cloning" -Status "Adding $vmname" -PercentComplete $pct

                            # collect information from vm
                            $vmhost = $vmhash.vmhost
                            $datastore = $vmhash.datastore
                            $vmuuid = $vmhash.vmuuid
                            $parentuuid = $vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.Source"]
                            $parenttemplate = $vmlistbyuuid[$parentuuid]
                            $parentuuid = $vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.Source"]
                            $nametemplate = $vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.NameTemplate"]
                            $oscustomizationspec = $vmhash.customAttributes["PnC.CustSpec"]
                            $resourcepool = $vmhash.resourcepool
                            $nics = $vmhash.networkadapters
                            $templateName = "{0}__{1}__{2}" -f $datastore,$parenttemplate,$dateStamp
                            # set output data
                            $outputhash[$vmname] = @{}
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["vm"] = $vmname
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["vmhost"] = $vmhost
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["uuid"] = $vmuuid
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["parentuuid"] = $parentuuid
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["datastore"] = $datastore
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["parenttemplate"] = $parenttemplate
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["nametemplate"] = $nametemplate
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["oscustomizationspec"] = $oscustomizationspec
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["resourcepool"] = $resourcepool
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["resources"] = $vmhash["resources"]
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["networkadapters"] = $vmhash["networkadapters"]
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["datacenter"] = $vmhash.datacenter
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["cluster"] = $vmhash.cluster
                            $outputhash[$vmname].resourcechanged = $false
                            if(Compare-Hashtable $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["data"]["resources"] $vmhash["resources"]){
                                WriteWithColor -text ("$vmname has different resources [{0}MB][{1}cpu][{2}cores]" -f $memoryMb,$numCpu,$coresPerSocket) -state "Info" -color cyan
                                $outputhash[$vmname].resourcechanged = $true
                            if(Compare-Hashtable $templateshash[$parenttemplate]["data"]["networkadapters"] $vmhash["networkadapters"]){
                                WriteWithColor -text "$vmname has different networkconfig" -state "Info" -color cyan
                                $outputhash[$vmname].networkchanged = $true

                            $outputhash[$vmname]["state"] = "failed"
                            # Getting custom attributes
                            $customAttributes = $vmhash.customAttributes
                            $customAttributes["PnC.Deployed"] = get-date
                            $outputhash[$vmname]["customattributes"] = $customAttributes

                            # quick check if the vm is compliant to this script, we expect certain custom attributes
                            # - PnC.Source => guid of source template
                            # - PnC.CustSpec => custom os specifications
                            # - PnC.NameTemplate => the name template (not important, but we keep it for future)
                            # - PnC.Deployed => date of last cloning
                            if(-not $parenttemplate){
                                WriteWithColor -text "$vmname is missing the custom attribute `"PnC.Source`"" -state "Warning" -color yellow

                            Write-Verbose "Clone $vmname : invoke clone"
                            # redeploy the clones
                                $clonetasks[$vmname] = clonevm -name $vmname -vmhost $vmhost -resourcepool $resourcepool -oscustomizationspec $oscustomizationspec -sourcevm $templateName -datastore $datastore -istemplate $templateshash[$parenttemplate].data.istemplate -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                                WriteWithColor -text ("Failed to create clone $vmname. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -state "Error" -color red

                            WriteWithColor -text ("Unexpected error during preparation of clone $vmname. {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message) -state "Error" -color red
                        if(-not $queuefull){
                            WriteWithColor -text "Queue is full [$MaxQueue]" -state "Waiting" -color cyan
                        $queuefull = $true
                        sleep 1
                    # check if tasks have completed
                    Write-Verbose "Start processing clonetasks"
                    ProcessVmTasks -tasks $clonetasks -description "Adding clone" -postvmjobs $postvmjobs -startvm:$StartVM -reconfigurevm:$ReconfigureVm -outputhash $outputhash


            Write-Verbose "Process final clonetasks"
            # finalize tasks
            Write-Progress -Activity "Adding clone task" -Status "Done" -Completed
            ProcessVmTasks -tasks $clonetasks -description "Adding clone" -postvmjobs $postvmjobs -startvm:$StartVM -reconfigurevm:$ReconfigureVm -loop -outputhash $outputhash
            Write-Verbose "All tasks are processed"        
            WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.Message -state "Error" -color red
                WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -state "Error" -color red

            # remove templates if required
                Write-Verbose "Removing temp templates"
                removeVms -vms $tempTemplates -maxqueue $MaxQueue -silent -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
                Write-Verbose "Temp templates removed"

            # disconnect
            Write-Verbose "Disconnecting vcenter"
            disconnectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -session $Session

        Write-Verbose "Write output"
        # send to output stream for further piping
        foreach($h in $outputhash.Keys){
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $outputhash[$h]

   Rapidly removes multiple vm's.
   This cmdlet is dangerous. It rapidly stops and remove vm's in bulk.
    Remove-RapidClone -Vcenter jabba.slash.local -Credentials $credentials -Names (get-vm test*).name -Force
    [Connected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]
    [Success] Stopping clone test_01
    [Success] Stopping clone test_02
    [Success] Stopping clone test_03
    [Success] Removing clone test_01
    [Success] Removing clone test_02
    [Success] Removing clone test_03
    [Disconnected] Vcenter Connection [jabba.slash.local]

function Remove-RapidClone{

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Using Credentials',
                   SupportsShouldProcess = $true,

        # Vcenter server

        # PSCredentials, if non given, we assume the current user has direct access.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName="Using Credentials")]

        # An existing vmware session (instead of credentials)
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="Using Session")]

        # An array of vm names to be removed

        # Maximum vm tasks can run at the same time
        [int]$MaxQueue = 50


        # START CODE
        $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

        # ----------------------------------
        # Connecting to vcenter
        # ----------------------------------
            ConnectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -Credentials $Credentials -session $Session
            WriteWithColor -text "Vcenter Connection [$Vcenter]" -state "Connected" -color green
            Throw "Failed to connect to vcenter $Vcenter"
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) {
            $ConfirmPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('ConfirmPreference')
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WhatIf')) {
            $WhatIfPreference = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('WhatIfPreference')


            # REMOVE ACTION

            $vmhashlist = @{}

            WriteWithColor -text "Analyzing passed vm's" -state "Info" -color cyan
            $Names | %{$vmhashlist[$_] = parseVm -vm $_ -ignoreErrors -silent -noTemplateCheck}

            $todelete = @()
            foreach($v in $vmhashlist.Keys){
                $vmhash = $vmhashlist[$v]
                if(-not $vmhash.name){
                    WriteWithColor -text ("{0} does not exist" -f $v) -state "Warning" -color yellow
                    $todelete+= $v                    
                }elseif(-not $vmhash.isclone){
                    WriteWithColor -text ("{0} is not a clone - no source found" -f $v) -state "Warning" -color yellow
                    $todelete+= $v
            $todelete | %{$vmhashlist.Remove($_)} 

            stopVms -vms $vmhashlist -maxqueue $MaxQueue -checkClone -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
            removeVms -vms $vmhashlist -maxqueue $MaxQueue -checkClone -whatif:$WhatIfPreference -confirm:$ConfirmPreference
            WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.Message -state "Error" -color red
                WriteWithColor -text $_.Exception.InnerException.Message -state "Error" -color red

            # disconnect
            disconnectVcenter -Vcenter $Vcenter -session $Session

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-RapidClone
Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-RapidClone
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-RapidClone