
    Offers the user options to select from and loops until they select a valid response.
    Simple E.g.: $Choice = Read-ValidInput -prompt "Continue?" -ValidInputs "y*","n*"
    Prompts the user for input, and runs each of your valid inputs against it. If any match, returns the user's input
    Options for retry limits, colours and wildcards
        proceed? (y/n): a
        Invalid input.
        proceed? (y/n): yes
        <passes back "yes">
.parameter Prompt
    The instruction to the user
    E.g. input: "proceed?"
.parameter ValidInputs
    An array of strings - the valid things a user can type.
    If you put wildcards (*) here they will be respected and used, but not shown to the user
    Is shown to the user
    E.g. input: @(y*,n*)
    If getting this from a hashtable, or something with columns, only pass through a single column (using .ColumnName)
        E.g. $FolderContents = get-childitem
             Read-ValidInput -Prompt "Select the folder" -ValidInputs $FolderContents.Name
.parameter MaxRetries
    How many times the user will be reprompted. Inclusive of the last try but not the first
    -1 to retry forever
    E.g. input: 3
        results in an initial prompt, and then 3 prompts after that before exiting
.parameter ForegroundColor
    Same as write-host - text colour
    E.g. input: Cyan
.parameter BackgroundColor
    Same as write-host - text background colour
    E.g. input: Black
.parameter Commas
    Whether to separate the options shown to the user with commas (and spaces) instead of slashes
    Without this switch it's slashes
    E.g. input: just specify it, its a switch.
.parameter FormatWide
    For use with a large number of items.
    If specified, this shows the options in a more separate, wider neater list
.parameter CaseSensitive
    Whether to only match input with the right case as well
    Without this switch its case insensitive
    E.g. input: just specify it, its a switch
    Author: Ben Renninson

function Read-ValidInput
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$MaxRetries = -1,

    #No errors in this are worth continuing past
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    #Prep the colour parameters. We'll only pass them if they've been set
    $ColorParameters = @{}
    if ($ForegroundColor) {$ColorParameters.add("ForegroundColor",$ForegroundColor)}
    if ($BackgroundColor) {$ColorParameters.add("BackgroundColor",$BackgroundColor)}

    #Prepare the options to show to the user. Hide * wildcards
    if ($Commas) {$JoinWith = ", "} else {$JoinWith = "/"}
    $OptionsString = $ValidInputs -join $JoinWith
    $OptionsString = $OptionsString.Replace("*","")

    #Start prompting after getting some variables ready to check
    $FoundMatch = $false
    $RetryCount = 0
    #do/while runs at least once and checks at the end
        #Notify if they've incorrectly entered and we're retrying
        if ($RetryCount -gt 0)
            write-host #formatting. Separate retries

            write-host "Invalid input. " -NoNewline @ColorParameters
            #Different selection nudge based on formatting type
            if ($FormatWide)
                write-host "Enter a valid option from the list." @ColorParameters
                write-host "Enter a valid option from within the brackets." @ColorParameters

        #The actual prompt
        if ($FormatWide) #wide formatting of options
            #Prompt at the top to explain
            write-host "${Prompt}" -NoNewline @ColorParameters

            #Show the options. The last two pipes are for the colors
            $ValidInputs | format-wide {$_} -AutoSize -Force | out-string | write-host -NoNewline @ColorParameters

            #If it exists, mention the instruction underneath (where they'll be looking) again as well
            if ($RetryCount -gt 0)
                write-host "Invalid input. Enter a valid option from the list." @ColorParameters

            #Duplicate to where they'll be looking
            write-host "${Prompt}:" -NoNewline @ColorParameters
            #${VariableName} instead of $VariableName is magic and explicity states the end of the variable name so you can type right after it
            write-host "${Prompt} (${OptionsString}):" -NoNewline @ColorParameters

        #Get the input
        $Input = Read-Host

        #Check each validinput against the input for a match
        foreach ($Entry in $ValidInputs)
            if ($CaseSensitive) #match, case sensitive
                if ($Input -clike $Entry)
                    #Found a match, stop checking
                    $FoundMatch = $true
            else #match, case insensitive
                if ($Input -like $Entry)
                    #Found a match, stop checking
                    $FoundMatch = $true
    #Only reprompt if we haven't found a match, and if the next run will be within the retry count
    #++ before the variable increments the $RetryCount count here within the check, before using it
    #Finally, don't worry about the count if it's -1 (loop forever)
        (!$FoundMatch) -and 
            (++$RetryCount -le $MaxRetries) -or
            ($MaxRetries -eq -1)

    #Finally return the input if we found a match at all
    if ($FoundMatch) {$Input}
