
[hashtable]$CacheAllCompletions = @{}
[hashtable]$CacheCommands = @{}

  Convert to hashtable format.
  Recursive conversion of data to hashtable format. hashtable values will be converted to hashtable.
   @{arg1 = "arg1_1"} -> @{arg1 = @{arg1_1 = ""}}
.PARAMETER InputObject
  Input data, support for basic data types
  ConvertTo-Hash "arg"
  Convert string to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash 100
  Convert number to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash "['hello','world']"
  Convert Javascript array to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash "[{arg: {arg_1: 'arg_1_1'}}]"
  Convert Javascript array object to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash "[{arg: {arg_1: {arg_1_1: ['arg_1_1_1', 'arg_1_1_2']}}}]"
  Convert Javascript nested array object to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash "[100, 'hello', {arg1: 'arg1_1'}, ['arg2', 'arg3']]"
  Convert Javascript array to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash @("arg1", "arg2")
  Convert array to hashtable format
  ConvertTo-Hash @("arg1", @{arg2 = "arg2_1"; arg3 = @("arg3_1", "arg3_2")})
  Convert nested array to hashtable format
  @("arg1", "arg2") | ConvertTo-Hash
  Convert array to hashtable format by pipeline input

function ConvertTo-Hash {

  if (!$InputObject) {
    return ""

  [hashtable]$hash = @{}
  $inputType = $InputObject.getType()

  if ($inputType -eq [hashtable]) {
    $InputObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { $hash[$_] = ConvertTo-Hash $InputObject[$_] }
  elseif ($inputType -eq [Object[]]) {
    $InputObject | ForEach-Object { $hash += ConvertTo-Hash $_ }
  else {
    try {
      $json = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $InputObject -AsHashtable
      if ($json.getType() -in [hashtable],[Object[]]) {
        $hash = ConvertTo-Hash $json
      else {
        $hash.Add($json, "")
    catch {
      $hash.Add($InputObject, "")
  return $hash

  Get the completion keys.
  According to the input word and data, return the corresponding command keys.
  it usually used in the cmdlet `Register-ArgumentCompleter`, when provide datasets, it will return the right completion keys.
  The input word. From `$wordToComplete`
  The input data. From `$commandAst`
  The datasets, support basic data types.
  Get-CompletionKeys "" "case" "hello","world"
  Returns `hello` and `world`
  Get-CompletionKeys "h" "case h" "hello","world"
  Returns `hello`
  Get-CompletionKeys "" "case h" "hello","world"
  Returns None.

function Get-CompletionKeys {
  Param([string]$Word, $Ast, $HashList)

  if (!$HashList) {
    return @()

  $arr = $Ast.ToString().Split().ToLower() | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ }

  # Empty, need to return children completion keys
  if (!$Word) {
    [string]$key = ($arr -join ".").trim(".")
    $keyLevel = $arr
  # Character, need to return sibling completion keys
  else {
    [string]$key = (($arr | Select-Object -SkipLast 1) -join ".").trim(".")
    $keyLevel = $key | ForEach-Object { $_.split(".") }

  if (!$CacheAllCompletions.ContainsKey($key)) {
    $map = ConvertTo-Hash $HashList
    $prefix = ""
    $keyLevel | ForEach-Object {
      if ($prefix) {
        $map = $map[$_]
        $prefix = "$prefix.$($_)"
      else {
        $prefix = $_
      if (!$CacheAllCompletions.ContainsKey($prefix)) {
        $CacheAllCompletions[$prefix] = $map.Keys

  $CacheAllCompletions[$key] |
  Where-Object { $_ -Like "*$Word*" } |
  Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = { $_.ToString().StartsWith($Word) }; Descending = $true }, @{Expression = { $_.ToString().indexOf($Word) }; Descending = $false }, @{Expression = { $_ }; Descending = $false }

function Remove-Completion {

  $CacheAllCompletions.Clone().Keys |
    Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("$Command.") -or ($_ -eq $Command) } |
    ForEach-Object { $CacheAllCompletions.Remove($_) }

  Register a completion.
  Register a completion. provide the command name and the completion datasets. when type the command name, and press `Tab`, it will show the completion keys.
  The command name.
  The datasets, support basic data types.
  Enable replaced the existing completion. default is false.
  New-Completion demo "hello","world"
  Register a completion with command name `demo` and datasets `hello`、`world`.
  Press `demo <Tab>` will get `demo hello`
  New-Completion demo "100" -Force
  Replace the existing completion with command name `demo` and datasets `100`.
  Press `demo <Tab>` will get `demo 100`

function New-Completion {
    [switch]$Force = $false

  if ($CacheCommands.ContainsKey($Command)) {
    if ($Force) {
      Remove-Completion $Command
    else {
  $CacheCommands.Add($Command, $HashList)

  Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName $Command -ScriptBlock {
    param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
    [Console]::InputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = $OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Utf8Encoding]::new()

    $cmd = $commandAst.CommandElements[0].Value
    $cmdHashList = $CacheCommands[$cmd]

    if ($null -ne $cmdHashList) {
      Get-CompletionKeys $wordToComplete $commandAst $cmdHashList |
      ForEach-Object { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_) }