
function Import-ReTokenTransformationSet {
        Imports a token transformation file.
        Imports a token transformation file.
        Can be either json or psd1 format
        Root level must contain at least three nodes:
        + Version: The schema version of this file. Should be 1
        + Type: The type of token being transformed. E.g.: "Command"
        + Content: A hashtable containing the actual sets of transformation. The properties required depend on the Token Provider.
            Version = 1
            Type = 'Command'
            Content = @{
                "Get-AzureADUser" = @{
                    Name = "Get-AzureADUser"
                    NewName = "Get-MgUser"
                    Comment = "Filter and search parameters cannot be mapped straight, may require manual attention"
                    Parameters = @{
                        Search = "Filter" # Rename Search on "Get-AzureADUser" to "Filter" on "Get-MgUser"
        Path to the file to import.
        Must be json or psd1 format
        PS C:\> Import-ReTokenTransformationSet -Path .\azureAD-to-graph.psd1
        Imports all the transformationsets stored in "azureAD-to-graph.psd1" in the current folder.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    begin {
        function Import-TransformV1 {
            param (


            $msgDefault = @{
                Level = "Warning"
                FunctionName = 'Import-ReTokenTransformationSet'
                PSCmdlet = $PSCmdlet
                StringValues = $Path

            $defaultType = $Data.Type
            $contentHash = $Data.Content | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
            foreach ($entry in $contentHash.Values) {
                $entryHash = $entry | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
                if ($defaultType -and -not $entryHash.Type) {
                    $entryHash.Type = $defaultType
                if (-not $entryHash.Type) {
                    Write-PSFMessage @msgDefault -Message "Invalid entry within file - No Type defined: {0}" -Target $entryHash

                try { Register-ReTokenTransformation @entryHash -ErrorAction Stop }
                catch {
                    Write-PSFMessage @msgDefault -Message "Error processing entry within file: {0}" -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $entryHash
    process {
        :main foreach ($filePath in $Path | Resolve-PSFPath -Provider FileSystem) {
            if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $filePath -PathType Container) { continue }

            $fileInfo = Get-Item -LiteralPath $filePath
            $data = switch ($fileInfo.Extension) {
                '.json' {
                    Get-Content -LiteralPath $fileInfo.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
                '.psd1' {
                    Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $fileInfo.FullName
                default {
                    $exception = [System.ArgumentException]::new("Unknown file extension: $($fileInfo.Extension)")
                    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error importing $($fileInfo.FullName): Unknown file extension: $($fileInfo.Extension)" -Level Error -Exception $exception -EnableException $true -Target $fileInfo -OverrideExceptionMessage
                    continue main

            switch ("$($data.Version)") {
                "1" { Import-TransformV1 -Data $data -Path $fileInfo.FullName }
                default {
                    $exception = [System.ArgumentException]::new("Unknown schema version: $($data.Version)")
                    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error importing $($fileInfo.FullName): Unknown schema version: $($data.Version)" -Level Error -Exception $exception -EnableException $true -Target $fileInfo -OverrideExceptionMessage
                    continue main