
.VERSION 0.0.1
.AUTHOR Roman Kuzmin
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2011-2017 Roman Kuzmin
.TAGS Invoke, Task, Invoke-Build, VSCode
.GUID 025392f2-b15a-453c-8715-dc989cbc32bc

    Registers Invoke-Build tasks as VSCode tasks.
    The script calls Register-EditorTask for tasks of the default or specified
    build script. It is supposed to be called from a VSCode profile.
    Only tasks with certain names are included. They contain alphanumeric
    characters, "_", ".", and "-", with the first character other than "-".
.Parameter BuildFile
        Specifies the build script path, absolute or relative. By default it is
        the default script in the current location, i.e. in the workspace root.
.Parameter InvokeBuild
        Specifies the Invoke-Build.ps1 path, absolute or relative. The default
        is "Invoke-Build", either the script in the path or the module command.
    > Register-VSCodeTask
    This command registers tasks of the default build script.

    [string]$InvokeBuild = 'Invoke-Build'

trap {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)}
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Invoke-Build part for commands
$InvokeBuild2 = if ($InvokeBuild -eq 'Invoke-Build') {
else {
    "& '{0}'" -f $InvokeBuild.Replace('\', '/').Replace("'", "''")

# get all tasks
$all = & $InvokeBuild ?? -File $BuildFile

# register tasks
$BuildFile2 = if ($BuildFile) {" -File '{0}'" -f $BuildFile.Replace('\', '/').Replace("'", "''")} else {''}
foreach ($task in $all.Values) {
    $name = $task.Name
    if ($name -match '[^\w\.\-]|^-') {
    $Command = '{0} -Task {1}{2}' -f $InvokeBuild2, $name, $BuildFile2
    Register-EditorTask -Name $name -Source Invoke-Build -Command $Command