
Function Test-ExchangeOnlineLogin {
   Tests connectivity to Exchange Online.
    Tests connectivity to Exchange Online. If requested, the function will also attempt to import the module and connect to the server.
    File Name : SDT-Commons.ps1
    Author : Jesse Newall ( / Mark J. Gunnett (
    Prerequisite : PowerShell V5
    Copyright 2018 - DB Schenker
    Last Edited: 12/12/2018 @ 18:25:59
    Tests whether the exchange online console is connected.
    Test-ExchangeOnlineLogin -Connect
    Tests whether the exchange online console is connected. If it's not connected, it attempts to import the module and connect.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $checkEXOPSSession = Get-PSSession
    # If ExOPssesion is running, ignore module import. If not, import module.
    if ($checkEXOPSSession.state -eq "Opened" -and $checkEXOPSSession.configurationname -eq "Microsoft.Exchange") {
        Write-Verbose "Exchange Online Powershell already running. No need to reconnect."
        return $true
    # If requested to connect, execute module import and connect.
    if ($Connect) {
        Write-Warning "Not connected to Exchange Online Powershell... please sign in to complete authentication and import module."
        $PSExoPowershellModuleRoot = (Get-ChildItem -Path $env:userprofile -Filter CreateExoPSSession.ps1 -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-Object -Last 1).DirectoryName
        $ExoPowershellModule = "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ExoPowershellModule.dll";
        $ModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSExoPowershellModuleRoot -ChildPath $ExoPowershellModule
        Write-Debug "Checking Module Path for ExO Module: $ModulePath"
        if (-not (Test-Path $ModulePath)) {
            $Error_Missing_Module = "Exchange Online Powershell Module is missing. Please refer to the Exchange Online Powershell with MFA Documentation. {0}"
            $Error_Module_URL = ""
            Throw ($Error_Missing_Module -f $Error_Module_URL)
        Import-Module $ModulePath
        Write-Verbose "Module imported successfully."
        try {
            $Office365PSSession = New-ExoPSSession -ConnectionUri ""
            Import-PSSession $Office365PSSession
        catch {
            $Error_Login_Canceled = "Exception of type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException' was thrown."
            if ($_ -like $Error_Login_Canceled) {
                Write-Verbose "User canceled login, returning false for connectivity status."
                return $false
            else {
                Write-Debug "Unknown error thrown. Passing up the chain."
        return $true
    else {
        return $false