
.GUID fa3d2cfd-5aac-49e8-b4ea-3b036396f63e
.AUTHOR Philip Haglund
.TAGS Clipboard Paste
.DESCRIPTION Contains a function used to paste an array of objects from the Windows Clipboard to an script variable.

function Read-ClipboardArray
        Function used to paste an array of objects from the Windows Clipboard.
        Function used to paste an array of objects from the Windows Clipboard to an script variable.
        Default the function will set every object as a string. Using the parameter DataType can specifiy what every object should be tried to be converted to.
        The order for the data type convertion is [System.DateTime], [System.Int32], [System.Int64], [System.Boolean], [System.String].
        No.[0]: Some data
        No.[1]: to
        No.[2]: paste
        No.[3]: into
        No.[4]: the function
        Empty line will close the loop from importing anything more.
        The input to will be saved to the variable ClipboardArray.
        Each item in the array will be of the data type [System.String].
        Read-ClipBoardArray -DataType Int32
        No.[0]: Some data
        No.[1]: 20170101
        No.[2]: 123
        No.[3]: into
        No.[4]: 876 function
        Empty line will close the loop from importing anything more.
        The input to will be saved to the variable ClipboardArray.
        This example will try to convert every object in the array to an System.Int32. If its not possible it will default back to System.String.
        Array object 2 is the only one that will be converted to a System.Int32 datatype.
        Read-ClipBoardArray -DataType All
        No.[0]: Some data
        No.[1]: 2017-01-01
        No.[2]: 2147483647
        No.[3]: 2147483648
        No.[4]: TRUE
        Empty line will close the loop from importing anything more.
        The input to will be saved to the variable ClipboardArray.
        This example will try to convert every object in the array to all avaiable data types. If its not possible it will default back to System.String.
        The order for the data type convertion is [System.DateTime], [System.Int32], [System.Int64], [System.Boolean], [System.String].
        Array object 0 is a String, object 1 is a DateTime, object 2 is a Int32, object 3 is a Int64 and object 4 is a Boolean.
        Read-ClipBoardArray -EndChar '?'
        No.[0]: Some data
        No.[1]: 2017-01-01
        No.[2]: 2147483647
        No.[3]: 2147483648
        No.[4]: TRUE
        No.[6]: ?
        The questionmark will close the loop from importing anything more.
        The input to will be saved to the variable ClipboardArray.
        This example will not convert any objects in the array, all objects default to System.String.
        The EndChar parameter can be used when the input contains empty rows.
        Read-ClipBoardArray -EndChar '!' -DataType All
        No.[0]: Some data
        No.[1]: 2017-01-01
        No.[2]: 2147483647
        No.[3]: 2147483648
        No.[4]: TRUE
        No.[6]: !
        $ClipboardArray | foreach {$_.Gettype()}
        IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
        -------- -------- ---- --------
        True True String System.Object
        True True DateTime System.ValueType
        True True Int32 System.ValueType
        True True Int64 System.ValueType
        True True Boolean System.ValueType
        True True String System.Object
        The exlamationmark will close the loop from importing anything more.
        The input to will be saved to the variable ClipboardArray.
        This example will try to convert every object in the array to all avaiable data types. If its not possible it will default back to System.String.
        The order for the data type convertion is [System.DateTime], [System.Int32], [System.Int64], [System.Boolean], [System.String].
        Array object 0 is a String, object 1 is a DateTime, object 2 is a Int32, object 3 is a Int64, object 4 is a Boolean and object 5 is a String.
        The EndChar parameter can be used when the input contains empty rows.
        Created on: 2017-04-16 21:59
        Created by: Philip Haglund
        Filename: Read-ClipboardArray.ps1
        Requirements: Powershell 3.0
    HelpUri = '',
    PositionalBinding = $false,
    DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default'
param (
        ParameterSetName = 'Default'
    [ValidateSet('All', 'DateTime', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Boolean', 'String')]
    [string[]]$DataType = 'String',

        ParameterSetName = 'Default'
    [string]$EndChar = ''

        if (($DataType = $DataType | Sort-Object -Unique).Count -gt 5 -or $DataType -eq 'All')
            [string]$DataType = 'All'

        New-Variable -Name ClipboardArray -Value @() -Scope Script -Force -Description 'Variable created from Read-ClipboardArray.'
        [uint32]$n = 0

        function Convert-Object
                Simple inline function to convert strings to other object types.

            [OutputType('System.String', 'System.DateTime', 'System.Int32', 'System.Int64', 'System.Boolean')]
            param (
                    ValueFromPipeline = $true
                switch ($DataType)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,$DataType)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,$DataType)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,$DataType)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,$DataType)
                            Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,'DateTime')
                                Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,'Int32')
                                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,'Int64')
                                        Write-Verbose -Message ('Trying to convert {0} to {1}' -f $InputObject,'Boolean')

            $Input = (Read-Host -Prompt "No.[$($n)]")
            if ($Input -ne $EndChar) 
                $script:ClipboardArray += $Input | Convert-Object
        until ($Input -eq $EndChar)
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Enter $ClipboardArray to access the pasted array objects'