
        A report portal step.
        This DSL keyword will invoke the real test step, specified in the $Test
        script block. The test step supports the same parameter as a Pester It
        block, because internally we call the Pester It block to invoke the

function Step
        # Name of the test step.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        # Test definition.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        $Test = {},

        # Optionally use test cases.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Tags used as attributes.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Tag = @(),

        # Test is pending.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Test is skipped.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    # Invoke the test without the report portal, only native Pester.
    if ($null -ne $Script:RPContext -and $Script:RPContext.Mode -eq 'None')
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Tag') | Out-Null
        if ($Pending.IsPresent -and $Skip.IsPresent)
            $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Pending') | Out-Null
        Pester\It @PSBoundParameters

    # Quit the function if not part of a suite.
    if ($null -eq $Script:RPContext -or
        $null -eq $Script:RPContext.Launch -or
        $null -eq $Script:RPContext.Suite -or
        $null -eq $Script:RPContext.Tests -or
        $Script:RPContext.Tests.Count -eq 0)
        throw 'Step block must be placed within a Test block!'

    # Recursive call if we use test cases and have more than one case. If this
    # is true, we will remote the TestCases from the bound parameters and call
    # the Step function recursively, once for each test case. With this, we
    # simply have one test per Step to run and we can leverage the test suite
    # implementation of Pester.
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TestCases') -and $TestCases.Count -gt 1)
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('TestCases') | Out-Null

        foreach ($testCase in $TestCases)
            Step @PSBoundParameters -TestCases $testCase


        # Sum up tags
        $Tag += $Script:RPContext.Suite.Attributes
        $Tag += $Script:RPContext.Tests.Attributes
        $Tag = $Tag | Select-Object -Unique

        # # We can't start the report portal step because we don't know the
        # # name of the test step yet, if we use test cases. That's why we
        # # store the time before we invoke the Pester block.
        # $startTime = (Get-Date)

        # Now call the Pester It block, but without the tag parameter. This
        # block won't throw any exceptions, because they are handled inside the
        # Pester block. This is why we have to access the internal Pester
        # varialbe to get and log the exception to the report portal in the
        # finally block.
        $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Tag') | Out-Null
        if ($Pending.IsPresent -and $Skip.IsPresent)
            $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Pending') | Out-Null
        Pester\It @PSBoundParameters

        # After invoking the It block of Pester, get the result from the
        # internal state variable.
        $pesterTestResult = (& (Get-Module 'Pester') Get-Variable -Name 'Pester' -ValueOnly).CurrentTestGroup.Actions[-1]

        # Write-Host ('{0} => {1}' -f $pesterTestResult.Context, $pesterTestResult.Name)

            $step = Start-RPTestItem -Launch $Script:RPContext.Launch -Parent $Script:RPContext.Tests.Peek() -Type 'Step' -Name $pesterTestResult.Name -Attribute $Tag


                Write-RPDslVerbose -Context $Script:RPContext -Message 'Start'

                # For each test, we add the definition of the It block to the
                # report portal log, so that we easy can troubleshoot the
                # errors.
                Add-RPLog -TestItem $step -Level 'Debug' -Message (Format-RPDslItBlock -Name $pesterTestResult.Name -Test $Test)

                # If the test fails, add this error as log entry to the test step.
                if ($pesterTestResult.Result -eq 'Failed')
                    Add-RPLog -TestItem $step -Level 'Error' -Message ("{0}`n{1}" -f $pesterTestResult.FailureMessage, $pesterTestResult.StackTrace)

                if (Test-RPDslSupression -Context $Script:RPContext)
                    $status = 'Skipped'
                    # Set the status of the test. This is derived from the
                    # Pester result status into a report portal result status.
                    switch ($pesterTestResult.Result)
                        'Passed'  { $status = 'Passed' }
                        'Failed'  { $status = 'Failed' }
                        'Skipped' { $status = 'Skipped' }
                        'Pending' { $status = 'Skipped' }
                        default   { $status = 'Failed' }
                Write-RPDslVerbose -Context $Script:RPContext -Message 'Stop'

                $Script:RPContext.Tests.Pop() | Out-Null
            if ($null -ne $step)
                # If status has not been set, fix it
                if ($null -eq $status)
                    $status = 'Failed'

                Stop-RPTestItem -TestItem $step -Status $status
        Add-RPDslErrorStep -Context $Script:RPContext -ErrorRecord $_