
function Import-ReBreakingChange {
        Imports a set of Breaking Change configurations from file.
        Imports a set of Breaking Change configurations from file.
        Expects a PowerShell Document File (.psd1)
        Example layout of import file:
            MyModule = @{
                '2.0.0' = @{
                    'Get-Something' = @{
                        Description = 'Command was fully redesigned'
                    'Get-SomethingElse' = @{
                        Parameters @{
                            Param1 = 'Parameter was dropped'
                            Param2 = 'Accepts string only now and will not try to parse custom objects anymore'
                            Param3 = 'Was renamed to Param4'
                        Labels = @('primary')
        Path to the file(s) to import.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom!
        Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.
        PS C:\> Import-ReBreakingChange -Path .\mymodule.break.psd1
        Imports the mymodule.break.psd1

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.File')]


    process {
        foreach ($file in $Path | Resolve-PSFPath) {
            $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $file

            foreach ($module in $dataSet.Keys) {
                foreach ($version in $dataSet.$module.Keys) {
                    if (-not ($version -as [version])) {
                        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Invalid Version node $($version) for module $($module). Ensure it is a valid version number, prerelease version notations are not supported!" -EnableException $EnableException -Continue -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
                    foreach ($command in $dataSet.$module.$version.Keys) {
                        $commandData = $dataSet.$module.$version.$command

                        $param = @{
                            Module = $module
                            Version = $version
                            Command = $command
                        if ($commandData.Description) { $param.Description = $commandData.Description }
                        if ($commandData.Parameters) { $param.Parameters = $commandData.Parameters }
                        if ($commandData.Tags) { $param.Tags = $commandData.Tags }
                        Register-ReBreakingChange @param